S16/W5 - If you had the opportunity to settle overseas, which 3 countries would you choose?

in Hindwhale Community6 months ago (edited)

It's an illusion, if not a big lie, to think that if you live in the Netherlands you can go wherever you like. Yes, I can travel and even emigrate as long as I bring a fat bank account along. There's a very small change I will make friends without.

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To me, it's not even easy to emigrate to the neighbours, Germany or Belgium let alone Portugal or Italy. Without a well-paid job and no place to stay, there's no way to survive within the EU. No matter how many people the country I live in provided with a monthly income in euros, schooling, homes, free medical service (dentists included), holidays and 3000 euros to buy new furniture not one single country on earth would do that for me. Not even my country does or one of those other great members of the united club.

They all would send me away with the words: Stay home girl, while thinking 'Get lost, you filthy parasite' which is less worse than the opinion of many other countries' people who believe we all are filthy rich, blind to the poverty behind the backdoors of many who can no longer afford to pay food and paying all those bills and taxes.

Since I am the offspring of a mixed family this means I have no right to go and live in the countries where my ancestors are from. Suriname, Indonesia, China, and France are among them. I've never visited the first three and only my last visit to France gave me a good vibe. Would I like to live there? I don't think so plus it's not overseas.

If I emigrated to another country I needed to be rich and male. I have to be close to nature to be able to breathe. I do not see myself living in super crowded cities unless nature is nearby (beach, river, mountains).

If gender, age and money don't play a role I would go to Japan.

They say it's the country where everything can be found. I would like to be close to the famous forest with its majestic trees, living nearby or at the foot of a volcano. Another option is to rent a house with one of those real estate specialized in 'hunted homes' places where people died alone. As a writer the country, its beliefs, tales, food and so much more would trigger me enough to write on.
Since I came with a bag of money this is all the country will offer me. There are no benefits to expect or receive except for an answer to my burning question about the Japanese concentration camps in Indonesia. While the entire world always focused on and blamed Germany, instead of Austria who bred out Adolf, Japan was never blamed for anything. It is as if that part of history doesn't exist but till today it still hurts many since the effects, and results of violence live on in the next generations.


Nothing has to be forever I can emigrate again, right?

Where to go to also has to do with how people act. With years of lockdown behind us, so many lies, fake news and threats spread to many governments countries overseas are no longer attractive to me. Especially, not those who claim to be the best of the best, with creepy leaders, paedophiles, dementia, woke, indentity crisis, puppets used by? Not too long ago people like these would have been called and put against the wall. It is like @ibesso said if lies do not only stretch noses but souls too... I tend to say Greenland or Iceland although I am not a big fan of ice and cold perhaps the hot natural pools make up for that?
I admit I am not looking forward to emigrating overseas, my overseas not yours, mainly because of the politics which gives me an eerie feeling. So I might grab an extra bags of money and leave for Morocco. They have winter, and there can be snowfall but the country is big enough to avoid the cold. I can easily rent a villa or go live in a hotel since a room and one meal a day are good enough for a crazy writer. As a female I will be safe, no men pinching my arse or making women unfriendly remarks plus I won't be surrounded by alcohol addicts. Although I hardly eat I love the (street)food, smell, architecture, the colourful mosaic, the kind people and... the Sahara where places similar to photos of the US moon landings can be found. I think it would make the man on the moon make happy and feel at home. I should invite him so we both can write on and he discovers happiness does belong to him as well.
Morocco has sea, a good temperature, they speak French (well not everyone) and perhaps I have time to pick up on Arabic again. Since I have a friend over there I won't be 'alone' (I better not give him the key to my door or I will never have a quiet moment again or be able to write down a word).
A flight over there costs 80 euros which is cheaper than expected (and public transport).
I don't need to be filthy rich to have a satisfying life, although without any doubt there will be (greedy) people who think I am and I will be their source of income so I immigrate with Woof and to a part where Dragon can land (the Sahara?) which is to the horizon and far beyond.... If they do not have chocolate I ask @aminasafdar to carry it over since she said she wouldn't mind (it's what real friends are for, right 😉).

I frequently hear Mother Russia calling me but I do not need to cross a sea to meet up with the big bear. I could go to Turkey first and next Sail the Seven Seas before I step on land and enjoy the Northern lights, meet the Taiga and Siberia and all those places I only know by the pictures painted by Konsalik.
The gas is cheap which is a plus and I assume they still sell milk, kefir and yoghurt, eat meat, poultry and fish instead of the vegan-cancer-printed-fake-look-a-like-plastic slice of chemicals by the brand Bill (the terrible smell is included).
A hut or small cottage is good enough plus some view and room for a table with a samowar on top, to provide in my cup of tea. Once arrived I might need a helping hand, a trustworthy person and room for Woof, the crow, my owl, Dragon and the black cat. If I'm bored I will hop over the border with China which is something Russia has to offer me too next to the sound of the language. Will I emigrate to Russia?


No matter where one goes, there will always be a bear on the road.

My third choice is in Africa.

