Club100 👍 My son was born. 👶 - The excited wait is over. 👨‍🍼

in Steemit Türkiye2 years ago

👶 My son was born. 👨‍🍼

The excited wait is over.


Hello to everyone who is excitedly waiting for the important times in their lives,

I haven't posted anything for about 5 days. I disappeared all of a sudden. I will share the reason for this with you. I have told you many times in my previous posts that I will be a father and that my wife is pregnant. Finally, our excited wait is over. My son was born.

During these 5 days, I had incredible experiences. Frankly, I had to take care of my son and wife. That's why I couldn't be here. I have a very handsome son. Everyone said he looked like me. Let me tell you what I went through during this process.


Excited waiting in front of the delivery room door. - W3W Address - Google Maps

At the end of 9 months, the excited waiting is over.

My son waited 9 months in the womb. Of course, my wife and I waited for her to come into the world healthy. The expected time has come. I went to the hospital with my wife and family. They brought my wife to the delivery room.

My wife waited inside for hours. Of course, I waited for my wife, who was always there for me in my worst moments, in front of the door. There was very little time left. This was our last excited wait. Since I couldn't see my wife, I was wondering about her and I prayed for her a lot.

After a long wait, the door opened. Our doctor took my son out. This was a very good moment for me.


Me and my son.

Later, my wife was brought to the hospital room to rest. It was the first time we spent here with our son. We examined it. Of course the room tried to get used to us. I had very good feelings. 😊

We were discharged from the hospital after the necessary controls were made for my wife and son. We came to our house. Many people have called us here. My mother, father and brothers from my family came to visit us. They all said my son looks like me. 😊 I really liked this one.


Everyone in my family had bought my son and wife many gifts. I want to share a few with you.

3 layer cloth cake.

The name of the gift above is Cloth Cake. As you can see, it is a 3-layer cake. The only downside to this beautifully prepared cake is that it is inedible. 😊 My sister made this beautiful cloth cake for my son. So thank you again.

Baby care products.

There are also many gifts for our son to use when he is born. There are special gifts for babies such as shampoo, cream, soap and wet wipes here. Newborn babies have more special products because their skin is sensitive. I can't wait to use them. 😊

Roses I bought for my wife.

I bought a dozen roses for my wife, who is experiencing these beautiful feelings with me. I wrote beautiful and meaningful words on it. After my son was born, his mother was very happy to see these flowers.

I wanted to share with you the best moments of my life. When I look at this post in the future, I will remember these experiences as good memories. Your comments and support are important to me. See you in the next post.

Stay Healthy. Goodbye.


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👶Oğlum doğdu. 👨‍🍼

Heyecanlı bekleyiş sona erdi.


Hayatındaki önemli zamanları heyecan ile bekleyen herkese merhaba,

Yaklaşık 5 gündür herhangi bir paylaşım yapmadım. Ansızın ortalardan kayboldum. Bunun sebebini sizlerle paylaşacağım. Sizlere daha önceki paylaşımlarımda birçok kez baba olacağımdan ve eşimin hamile olduğundan bahsetmiştim. Sonunda heyecanlı bekleyişimiz sona erdi. Oğlum dünyaya geldi.

Bu 5 günlük süreçte inanılmaz tecrübeler yaşadım. Açıkçası oğlum ve eşim ile ilgilenmem gerekiyordu. Bu yüzden buralarda olamadım. Çok yakışıklı bir oğlum oldu. Herkes onun bana benzediğini söyledi. Hadi neler yaşadım bu süreçte sizlere anlatayım.


Doğumhane kapısının önünde heyecanlı bekleyiş.- W3W Address - Google Maps

9 Ay sonunda Heyecanlı bekleyiş sona erdi.

Oğlum anne karnında 9 ay bekledi. Tabi ki eşim ve bende onun dünyaya sağlıklı şekilde gelmesini bekledik. Beklenen zaman geldi. Eşim ve ailem ile hastaneye gittik. Eşimi doğumhane odasına getirdiler.

