SEC-S17 /W2| "What if you were the president of your country?"

So many countries are really suffering from bad leadership which should not be so but I have actually come to discover that some of the leaders are actually corrupted and that is because some of them were elected based on popularity and connection and not because they actually deserve it. Today I will be sharing my view on what I will actually do if I happen to be the president of my country in Nigeria. Stay tune and I am so sure you will enjoyed them.

If you were the president of your country, what would be your top three priorities and why?


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There are sometimes I really wished I can become the president of Nigeria my country in order to actually change somethings that needs to be changed. Well today I will be sharing with you some of the things I will change.

There are three major priorities I will focus on which I believe have been disturbing a lot of people in my country Nigeria and I will be explaining them below.

  • Education

Education is really the key to success like we have always here. When I become the president of my country Nigeria, one of the first thing I will focus on is education because I have actually come to discover that a lot of our youths are not been given access to education and if they are not educated, their standard of living will remain poor. If we can work on the future of our youth in terms of education, then the future is secured.

  • Health

The second one I will definitely make sure I walked upon is the health of people and that is providing social amenities to make sure that the health of people are in the right state. Over the years I have seen innocent lives been lost because they can't have access to correct health conditions during the right time. This will definitely be one of the priorities I will focus on actually.

  • Job Opportunity

The last priority I will focus on is providing a lot of job opportunities for people because I have come to discover that a lot of people also suffer because of that. Why we see a rise in crime in my country Nigeria is because there is no job for people and making people to find themselves in crimes and do what they don't want to do at the end of the day.

As president, what specific steps would you take to improve education and healthcare systems in your country?


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As president one of the specific step I will take to increase the education system of my country Nigeria is to make sure I make education free for everyone that wants to go to school. Not only that I will build standard schools and universities that will encourage quality education and knowledge been given to people.

The second step I will take is also to make sure that I build hospital all around the country to make sure that people have access to healthcare services and not only that but makes it free also but also employing competent doctors to the hospitals.

As a president, what challenges you could face in improving the overall condition of your country?

One of the major challenges I will face instantly is trying to convince all the governors in my country to follow what I want to do it and making sure that they see it from the angle that they want me to see them. That is the major challenges I will face in Nigeria.

Would you do something new to write the history of your country? What will it be?

About doing something new, well I don't really believe there is a need to do something new. One of the major things I will just do is to make sure that education is free from people as that will be able to write the history of my country Nigeria.

I am inviting @carmari @noha26 and @lunasilver to participate in this contest.


Greeting my friend,

Your steps and actions to improve your country's education and healthcare systems, like appointing highly qualified and dedicated peoples for improving health services, and providing free health services for the poor, are very excellent ideas by you.


 10 months ago 

Greetings friends
Education, health and job opportunities are three such factors that we can improve in our country if we can see our country on a good path. Because with their help we can develop ourselves in a better way. If we have education within us, we will have the consciousness to work, then we can overcome anything. And only if our health is good, we will do good work. And the job opportunities are there so that we cannot see our youth unemployed because even though they are educated, they are spoiling their lives here. Because there are no job opportunities for them, to improve our health, we should open hospitals medical pharmacies, and laboratories in every area where people live. And free treatment should be provided to the people there. And in the same way, education should also reach the place where knowledge is not valued. We can take our country very far with this method.
I wish you more success.

 10 months ago 

Hello dear, I wish to you to be in peace and living their best moments of life.

Today the problem of unemployment has become very big in the country. One of the biggest reasons for this is that the level of education is not very good and the fees of the schools where good education is provided are very high. It is not possible for every common man to get his children admitted in a good school.
Best of luck , may you achieve wealth , health , success and prosperity in your life Greetings from my side . Have a nice day .

Gracias por la invitación Dios quiera y puedas ser presidente y se cumplan todas esas cosas que quieres para tu país Nigeria. Suerte en el concurso.

Amigo @royalevidence, concordamos en los tres punto que cambiaría en mi país.

  • La educación,
  • la salud y
  • las fuentes de trabajo.
    Aunque tengo un enfoque un poco distinto.

Gracias por hacerme esta invitación. Estaba dudosa de hacerlo. Pero tu post me ayudó a decidirme, sí lo haré.

Los humanos podemos hacer poco sobre estos temas, sobre gobernabilidad, porque el propósito divino no tenía ese trabajo para nosotros. Al rechazar la soberanía divina, nos acarreamos esas consecuencias.

Pero eso será, por poco tiempo. Pronto se establecerá en la tierra, el gobierno que pedimos en la oración del "Padrenuestro"

Muchas bendiciones amigo. @lunasilver

 10 months ago 

Hi my friend as a newbies you have explained everything in details and I love it, becoming a president will be lovely but you don't have to care for yourself alone, you have to carry your people along. Wish you success @royalevidence

Hola amigo, bendecido días 🙏. Les deseo las mejores de la suerte en las elecciones 😉. Casi todos pensamos en esas prioridades, la educación, la salud, que todos pudieran tener medicamentos y empleos para qué pudieran vivir mejor.

Excelente publicación 👍.

Bendiciones 🤗.

As president of your country Nigeria, your top three priorities would be education, healthcare, and job opportunities. You would focus on providing free education to all, building quality schools and universities, and ensuring access to healthcare services by constructing hospitals and employing competent medical professionals.


There is no country that does not face problems like you said about your country that you found the lack of things in the country if you were the president and then work on those aspects first. Education and health Education is the reason for the development of the country. If education is not good, then people will not be literate, illiteracy will increase and the opportunities for the development of the country will decrease. They are also no less important if they can continue good health and good education in order to establish a setter for good health in which educated and experienced doctors are recruited and they also have such Opportunities are provided so that they can do their work with dedication and excellence.

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