"Steemit Engagement Challenge | S7W6 | How to Practice Meditation Every Day"

in Steem For Pakistanlast year (edited)

ASSALAM U ALAIKUM, I'm fatima fahim, one of the members of this community. Today I'm about to share my thoughts and ideas on the given topic of this week, which is How to practice meditation everyday.




I'm going to write about this in a very simple manner, firstly we should know about the word Meditation itself, before even think about practicing it. This word came from the 12 century. It basically means enhancing more power and control over your emotions and feelings. Because sometimes our emotions are the ones that can drag us down, manipulate us or even stressed us out. This behavior leads us to overthinking as well, which is a not so good health state. Emotions are the controls almost all our behaviours, mood and state of mind and they could have a very strong grip on our body if we don't try to have a stronger grip before that. but also emotions are as much important as any other, but the point is to create a balance between everything and creating a healthier body and mind. Mediation is the term and the solution for this. it is a practice for creating that healthy balance between your body and mind, so that none of them can badly influence on yourself.


Meditation is something that doesn't depend on the place of where to practice or age of a person whom want to practice. It can be performed anywhere or by anyone. It is just a very healthy practice or we can say a good counselling sessions with your brain or mind. A little chit chat of relaxation with the crumbled head. The practice of Meditation can helps in reducing the stress level in just 2 weeks.

So, the 1st step towards Meditation is uniformity, it is only affectable if practiced regularly. and this doesn't only apply too meditation. Consistency a very important part of our life. Let's consider an influencer, whose main content is about skin care. Her skin which looks so flawless doesn't become like this overnight righ? she must have been putting efforts, doing all the necessary steps everyday. That is why regularity holds a big fraction. All we need is to set a timetable for ourselves and then just start. for example like after the shower everyday, you can practice it. Or maybe before/after the breakfast. That depends totally on your convenience.

The 2nd step is deciding the best time for yourself. The process is for rebooting your mind. So, i guess the best time is after waking up in the morning, that's how we can start our day in a fresh and a positive mood. Or before going to bed at night, that can lead us to a peaceful and healthiest sleep. But still it doesnt very depend on what time you decide for yourself.

The 3rd step which i think is the most important one for begginers is to not practice it in complete silence. Because that can be very triggering, if you're going through even a little amount of stress, anxiety or overthinking problems. connecting to your mind in absolute silence isn't healthy at the beginning. So practice it somewhere, where your mind can be distracted by little noises as well.
The 4th step is to not spend hours in Meditating at the beginning. Few minutes would be more than in enough in the beginning. It is important to spend lesser time than getting tired in just a day and skipping days after it.

The 5th step is, do not start meditating on your own. go through the guidelines from some of the experts that are providing the details for free on the internet. Attaching the link of one of the sootiest voice, that i've found for myself.



The most common problem in our generation these days is mental illness or we can say the problem of depression. This is why the youth is using this process to get over these problems. And it is, indeed very effective in reducing stress. The stress in out body can create inflammation problems. Like loss in speed, increase in blood pressure, weak stability of mind or overthinking. The 8 week period of MINDFULNESS MEDITATION can helps in reducing these kind of problems caused by the stress.


Meditation helps in understanding your state of mind and getting to know your true self better. Communication with your mind is beneficial for gaining stronger hold on the decisions you made in your life and how you'll be treating those who are around you with them. the main concept of self acknowledging, is to accepting all kinds of thoughts in the mind, because they can be harmful. Having a stronger grip on yourself will let you decide between what is good for the self and what is not.


many kinds of Meditations can helps in increasing the time span our attention ability. A human mind can be redirected with just a bit noise and results in losing the attention from anything it has been focusing on. Giving time to your mind, communication with it can also increase the focusing ability as well. Which is very beneficial in studies, business and almost every aspect of the ongoing lives.

There are still so many advantages of Meditations, but i've wrote down just a few of them. That's pretty much all that I could summed up from the research and reading that i've done in past few days solely for this contest. I hope it's informative for you all. Inviting my three friends to participate in the contest, @haidermehdi , @afifaasif, @mariamfahim

Thanks to be here.


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