"One Picture And One Story Week #60"

in Steem For Pakistan11 days ago


Today my daughter looked gloomy and sad when she came home from her grandmother's house. As her mother, I know that something is going on with her and something has happened. As usual, I always ask when my daughter comes home from her grandmother's house. I always ask what she played there, who she was with, and whether something bad happened.

My daughter immediately answered that she wanted a new doll. When she was playing there, while she was busy playing with her cousin's doll, suddenly her older sister came and snatched her doll. My daughter said that she shouldn't play with her older sister's doll or her older sister would scold her.

I found out that my daughter was scolded by her older sister for holding her doll, as her mother, I was sad to hear my daughter's story. I don't blame her older cousin because she is still a child and doesn't fully understand. I hope you understand children.

Towards evening, I took my beloved daughter out for a walk so that she would be cheerful and happy. She kept telling us to stop by the children's play area, in this play area there are odong-odong games, slides, and also fishing rides for children.

My daughter was so busy playing that she didn't want to go home, then I asked her to go to the toy store. She was really happy because I asked her here.

She ran and chose the toys she liked. Of course, her eyes were only focused on the dolls that were arranged but the prices were quite expensive. I took a small doll at an affordable price and my daughter liked it too.

My daughter seemed happy to receive the doll I gave her and later she would play with the doll at home and would take good care of it (she said).

As the days passed my daughter was very happy playing with the doll I bought and sometimes she didn't need another playmate, my daughter sometimes talked to the doll as her conversation partner. Playing doctors, students-teachers and sometimes she acted out how I was angry with the doll ☺️.

I would like to invite @ulfatulrahmah, @pecintabunga20 and also @meehu to participate in the contest held by Mrs. @suboohi.

Image by me.



about me


Seeing your child so happy and imaginative while playing with the doll you chose must give you happiness. The doll is not just a toy, but also a friend that he can talk to, play a role, and express himself, so that he can bring his imagination to life. By talking to the doll, he learns to express his feelings and even understand the role of parents from his own perspective. This not only helps build empathy, but also enriches the child's understanding of everyday interactions around him. Good luck

 11 days ago 

Terima kasih banyak teman atas komentar anda yang bermakna. Benar yang anda katakan, bahwa boneka bukan hanya sebagai mainan tapi bisa juga diajak sebagai teman bicara untuk mengekspresikan perasaannya.

Putriku telah banyak belajar dari alam sekitar, orang-orang terdekat dan lingkungan sosial tempat kami tinggal. Apapun yang ia dengar dan lihat pasti akan ditiru. Tapi sebagai orang tua, saya selalu memberikan contoh yang baik dan mengontrol apa yang dia lakukan dan dengar.


Iya benar sekali
Anak-anak sangat peka terhadap lingkungan sekitarnya dan sering meniru apa yang mereka lihat dan dengar

Upvoted! Thank you for supporting witness @jswit.

 11 days ago 

Wahh moment nya sangat menarik sekali ya kak, Semoga berhasil di kontes nya kak @suboohi🥰

 11 days ago 

Terima kasih banyak temanku atas supportnya, mari ikutan yuk... 🤗

 11 days ago 

Thanks for your participation. Best of luck for the contest.

 11 days ago 

Terima kasih banyak bu atas dukungannya.


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