I like the temperature and the food. I don't care about luxury and already deal with blackouts and mud streams I just don't choose to be in a warzone or among people who discriminate based on religion, gender, race, tribe or the colour of the skin. I am prepared and just want to sit in the sun, dug my spoon into a plate of rice which I bought from the lady on the street the one with a shining face and lovely smile. One plate is enough food for two or three days.
I will rent a room in a cheap hotel or one in a compound and watch the children play in between writing most of the time outside. I can walk bare feet, do not need to wear winter clothes and wait till the boys cook tea. It's where I can live outside without being ripped into pieces by stable flies. A sea would be nice just like living among monkeys or visiting them again to meet up, observe what they are doing and have a good talk.
What Africa has to offer me is space, since many leave to whatever they think is Paradise to end up in a "shelter" or worse on the streets, too late to figure out and too ashamed to admit that the grass isn't greener because it's real but it looks green because it is fake, made out of plastic.
Africa offers me space, more common sense - or is it ignorance - while the hysterical Western world is drowning because of anxiety and lack of common sense. Although by far not everyone has reason to be happy the people are survivors and smile. They are diverse and creative and still know how to sing and dance no matter the hardships they are facing.
Above all they have plenty of stories to tell and the best storytellers will be found among them.
Over there I will not be avoided because of my looks but be treated like special, like the person I am. I don't care if this costs me an extra bag of money since it feels good to invest in people, in a country that welcomes you.

A warm welcome is not a right and should be earned by respecting the culture including its norms and values.

So dear Africa, here I come again unless I am invited by my big brother @rokhani, my old friend @el-nailul to help the @worldsmile or @fadthalib to help teach #creativewriting of diaries and they share their baked bananas with me.

If you made it this far, thank you for trying to read me. I'm fine if you do not leave a long #comment

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I did this, can you miss a few #Steem too so a few more of us can 'celebrate' the end of the month?
Thank you! @wakeupkitty

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I am a mobile phone user only


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 6 months ago 

It's fascinating to read your reflections on the complexities of emigrating and the considerations you've made for your potential destinations. Your honesty and depth of thought shine through, making for a compelling read. Wishing you the best in your journey, wherever it may lead.

Thank you for your kind respond. I guess within 5 years I'll know where my road will leads to.

Greetings! I enjoyed reading your post about your top three choices for settling overseas. You've provided some unique insights into why you've chosen Japan, Morocco, and an undisclosed location in Africa.

Your passion for travel and experiencing new cultures is evident in your writing, and it's clear that you've done your research on each location. I wish you the best of luck in your journey to explore these amazing destinations, and I look forward to reading more of your posts in the future!

Japan is one of the safest countries which is an important aspect for me as a woman. The fact there are also nightshops is an extra plus although there's a small chance I will find one at the foot of a volcano.

Marocco feels like a safe place to me too, especially if not in toeristic areas.

Since I'm getting older, not younger, most of what I need is peace, silence, an inviting, stimulating environment to think, read and write.

Thank you for your great #comment

Lovely, especially the last part... yin and yang, day and night, sun and moon, sky and earth. Good doesn't exist if there's no evil to point fingers at.

You already figured out that happiness does belong to you and it's created by your own mind.

It's good to read your hand isn't still, hoping for the next thrill. The pen you are holding is all you need to step into the light.

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I would like to be close to the famous forest with its majestic trees, living nearby or at the foot of a volcano

Well, it was from 2014-2017, I mostly spent my time deep in the rain forest alone and (literally) finding something to sell, and when I had enough, I came home to see my dear family and spent a week at most and then back there again.

Living alone in the bushes with the nearest civilization was 3 day walk, creating a peaceful mind but at some point, I talked to the trees, rocks, and even to flowing water in the stream.

Some say I was running from my responsibility, some say I was learning magic, but no one knows that I have nothing to earn and started to think of getting something from the jungle and selling it to feed my family.

3 years lived my life just like a nomad tribe, gaining more confidence in living in nature, but one thing I missed most was my "kid's smiling face" and that is my morphine to stay awake in the jungle just to make their smile come true, it was hard indeed.

Back to your story: You like to stay close to the jungle and mountain and river, with small and safe shelter, free to breathe and do what you like most is also my dream, and I invite you to start it from Indonesia with relatively cheaper living cost.

Wish you all the best

I loved reading you, you make a good storyteller! If it comes to the forest I know what you mean and the feeling to be left on your own.

It's not a bad thing to talk to the trees, hug them and speak to the river and the rocks and stones.
Did you know that in the Celtic stories the rovks are the first living beings and seen as 'the elderly' the wisest. It's a rock we need to build on right?

I understand it's hard to miss the smiling face of your child and the fact you can't hold and protect it because you are simply not there because of the need to find a way to take care of your dearest and focused on staying alive.

I must say I admire you because you did the hardest thing one can do which is leaving your family behind to take care of them. How many would do what you did?

It's strange how people do not look closer and not even wonder how you managed during all those years.

I hope you are doing better now and you and your family are closer than ever before.

May I ask what exactly you found to sell? It's fine if you don't like to answer this.

Do you have all nearby what you mentioned? How will my life be if it comes to being a single woman in Indonesia?

Do you have a certain spot in mind for yourself?

Perhaps if you tell me I can google the area a bit.
Thsnk you for your great respond and sharing your experiences with me.


By the welcome of Africa which even the simplest can meet the most luxurious in its regional richness. Where melodies swelling like rivers and the smile is a story teller. Latter on, the clear weather of Africa is the only thing I see and I hear the birds and I just feel the power of life coming through the most ordinary things.

I think I change my plans. Africa will be the #1!
Smiles, souls singing and covered by stories.

Please, join the @freewritehouse home for the #freewriters and Dream Steem. Your words make my soul sing!

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It is a pleasure to read your post and the way of your thinking, it looks like talking to you and chatting about all the option. It is always pros and cons and never anything straight forward. Often we have to accept that and just try our best, there is never easy way but if we do not do something now we might loose our precious time. Thank you for your post, I enjoyed reading it :)

Thank you for reading me and your kind comment. Indeed it's all about pros and cons but by expressing thoughts it's easier to figure out what the best strp to take is. I'm realistic and don't expect any country or place to be perfect. To me most important is a fulfilment of a basis and the rest I will build myself or simply live with.

I wish you a great day.
Blessed be



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