Eşim içeride saatlerce bekledi. Tabi ki benim en kötü anlarımda her zaman yanımda olan eşimi bende kapı önünde bekledim. Çok az zaman kalmıştı. Bu son heyecanlı bekleyişimizdi. Eşimi göremediğim için onu merak ediyordum ve ona çok dua ettim.

Uzun bir bekleyişin ardından kapı açıldı. Doktorumuz oğlumu dışarı çıkardı. Bu benim için çok güzel bir andı.


Ben ve oğlum.

Daha sonra eşim dinlenmesi için hastane odasına getirildi. Burada oğlumuzla geçirdiğimiz ilk zamandı. Onu inceledik. Tabi ki oda bize alışmaya çalıştı. Çok güzel duygular yaşadım. 😊

Eşim ve oğluma gerekli kontroller yapıldıktan sonra hastaneden taburcu olduk. Evimize geldik. Burada birçok kişi bizi aradı. Ailemden annem, babam, kardeşlerim bizi ziyarete geldi. Hepsi oğlumun bana benzediğini söyledi. 😊 Bu benim oldukça hoşuma gitti.


Ailemdeki herkes oğluma ve eşime birçok hediyeler almıştı. Sizlerle birkaçını paylaşmak istiyorum.

3 Katlı Bez Pasta

Yukarıdaki hediyenin adı Bez pastası. Gördüğünüz gibi 3 katlı bir pastadır. Çok güzel hazırlanmış bu pastanın tek kötü tarafı yenmemesidir. 😊 Bu güzel bez pastayı ablam oğlum için yaptı. Bu yüzden tekrar teşekkür ediyorum.

Bebek Bakım Ürünleri

Ayrıca oğlumuz doğduğunda onun kullanması için birçok hediye var. Burada bebeklere özel şampuan, krem, sabun, ıslak mendil gibi hediyeler var. Yeni doğan bebeklerin ciltleri hassas oldukları için daha özel ürünleri oluyor. Bunları kullanmak için sabırsızlanıyorum. 😊

Eşime aldığım güller.

Bu güzel duyguları benimle yaşayan eşime bir düzine gül aldım. Üzerine güzel ve anlamlı sözler yazdım. Oğlum dünyaya geldikten sonra annesi bu çiçekleri görünce çok sevindi.

Sizlerle hayatımın en güzel anlarını paylaşmak istedim. İleride bu paylaşımıma baktığımda bu yaşanılanları güzel anı olarak hatırlayacağım. Yorumlarınız ve destekleriniz benim için önemlidir. Bir sonraki paylaşımda görüşmek üzere.

Sağlıkla Kalın. Hoşçakalın.



Hello @steemcurator01

Can the steemit team pelase specifically mention in the the next @steemitblog announcement, the issues that we are facing on clubs? Some users, including me are being constantly told by the community leaders that we're not a part of #club100 as we made transfers for the contests' rewards. So it would be useful for all the users and the community leaders to know whether prize steem is included in the clubs or not? If you could make an official announcement regarding this issue, it'd be very convenient for all of us
Thank you

As long as prize transfers are clearly identified in the memo they should not be included in #club calculations.

In my opinion, for anyone who runs a contest, they can give a contest prize in the form of Steem Power as a solution.

We like this suggestion even more.

That's what I have applied in the steem entrepreneur community. We distributed steem power as a contest prize, It really didn't damage my account's #club100 status at all.

When I run a contest I distribute contest prizes by always sending Steem Power to those who win the contest and this doesn't damage the #club status.

Even sending Steem as a contest prize doesn't hurt #club status either. But this is best avoided when a better solution is available.

Your idea is cool, I like it

Thank you for your input on the suggestion. I really like this suggestion by @nadiaturrina as well, and I hope that the community leaders will take this into account. Apart from that, one thing that I also gave out to my contests winners was sp delegation. The SP delegation motivates people to give out more votes to Community members and increase engagement as well as their personal curation rewards. I think SP delegations for a week/month would be a good initiative as well.

One such example of this is from a contest I held recently


I am sure the community leaders will read this comment and start giving out steem power as prize. I'll try my best to spread the word to my followers as well.

This is a very good idea. I often hold contests in my community. But I have never thought about this. Hopefully I can apply in the next contest.

