SEC-S17 /W2| "What if you were the president of your country?"

in Steem For Pakistan3 months ago
Hellow my sweet Steemian FELLOWS aslam-o-alaikum. HOPEFULLY everyone will be fine anjoy your beautiful life. 😍💓



Hi I am Maryam Nadeem from Lahore #pakistan. Come once again to join an amazing contest which is the titel is What if you were the president of your country?" So lets start. Hope so you guys like it. 😍

If you were the president of your country, what would be your top three priorities and why?

In the event that I were the President of my country, my best three needs would spin around cultivating reasonable turn of events, advancing social value, and guaranteeing public safety.

Above all else, I would focus on manageable turn of events. This involves carrying out strategies that offset financial development with natural protection. Putting resources into sustainable power sources, for example, sunlight based and wind power, would be vital to diminish our carbon impression and relieve the effects of environmental change. Moreover, I would advocate for economical agrarian practices to guarantee food security for people in the future while protecting our regular assets. By focusing on supportable turn of events, we can defend the prosperity of both current and future residents while safeguarding the planet for a long time into the future.

Also, advancing social value would be another main concern. This includes tending to fundamental disparities and guaranteeing that all residents have equivalent admittance to potential open doors and assets. Carrying out arrangements to close the abundance hole, like moderate tax assessment and interest in training and medical services, would be fundamental. Also, I would focus on drives to advance variety and consideration in all areas of society, including government, business, and training. By advancing social value, we can make an all the more and strong society where everybody gets the opportunity to flourish no matter what their experience or conditions.

Finally, guaranteeing public safety would be principal. This incorporates shielding our boundaries from outer dangers as well as tending to inside difficulties like cybercrime and psychological oppression. Putting resources into modernizing our military and knowledge capacities would be critical to protecting our power and interests. Moreover, cultivating conciliatory relations with different countries in view of common regard and collaboration would be fundamental to advancing harmony and solidness on the worldwide stage. By focusing on public safety, we can safeguard our residents and maintain law and order, both at home and abroad.

Taking everything into account, as president, my main three needs would be manageable turn of events, social value, and public safety. By zeroing in on these areas, we can construct a prosperous and comprehensive society that values the two individuals and the planet. Through powerful initiative and cooperation, we can address the squeezing difficulties within recent memory and make a more promising time to come for all residents.

As president, what specific steps would you take to improve education and healthcare systems in your country?

Working on the training and medical care frameworks in Pakistan would require a complete methodology zeroed in on tending to foundation holes, upgrading admittance to quality administrations, and advancing inclusivity. Here are a few explicit advances I would take:

  1. Education System:
    • Interest in Infrastructure: Designate assets for the development and remodel of schools, especially in rustic and underserved regions, to guarantee that all youngsters approach protected and helpful learning conditions.
    • Instructor Preparing and Recruitment: Execute thorough educator preparing projects to work on the nature of guidance and draw in qualified teachers to distant regions. Moreover, boost experienced instructors to guide and support fresh recruits.
    • Educational program Reform: Update the educational plan to line up with present day instructive guidelines and stress decisive reasoning, inventiveness, and advanced proficiency. Present professional and specialized training projects to furnish understudies with commonsense abilities for work.
    • Advancement of Young ladies' Education: Carry out drives to address orientation differences in training, for example, giving grants and motivations to energize the enlistment and maintenance of young ladies in schools.


  1. Healthcare System:

    • Framework Development: Put resources into the development and updating of medical services offices, including emergency clinics, facilities, and rustic wellbeing communities, to further develop admittance to clinical benefits, especially in distant regions.
    • Wellbeing Labor force Development: Increment the enrollment and preparing of medical services experts, including specialists, attendants, and paramedics, to address deficiencies and work on the nature of care. Execute maintenance techniques, like contribution cutthroat pay rates and professional success open doors.
    • Admittance to Fundamental Medicines: Guarantee the accessibility of fundamental drugs and clinical supplies in medical care offices the nation over by fortifying stockpile chains and diminishing reliance on imports. Carry out measures to control the costs of prescriptions and advance the utilization of nonexclusive medications.
    • Wellbeing Advancement and Infection Prevention: Send off open mindfulness missions to advance solid ways of life and preventive medical services rehearses, like immunization, disinfection, and cleanliness. Focus on the control of irresistible sicknesses, like jungle fever, tuberculosis, and hepatitis, through designated intercessions and inoculation programs.
  2. Cross-Cutting Initiatives:

    • Digitalization of Services: Use innovation to work on the productivity and viability of training and medical care conveyance frameworks. Carry out electronic wellbeing records and advanced learning stages to smooth out cycles and upgrade admittance to data and administrations.
    • Local area Engagement: Cultivate associations with nearby networks, common society associations, and confidential area partners to assemble assets and advance local area support in the preparation, execution, and observing of training and medical care drives.
    • Observing and Evaluation: Lay out strong checking and assessment components to follow progress, distinguish difficulties, and guarantee responsibility in the schooling and medical care areas. Use information driven decision-production to illuminate strategy detailing and asset portion.

By executing these particular advances, we can make progress toward working on the training and medical care frameworks in Pakistan, at last upgrading the prosperity and amazing open doors for all residents.

As a president, what challenges you could face in improving the overall condition of your country?

As president, working on the general condition in Pakistan would without a doubt introduce a few difficulties, including:

  1. Political Instability: Pakistan has encountered times of political unsteadiness because of variables like continuous changes in government, polarization among ideological groups, and pressures among regular citizen and military establishments. Exploring these elements and encouraging political agreement around change drives could demonstrate testing.

