My Dream Job Or Business".
We all have idea of what we want, some people prefer job while some say Business, I have tested this two and I have settled for one which I will discuss in this post.
What is your dream job or business, and why is it your dream?
My dream business is having a big mall where everything will be sold. In this place we will have provision, foodstuffs, kitchen utensils, furnitures phones and it's accessories and other things that can make life easy.
If I venture into this business it will help me financially and as well I will become an employer of labour .
Another reason for my dream business is meeting the needs of people around my locality and beyond.
My business idea will bring developments in the society,it can also be a landmark to people.
What skills or qualifications would you need to achieve it?
To manage business there are skills and qualifications that the person must possess which includes;
Technically know-how. Business needs sound ,smart and cooperative person , the person needs to know how to take risk in times of troubles in business both technically and otherwise.
Financial management. A good business person should be able to understand the financial aspect of the business, this involves the income and expenditure.
- Manner of Approach. A good business person needs to have a good manner of Approach to her customers.
- Being grateful and appreciative. One thing customers like and would want to buy from the same place is when the owner is grateful and appreciative of the customers. This is a good skill that everyone business person must have.
How would your dream job or business positively impact your life or others?
Having my dream business will definitely have great impact in my life .
Freedom. Having my own business will automatically make me the boss of which I'm the one to control myself without restrictions. I have the freedom to do other things at my convenience.
Independent. Having this business will make me an independent lady who takes care of her financial issues.
Connections. My dream business when it has become successful will give me connection that I can never imagine.
Respect. Wealth commands respect, if my business is successful it will bring respect to me and my family.
The impact on others.
Employment. When I finally established my dream business it will be an opportunity for unemployed youth to have something doing.
Development. It will be a kind of development in my neighborhood.
What steps are you currently taking (or planning to take) to make your dream a reality?
shopping for my business
I have taken the bold step to start this journey, though I'm still at the Early stage . I have drawn my plans of expansion which I'm working towards achieving.
I started some years ago and I'm seeing myself big in the nearest future. I have been saving up to make all this plans a success.
I have set some goals in which I would like to achieve to also make this dream a reality.
Business is what builds a nation and gives it good revenue, I want to become a successful businesswoman so help me God.
Thanks @abdullahw2 for this contest.
I'm inviting @solaymann @mesola @alee75
The best decision one can make in life is to be a business professional especially in a developing nation where salary paid for working for government or the private firm wouldn't give you a stable financial secured future. One needs personal business that generates profit capable of taking care of the person's financial needs and having the freedom to run the affairs of his life without any caveat. Such decision you intend is admirable. Keep up and success
Hola amiga tienes muy buenas aspiraciones tener un gran centro comercial dónde puedas vender muchas cosas si que suena un buen negocio pero primero debes estudiar todos los pasos necesarios para lograr el éxito en tu meta
Pray that as you wish to to become a businesswoman , that will surely come to pass some days