Yom al-Arz and our Greta

in Steem For Pakistan2 years ago



The small mini-fakhta and the olive branch are considered symbols of peace around the world. A sparrow was sitting comfortably in its nest when suddenly it! I feel suffocated. What is happening to me all of a sudden? Why am I having anxiety? Kakhtana said to herself as she stepped out of the nest and looked down to see smoke. Some people had burnt garbage under his nest. Seeing this, she got worried and started thinking of flying away from the nest and going to another place. She went in search of a suitable tree to build a new nest, but she did not see any such trees. She kept moving around, suddenly feeling the heat, she turned to the sea, but the sea was in a very bad condition. (Continued) There were less fish and more plastic. The fishes were finding it difficult to breathe. Fakhta was disappointed to see this and began to fly to other seas, but there her despair increased, because there were many dead fish lying on the shores of the world. Fakhta was very sad to see that the sea was littered with plastic bottles, plastic bags and plastic containers. These were all items that we throw away after using them once and then all this waste ends up in the ocean, suffocating fish and other marine life. Fakhta was watching all this sadly when she saw cigarette butts, which had polluted the seas. Lungs are destroyed by smoking cigarettes and the marine life is also destroyed by them due to the condition of the sea.

Dejected, she flew towards the valley. A strange scene awaits him there too. There are some people with big boxes on their backs and a cloth over their mouths, spraying well. Fakhta understood from the smell that these people were spraying some medicine. She kept flying forward. On the way, he saw many dead innocent birds that could not tolerate this poison. Nithi Mani Fakhta's heart sank in sorrow. Now Masoom Fakhta started flying towards the river. Suddenly, he heard the distressed cries of frogs. When he asked the frogs, one of the frogs said while crying: "Poor sister!" All the waste from the medicines spread in the fields ends up in the rivers and then we find it difficult to breathe.” Fakhta was further saddened by the situation. She flew forward from there. Suddenly he sees a little fairy. Fakhta had some hope. She immediately went to this fairy. "O little fairy! The world is messed up, it's collapsing and we're all dying. God save us. Fakhta cries out to the fairy. "Don't worry, dear Fakhta! I do something. I will not let anyone die and I will not let him perish. Nahi spoke with determination on the fairy. Then this fairy went to her companions and consulted. From then on, every Friday she went on strike with other children, which was named Fridays for Future. Every Friday, instead of going to school, all the children started playing the bell and soon the message of this little fairy spread all over the world.

Greta Thunberg was born on January 3, 2003 in Sweden. Greta Tsenberg first heard about climate change in 2011 when she was just eight years old. The bad state of the environment made him sad. Then at the end of 2018, he started a school-level movement on climate change and called for strong action from the Swedish parliament. On May 30, 2019, Greta's book was published, which contains eleven of her speeches. He wrote this book about global warming and climate crisis. This fairy does not have a magic wand in her hand, but she has magic words. They do wonders and force the great people of the world to do something. April 1st is celebrated worldwide as Earth Day. On this day, everyone thinks about the earth, thinking about improving it. Come on! This time on Earth Day let us all support this little fairy Greta and plant as many trees as possible. This year the theme of Earth Day is "Climate Action". Let's start saving our environment and participate in an eco-friendly summer. Then Fakhta, who had been watching Greta's activities for a long time, was now convinced that this little fairy would definitely do something good for the world and for us birds, so she went closer! He took out an olive branch and placed it in Greta's hand. Dear Greta! This world, this land is now handed over to all of you children. You are the future of all of us. From your mouth.

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