"Steemit Engagement Challenge S13W2- “What is the most popular employment in your country ?"

in Hindwhale Community11 months ago

Greatday everyone!

Actually this is my first time to join with this kind of challenge in steemit. In my own opinion, hoping that it can add an interest into someones reading my article.

What are the most popular employment in your country?

The Philippines is a country of hardworking and brilliant people. Which is the economy is growing so fast and a highly urbanized country. In this way, my country has really no specific popular job. Whereas there are many in demand jobs in the Philippines. Likes, BPO's (business process outsourcing), fast food workers, construction workers, teachers, web designers, tailorings, drivers, household helpers, farmers and etc.


Do you believe "AI" will help or create problems in the job market?

I may not be knowledgeable when it comes to AI. But for now AI was really helpful to some companies and industries using computers inorder to make every works very easier and fast. WeIl, I do not know if what its future race but sadly if it is more powerful and knowledgeable than human.


How to reduce rising unemployment?

Getting a job was not so easy. You may undergo some hindrances inorder to get it and you need to compete a lot of people with same of your skills.

There are some of my friendly tips inorder to lessen unemployed people:

• decide on what you want to be
• focus of what skills you fit of
• apply online if you shy in personal
• do not be discourage if you fall
• give the best of your best

Infact our president travels in different countries inorder to attracts investors to invest in the country. So far according to its cabinet members there are a lot of works that brings for the Filipino's which is the LGU's conducts a man to man training and orientation inorder on how to become a skilled worker.


And I am happy abiding all the rules and gratefully inviting my steem friends to participate the challenge, @dove11, @kyrie1234, @simaroy, jobreyes..



Hola amigo
En tu país pasa como en mi país que no hay un trabajo popular específico porque las personas dependiendo de lo que saben hacer es que salen en busca de esos trabajos y los trabajos que más se ven popularmente son los de comida rápida y habilidades que las personas van aprendiendo como ayudantes de mecánica o ventas de víveres y de ropa.

Suerte y Saludos

Exactly you are my friend youve hit my point. Philippines has many in demand job. People here only select for what job they want to. Thanks for dropping friend...

Screenshot that I shared it on my twitter.


You are definitely correct 💯 my friend job nowadays are hard to get everywhere in the country including here in Nigeria 🇳🇬 where people are finding it difficult to have a good job infact the rate of unemployment is not advisable at all.

By reading your post i have learned that your country don't have a particular job, the important nob in your country is self employment where by citizens employ themselves through their skills.

Building of industries and companies will help reduce the rate of unemployment in your country.

My friend i really enjoyed reading your entry and i wish you success 🙏

Wow thanks for great comments my friend. Exactly you are right, people here not really matters on their job but they give most important is the skills which it can earned money and because of skills they have a better life than working for lifetime.

You are welcome 🤗 😍

Indeed one day everything will work in our favor 🙏

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