Nature Photography Weekly Photography Challenge 45 | by @rony - Hafiz
Assalamu'alaikum Everyone. I am @rony-hafiz
From #Bangladesh
Hello steemit friends,
How are you all? I hope you are all well by the grace of Almighty Allah. Alhamdulillah, by the grace of Almighty Allah, I am also very well. Today I appeared to participate in the ongoing Nature Photography Challenge Week 45 contest in the #Steem For Pakistan community. At the beginning of the competition I would like to thank @uzma4882 mam. Thank you #Steem For Pakistan for bringing this beautiful contest to us.I will participate in this contest today. So let's get started...
Image designed by Canva app. |
I would like to invite my friends @saikat01 @nahidaislam and @afrinn to take part in the contest.

If you don't love natural view, it's very difficult to find such a person, everyone loves nature, I also love nature, but it's very difficult to find natural view in Dhaka city.We who live in Dhaka City, it is very difficult to get a natural view, still I was working with the website of Ramana Park, so I took the picture of Ramana Park there and also took the view of the sky.I felt better seeing the sky that day, the sky was more beautiful that day.

By seeing these marigold flowers, it is understood that winter has come, in fact, without it, we do not see marigold flowers, be it in different nurseries, be it in different languages, these marigold flowers are really seen in winter.There are varieties of marigolds, among them there are three types here. I like it very much. Seeing the small flowers, I really wanted to take a picture, so I took a picture.Marigolds come in different colors and types I love all types of marigolds Smile PlusI like to see the flowers too.

What do you think of this natural view? I think it's amazing. It's a look inside the cantonment area. They take care of the plants very nicely. It's real grass.It was so nice to see the grass so there were many coconut trees next to the grass the coconut trees were very nice to see there was a flower garden next to it so I shared the garden picture with you there was a marigold flower next to it and then there were other trees it was very nice to see these grasses Liked it so I took a picture of the grass and the coconut trees next to it look amazing.

And the side view was it was totally different flowering plant here I don't really know what this flower is called a lot of white white flowers bloomed it was very nice to me it seemed like there were bunches of flowers and usually the plants die during this winter Trees grow beautifully in spring, but they did not think that the trees would die when they went here.This is also mine or this is our picture of the inner part of the cantonment area in Bangladesh.
Nature seems to draw everyone closer to me. I think nature draws me closer. I don't always go to nature, but when I go to nature, I actually lose myself. I like nature very much.
Thank you so much everyone for reading my post.How do you like my natural photography, I hope you like it, then today I am leaving Allah Hafez. |

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¡Saludos amigo!🤗
La naturaleza es magia... Cada vez que fotografío sus espacios o veo imágenes así como las que tú retrataste, quedo más enamorada de ese mundo.
Te deseo mucho éxito en la dinámica... Un fuerte abrazo💚
Thank you so much mam
Greetings @rony-hafiz Allahamdulliha, I'm perfectly fine by the grace of Allah Almighty and I hope are also fine?
Mashallah Mashallah your all Pictures are very amazing 😍/ awesome. Your pictures are beautiful even the details you provide about pictures are also outstanding.
Best Wishes 😍 Always be happy.
@hamidrizwan brother, Alhamdulillah I am fine too.Thank you so much for liking my pictures.