However, there is one thing that I consider. My own Steem Power is still low. How to take this initiative. Will it be useful for people out there.

The thing is that the delegation might just lasted for a week and you take it back! That's cool

Wow! This is Cool!! Seeing many good initiatives from this post is really nice. So delegation to contest winners will be a good thing to be adopted on steemit

I am glad to hear that

I think this is the best way to organize contests and distribute prizes/rewards, if a person wants to maintain their club status, they should keep delegation as a reward option.

Those who are okay with the lower club status can use the transfer method for distributing rewards.

Hello @steemcurator01 there's another query that I think needed to be cleared out. There are many charity work going on, on this platform. If a user wants to donate some steem to a charity program, and mentions it on the memo clearly, will it also be not included in the #club calculations?

It is more difficult with charity donations. There is potential for abuse.

Therefore generally charity donations would be included in #club calculations.

One thing more I should add here make me correct if I'm wrong as I'm new at this platform.
#club100 means powerup all earnings and huzaifanaveed has more than 350Sbds in his wallet
I think his claims to be club100 is wrong, if he's still in club100 means all users can store their sbds in wallet

Cc: @steemcurator01

Yes, for @huzaifanaveed1 to be fully compliant with #club100 he should be powering up all his post rewards from the past 3 months, as well as not cashing out any.

Otherwise he would have to drop down to #club75 or #club5050.

Yes indeed, I should and I will. I have already powered up more than 18,000 steem since the inauguration of #clubs. As you can see I haven't cashed out any Sbd/steem, just waiting for the right SBD/Steem rate. I'm in for the long haul (:

Hi @steemcurator01

Please I want to know.
You are giving votes according to #club, all club100 get 20% or more votes . I'm in club100 since last month . even I'm not getting votes,today I got vote after 19_20 days of 14% ,I'm not asking why I'm not getting votes. I just want to know why only my club 100not getting votes.

Even I'm struggling for votes more than 1.5 month but still doing poweups and showing my commitment to powerup


I'm doing poweups before inauguration of any club and still doing as I'm not getting votes from your side .

These are my poweups


I'm near to 4×dolhpin but my dream to be an ocra . Without your support no one can't .

Please have a look at my profile and explain me .




Hallo Sir @steemcurator01
I'm still confused about using the hashtags #club5050, #club75 and #club100. Because on the one hand when referring to I can use the hashtag #club5050. However, the community curator said that I had no right to use the hashtag #club5050. How exactly, sir, where should I refer.

For #club5050 you need to ensure you power up at least as much as you transfer out, and you also need to power up at least half of your earnings each month.

You can check this here...

Also if you give any sort of contest prizes you need to indicate that in the transfer memos.

Are these contest prizes?

4 days ago Transfer 5.000 STEEM POWER to weasell
4 days ago Transfer 5.000 STEEM POWER to ronindboss
4 days ago Transfer 5.000 STEEM POWER to victoh78

Hi dear good day, it seems that the Debt Ratio is higher than 10%, so the distribution of the liquid rewards has been changed to STEEM - SP.

In this publication sapwood explains about it and gives conclusion and recommendations about it.

And I agree that as long as the distribution is like this it is better to apply 100% Power UP in the publications, until returning to the previous. What do you say?

That's right, it's a contest Announcement | Contest : Review Manual Vote Sesion 17th prize by sending Steem Power to each winner. I'm not sending Steem, I'm sending Steem Power.

If I don't transfer out and don't power up, will I join the #club, sir? It means that steem and SBD are still in the wallet.

Understandable. For that, we can put beneficiaries to the charity accounts that are reliable and have been working on this platform with complete proofs. In this way, we'll not have any #club related issue.
Thank you for responding.

I like how you explicitly answered this query! Nice one 👍

when will i get support from you and vote from you

Yours faithfully
Thank you

Can I get an exemption please, as I was maintaining my Club100 for 3-4 months and then I transferred some Steem to pak-charity (which is an authentic charity, that shares all their work), without knowing it will affect my club tag and now I got to know from some community admins that I am not in club100 tag now?

To be fully compliant with #club100 you would have to power up all your earnings from the past 3 months.

