The Diary Game || 29-11-2023 || A conversation with my Daughter
Dear friends,
Welcome to my today's diary.
Once again I am going to participate in the contest: organised by @dove11 in our community.
This morning I woke up at about six. After waking up, I exercised for a while and then cleaned the exterior of the house, after cleaning, watered the plants and came inside. Then my husband gave me luke warm water and hot tea and after drinking both I sat on the sofa and rested for a while.
My son also woke up early in the morning and was handcrafting the ox mask that his teacher had given him as a homework task at school. He had started work last night. But last night he couldn't finish because it was too late and he was sleepy. So, I woke him up early in the morning and he also got up and finished the chores. The mass he performed was very good and his father helped him.
After shower I went to kitchen and cooked breakfast. My two children are ready for school, I sent them to school and went back to home work when I got a call from my elder daughter, we usually talk on WhatsApp video call. Because it is just internet and no other charges are applicable.

During that WhatsApp conversation she was telling me about her flight training in detail and I was listening very interestingly. She had sent me videos of herself flying the "Chesna aircraft " and then landing. I was very happy and proud to watch those videos. I wanted to share here on steemit but the videos are too big so I can't share them. However I have taken its clips as pictures and posted them here. I also made giff file of a scene of it and posted it here, I think you will like it
As it was night for her there and here morning I was at home I talked to her for a long time I don't know how time passed. We were chatting for about an hour and a half and we talked about climate, food methods, friends in Canada. A new girl from India is also joined to stay with them there as a student , my daughter introduced her to me, I also saw her and wished her through whatsapp and after this conversation was over again I went to kitchen cooked lunch. I made egg curry and rice rice for lunch and then went to our office.

In the evening I went to my brother's house and saw my father who was on rest after an eye surgery and after meeting him I came home and watched some comedy shows on TV for a while and then had dinner and after that I sat down on Steemit and started writing this diary. I hope you like this diary very much please do post your nice comments in my comment section I thank God for this sweet day.
I would like to invite
@sumayaorin to participate in this useful contest and win.
Discord : @jyoti-thelight#6650 Telegram :-

Greetings Mam 😊
It's a pleasure to read your diary game that you had a very handsome conversation with your daughter through what's ap. Actually leaving your own country to live and to live in abroad is not easy for everyone because there we may face a lot of challenges. The pictures of air planes are also very beautiful 😍. I really enjoyed reading your diary game 😁. Best of luck 🤞
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