  2. Security Concerns: Pakistan faces security challenges from interior and outer sources, including illegal intimidation, uprising, and international strains. Guaranteeing the security and security of residents, as well as keeping up with steadiness inside the nation, would require vigorous safety efforts and successful counterterrorism methodologies.

  3. Economic Constraints: Pakistan faces monetary difficulties like high expansion, financial shortages, joblessness, and obligation trouble. Carrying out changes to balance out the economy, advance practical development, and set out work open doors would require judicious financial administration, interest in framework, and measures to upgrade the business climate.

  4. Social Inequality: Pakistan wrestles with huge social imbalances, remembering inconsistencies for money, instruction, medical care, and admittance to fundamental administrations. Tending to these variations and advancing social attachment would require complete approaches zeroed in on neediness easing, schooling change, medical services access, and strengthening of underestimated networks.

  5. Corruption and Administration Issues: Defilement stays an unavoidable test in Pakistan, influencing government organizations, public administrations, and the business climate. Handling debasement and further developing administration would require executing straightforwardness measures, fortifying responsibility components, and advancing a culture of uprightness and moral initiative.

  6. Infrastructure Deficiencies: Pakistan faces framework lacks in areas like transportation, energy, water, and sterilization, which upset monetary turn of events and personal satisfaction. Tending to these lacks would require critical interests in foundation projects, as well as successful preparation and execution to guarantee feasible turn of events.

  7. Regional Dynamics: Pakistan's international area and associations with adjoining nations, especially India and Afghanistan, present difficulties to provincial strength and security. Overseeing political relations and settling clashes through discourse and discussion would be fundamental to forestall accelerations and encourage collaboration.

Exploring these difficulties would areas of strength for require, vital vision, and powerful administration. By tending to these deterrents head-on and carrying out extensive change drives, it is feasible to conquer these difficulties and work on the general condition in Pakistan to serve its residents.



Would you do something new to write the history of your country? What will it be?

To compose another part in Pakistan's set of experiences, I would zero in on encouraging public solidarity and compromise. One imaginative methodology could be the foundation of a Reality and Compromise Commission (TRC), propelled by comparable drives in different nations like South Africa.

The TRC would give a stage to casualties and culprits of past treacheries, including denials of basic liberties, political savagery, and ethnic or partisan contentions, to approach and share their encounters. Through formal proceedings, declarations, and documentation, the TRC would look to uncover reality with regards to verifiable occasions and advance mending and compromise among various networks.

Moreover, the TRC would have the command to suggest repayments for casualties, responsibility measures for culprits, and changes to address the underlying drivers of contention and treachery. By recognizing the past, defying its heritages, and advancing discourse and understanding, the TRC would expect to fabricate a more comprehensive and strong society in view of standards of equity, pardoning, and common regard.

This imaginative way to deal with composing Pakistan's set of experiences wouldn't just assist with mending the injuries of the past yet additionally make ready for a more serene and prosperous future for all residents.

Hope so you Guys Like it. I invite My friends to take part @heriadi @dasudi @patjewell @subbohi @uzma4882 @kouba01.
Thanks 💕

Best Regards 😍

Maryam Nadeem

Cc 😍


 3 months ago 

Hey Maryam! Your thoughts are wonderful. The points you raised are very good. No doubt the steps you mentioned are to performed by a very respectable and responsible person. Best of luck for your contest.

Posted using SteemPro Mobile

 3 months ago 

Thanks dear for your lovely comment. Best wishes for you too. Keep active. 😍

Yes, it is very good to know the steps you have to take as the President of Pakistan, but you are also aware of the current situation that our education system, health system, agriculture system and poverty are to such an extent that people at a time It is becoming difficult to make a living if we overcome these measures, then I am sure that we will move forward towards development, as education is very important, the development of the country depends on it and health is no less. If we have good health then we will be able to work well and poverty has forced people that people have stopped reading and writing and if we get food at a time then we don't get it in one time. Some steps will be taken to eliminate it from the country and the country will develop.

 3 months ago 

Hey my friend, I have gone though everything you wrote down and you have done nice job, president really have a lot of responsibility to do ,the have to provide education for children, health care for then as you have said and a lot more. I wish you success

 3 months ago 

Hi Maryam, the points raised by you are very good. By keeping them in mind, we can make our country go astray on the path of development. The best point I feel is public safety. We should not face any problem knowing in public. Many women and sisters go from our house, their safety is the priority. And similarly, their education is our national duty to take care of their health. Keeping in mind the points you have highlighted, we can move forward. And in this way, we can take our nation forward by improving our education and our health facilities. Thank you very much for your entry here. I wish you good luck.

 3 months ago 

Yes, you are right, may Allah protect us all ameen. Best of luck too you too.

 3 months ago 

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.


Hello dear friend,

Greetings, i hope you are well. You really did justice with your writing and am very happy to read your post that you write very beautifully. Good luck for your participation.


Your focus on sustainable development, social equity, and public safety as top priorities for Pakistan is commendable. Implementing policies to combat corruption, enhance education, and strengthen healthcare reflects a strategic approach towards progress. Overcoming challenges like political instability, security concerns, economic constraints, and social inequality will require effective leadership and comprehensive strategies for improvement. Implementing initiatives for national reconciliation and promoting unity can indeed shape a brighter future for Pakistan.

 3 months ago 

Hello dear! Your focus on sustainable development, social equity and public safety as top priorities for Pakistan is commendable. Implementing policies to combat corruption, enhance education and strengthen healthcare reflects a strategic approach towards progress. Overcoming challenges like political instability, security concerns, economic constraints and social inequality will require effective leadership and comprehensive strategies for improvement. Best wishes for you

 3 months ago 

Yes indeed. Thanks for visit. 😍

 3 months ago 

My pleasure 🥰

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