My daily diary game

in Steem For Pakistanlast month (edited)

Asalamualikum my name is saima qasim from pakistan. My steemit friends I hope you are doing well by the grace of almighty Allah I am fine by the grace of almighty ALLAH and hope same for all the community members

I start my dairy with beautiful and refreshing picture of flower bloom in my home terrace in a small pot.


I woke up in the morning around about 5:00 a.m. first of all I prayed Namaz -e- fajar and recite Quran-e-Pak for almost twenty five minutes and tasbeehat, after that i had done some walk in home then did some cycling in machine in home, after all of that I did some simple exercise in home by the help of some youtube tutorial exercise videos.


After doing all of these exercise the time was 6:30 my daughter had to go school. She was very exicted for going to school but she was litte bit sad because she can't meet with them for 2 months because today was her last day of school , from tomorow her summer vacation will start so I woke her at 7 o clock for school and she told me that she want paratha for breakfast so i cook aparatha for her and I made sandwhich for her school lunch and I send her to school After sending her I made my breakfast, cenimon tea with some bread slice and hone my husband only drank tea
Cinnamon tea is very benificial for healt some benifits are mentioned below
•It controls blood sugar level
•It is very helpful for weight loss
•It prevent everyone from cancer
•Enhances the blood circulatory system
•Protect person from getting heart disease
•Support digestive health


I felt that I am very tired so i take short nap of half an hour . I give feed to my parrot. I have Australian parrots my son loves pets .


I watered the plant . I saw that today many different coloured flowerd were grewn . My husband brought some stems of protulaca plant. I put them in a pot and hanged the pots outside of the balcony . I had no clue about the colour of floweres. Today I got very surprised that many coloured flowers were grewn in onepot thay look very preety when Isaw the flowers I felt very very refreshing .Iam very happy to see the flowers.
I performed my other duties of home as a house wife my maid came and the house after that i prepared lunch and waiting my daughter to come from school and pray dohar and eat lunch and then take a short nap


My husband come from office we had tea with some snacks and spend some time by talking daily routine then my husband watched some news and spent pleasure time



I prepared myself for making food in dinner I made bittre gourd with beaf mince for me and my family meberes the i made chapati for everyone after preparing dinner everyone sat on the dinning table .My son told me that he want to eat crispy roll so I made him crispy roll after I made crispy roll .Everyone started eating dinner and my son eat rool with mayonese and soft drink .I know soft drink is not good for children health


After eating dinner everyone prayed Isha namaz and then we watched some TV show and talked about our day . Then we went to bed at 11 pm so that we can wake up early and do our daily routine work
I hope that you enjoyed reading my diary routine
good night 💤💤💤💤

@ Rooheasif 99 @ saleha @ suboohe

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