You currently have 54.308 SBD in your wallet. This suggests some of that was earned in the past 3 months..

I didn't power up this amount after I got the issue of losing my club100 tag (because I transferred some Steem to pak-charity). So if I powered up, would I be eligible to be in Club100?

Sorry for disturbing you and asking you these questions. I need some statement from you or any other steemit team to defend myself if someone tells me that I am not eligible for club100.


I have tried to do a check using the link you provided, one of the results is that it reaches 125%. Am I in club125? ️😁

I am glad hearing this, atleast this has solved some issues.

Thank you for your input. I'm sure all the community leaders will read this comment and act accordingly. I'll do my part in informing the users on this platform.

You're truly a good leader man

This information must run in all the communities, it is extremely important for subsequent correction tags according to the club. nice job!.

Interesting, I had stopped doing contests with big prizes so that I would not be affected by the status of the club. Thank you for responding and helping with this issue.

But this increases the workload of the curators who have to again and again look for transaction history of prize distributions and charity donations and verify that everything aligns with the club status claim of the user.

I think for charitable donations they can arrange their pay out to a charity account, so that their club remains safe.


Yes this is what has been adapted until now and it makes curators' work easy to check for the club status, but if people are allowed to withdraw funds then it will become hard for everybody to track the status.

You're right

Thanks for asking. It is also what I want to know. This will make it easier for us to review every post in the community and make weekly reports. I suggest that every Steemians who do Cash-out for prizes to write a description.


You said that if you are a double dolphin, you will cooperate. I have passed with some support. If you could see a little, I could go further and be strong in my own strength

I stand with you!

 2 years ago 

The little shy guy is saying hi to you.

Thank you for being with us and supporting us in these special days. 👼

Welcome the sleepless nights. XD

Many many congratulations to you and your wife.

 2 years ago 

I'm welcome. I think this will be a situation we cannot escape from. 👨‍🍼

Thank you very much for your congratulations.

Congratulations and good wishes to you, your wife and your new son !

 2 years ago 

It was an unforgettable and exciting day for us.
Thank you for being with us and supporting us in these special days. 👼

MashaAllah Congratulations. I'm so so happy for you. May Allah save him from bad eyes.

Ps: pray for me as well that I get married soon 😂😂😢

 2 years ago 

Thank you for your prayers and wishes.

Note: There is a time for everything in life. It will be the best when that time comes. I hope you find someone who appreciates you.

Other Note: If you want, I can do a dating and marriage contest on Steemit. 😂 It was just a joke.

 2 years ago 

Musmutlu ve güzel bir ömrü olur inşallah🤗 Size ve eşinize tebrikler😊

 2 years ago 

Çok teşekkürler güzel dilekleriniz için. 🙏☺️


Günün kaliteli gönderisi seçildiniz. Steemit-Türkiye Topluluğunda aktif olmaya devam edin.

Steemit Türkiye Team

 2 years ago 

Destek için teşekkürler. 😊

 2 years ago 

Gözünüz aydın olsun. Allah analı babalı büyütsün. Vatana millete hayırlı evlat eylesin.🎂🎁

 2 years ago 

Çok teşekkür ederim. Amin inşaAllah Evlatlarımız vatana millete hayırlı olurlar. 👍

 2 years ago 

Bir bebeğin gülüşünden daha tatlı bir şey yoktur. Allah analı babalı büyütsün.

 2 years ago 

Bizimkinin ilk gülüşlerini daha göremedim fakat fazlasıyla ağlamasını gördüm. Kesinlikle çok tatlı olacaktır. 😊

Çok teşekkür ederim. 👨‍🍼

Felicitaciones estimado, Dios les bendiga y proteja por siempre.
Una bendición cada hijo que se tiene.
Muchas felicidades a ud y su señora.

Banner Saludos y hasta pronto.jpg

 2 years ago 

Thank you for your nice comment and good wishes. 🙏

Definitely a great blessing. 😊

Ma shaa Allah brother. Happy for you <3

May Allah bless him with health, wealth and most importantly make him able to lead his life on the right path.


 2 years ago 

Thanks dude. It has been a very special day for me. 😊

Thanks for your prayers and good wishes. Amin. 🙏

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