Steemit Engagement Challenge / SEC-S19 / W3 | "Money or Peace?".

Are we all sacrificing peace to make money?

I really don’t know about others, but I know my current situation and to achieve my financial target I am sacrificing peace since last 5 to 6 years to make money.

I am working in a private company so it is sure that there will no pension receiving after age of 60. My first loan was about to complete in the year 2019-20 but then some family members affected financially and indirectly, I got responsibility of other family members to cover their financial debt.

I had to take out extra loans and make credit card payments to help them repay their debt. I helping them. My almost entire salary was deducting in this payment just in 1 week after salary, still I am repaying to helping family members.

I like to travel, ride bike on weekends, buy new cloths, goals but then in the year 2020 I strongly decided that I will sacrifice my life till I get up completely from this debt and make a such bank balance that in future I don’t have to face such challenges.

I start leaning many things so that I can make at least 3 to 4 active sources for earning money along with my salary. In these sources it is also includes Stock and Crypto market, then I started to earn blogging.

Headache tablets .

I spend day + night in such activity with no peace this affect me on my behavior that I quite become anger, due to less sleep I frequently getting headache so I take tablets because I can’t even suffer in mild headache, I don’t like it 😃.

My family and my friends start asking me why suddenly stop coming on weekends, what is happening, why you not came out from your bedroom. I said nothing to them.

Last year there was a medical emergency we faced as father admitted. In the hospital days, father keep asking me about charges and what to do, I keep telling them very less charges than the actual so that they don’t have to worry during hospitalization. On the other hand, I prepared the bill amount to pay hospital. I was able to survive in this situation, but this incident reminds me all the time for what I will do in future if such situation arises again and may be that time it will be big.

So my first target is to first repay all the debt, control as much as on new expenditure, avoid Credit card for big transaction and once this is completed, then secure big portion of salary till at least INR 10 Lakh remain in account which can help in emergency. Life is not stop here, my financial goal is to earn and make a money that much which give interest in such way that I can live in future, it’s difficult to achieve but not impossible. Since last 5 - 6 year I am towards these goals. As of today, I completed some debt from the efforts taken in to Stock and Crypto investment. There is no peace at all for me as currently I am sacrificing it to make money to secure my family future so they can live without stress and fear.

Which is wiser to spend and earn or to spend after earning and saving?

Pexels source.

When life struggling with financial balances then obvious wiser is spend after earning and saving. In general, it is more sensible that to spend after earning and saving as this practice can lower the chance of financial instability and create guarantees that we will have a ready backup plan financially which can be benefit in emergency.

Giving preference to earn and save instead borrow loan can minimize the chances of borrowing loan which may affect long time to our financial stability. Spend after earning and saving, with this strategy, you may make budget and plan more efficiently, making sure you can live within your budget and have money saved reserve for emergencies.

Based on my personal experience spending after earning and saving reduces financial stress and increases support. In the end, everything in on financial objectives and visions. Giving importance to savings before expenditures can help getting financial balances and peace of mind.

Apart from money, what brings you peace and happiness?

Apart from money the things that brings me peace and happiness is spending time with family, friends, partner. Making others happy brings me happiness. I involved myself in other activities that can create growth in my future like learning new things.

Since last 6 year I am actively involved in Stock and Crypto market, reading and knowing about legends investors like Warren Buffett are inspired me and help in Stock and Crypto market. In normal free time I busy in check the stocks and find opportunities in great stocks which currently undervalued and has potential to become valued. Really, the people like me who put more time in markets, after investment when stock move in our favor, looking at increasing profit, monitor daily, get new updates about it, I get much happiness in this.

Sometime I make food for family with the help of recipe videos in YouTube. Making self-busy in such activities brings me peace and happiness.

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 2 months ago 

Hi friend,
Your Twitter promotion is not proper. Please add the mandatory $steem tag intoour promotion. Thank you.
Cc: @rasel72

Okay. Cant edit tweet now. But I have added tag $steem in the comment section of this tweet post.

Hello @aneukpineung78, @hamzayousafzai, @ahsansharif,

I would like to invite you in this topic as I am sure it will connect to your life experience and would be interested in sharing your thought process on "Money or Peace?".

I have seen the contest article,, it's nearly deadline I guess I have to pass

Thanbks anyway,, stream4u

Ok i must try to post my entry

Well this is good,,
Share me the link please bruder streem4u ..
I'd like to take a glimpse and maybe contribute something ...

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We are the hope!

Although money has become a necessity of man in today's era, money can bring a revolution in a man's life which a man cannot do without money. It is within man and wisdom works in that man earns money first and then spends it. There is no doubt that these things are human nature.

 2 months ago 

Hello dear @stream4u !

It is great the dedication you are to paying off responsibilities and protecting your family future. Though it is a challenging devotion your effort to find a balance between financial stability and inner peace is great.

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