Contest | " Time never comes back

Greetings to my fellow steemians around the globe, writing this post before you is @hayleydemi from Nigeria and I am so delighted and glad participating in such a wonderful contest organized by @aviral123 which is titled : contest | time never comes back.


Time is said to be the most powerful force on earth which can not be stopped or controlled by anyone. Time is the most precious thing in earth and when lost or spent unwise it can't be brought back. If you have the time to do a particular thing do it at that time rather than waiting, because once the time is gone or passed it won't come back. My life has been full of many experiences which I wished time could just come back and I never made the mistakes I made. I would love to share a story of my life on how I wished time could just come back.


It was a phase in my life when I thought everything was all about wake up, eat , go to school to learn and then come back home and just do it all over again everyday. little did I know that life would be harder and tougher than I thought and I also never knew that time is among the few things that when lost can never be recovered. It was on a Monday just like any another Mondays I have had during my time at school but what made this day different was the incident that made me lose one of my positions in class and as a prefect and also dropped my grades drastically, well this is how it all started. Well we all know that no matter how good you are You must always have a bad side inside you and some may not like displaying such a bad side of them because it may make them look bad and stubborn.


So I was in school, preparing for an exam we all had to take in order to boost our scores and i was fully prepared, but I forgot my materials needed to write this exam due to the rush they put in us to enter the exam hall, and the worst part of it all was that they put an invigilator that was very strict and don't tolerate any form of joke during exam. Unknowingly to him I went out , though the exam hasn't started yet before I went out but when I returned I came to see that they have started the exam and I begged him to give me my paper to begin my own exams but he refused instead he knelt me down and flogged me mercilessly for leaving the hall without his permission and i became angry at him for doing such.

The next day, anytime I saw him I would remember what he did to me and the marks he gave me all over my body and i would just be more angry. So I decided in my mind to do him something that would pain him and make him regret flogging me. So I went to his desk where he kept all his files and notebooks which were very important to him and tear all of them, I tore them to the point it was all over the desk and then i left not knowing that someone was behind watching me as i committed this atrocity.

The next day the principal called me to his office and asked me why I tore the teachers note book, I was confused and Speechless as to how he knew and why did he think it was me. As I was about denying it , the cleaner who usually cleans the school came out to say what she saw and that was how I was exposed and suspended. I was not only suspended but relieved of my post as a disciplinary prefect. For one month I was at home for the act I show at school and I hated myself for that. This not only affected my academic but my life in total as I dropped from one of the best students to an average student and it affected me. I also wasted all does time doing nothing while others where at school reading and writing exams I was at home sleeping and doing nothing because I had no clue or idea on what to read. This incident made me wish that If only time would go back I would change the way I acted but the truth still remains time never comes back and that is why we should be conscious on the things we do and the consequences attached to it whenever we do it.

Inviting @writer123 @divinelife @woka-happiness, @eliany @chant to partake in this contest with me



It's sad how you made that mistake but one thing have learnt about mistakes made is not to dwell on it. Fine you have made the mistake and you have learnt from it beautiful try to forgive yourself and move it's not easy but life as not ended as long as you can still breathe so keep pushing

Thanks for your nice comment on my post I really appreciate

Time presents itself early enough for us to make the best out it. It is either by negligence, ignorance or stubborness that makes a person take time for granted. Time also presents itself to us so we can become the best version of ourselves.

You are absolutely right my friend, time waits for no one and as such we should make adequate use of our time. Success in your entry friend

 2 months ago 

Now you realized that you overreacted towards the teacher I wish the time should come back for you.

So sorry about the whole incident but please next time think before you act.

I think that is my advice to you.

Yes I was still a little girl and never realized what I was doing and I wish I could turn back the hands of the clock and correct my mistakes but we all know that's not possible.

 2 months ago 

Yes time can not be reversed back.

 2 months ago 

Hello my friend, @hayleydemi
I am saddened to read your post, now in any country violence against students comes under the category of humanitarian crime. But your teacher whipped you, this is an inhuman cruel incident. Then you also made a mistake and tore his notebook, this is indiscipline. Whereas you yourself were elected prefect to maintain discipline.
Let us forget what happened in the past and live the new life in a disciplined manner.
With due respect.

Your right my friend, let's forget the past and focus on the future

Hola Hayleydemi, es desgarrador lo que cuentas, la intransigencia del maestro, las normas estrictas que no permiten actuar y corregir lo que está mal, no dan segundas oportunidades y el castigo del maestro fueron perturbadores. Si hubieses podido regresar el tiempo y tomar tus útiles escolares, ese episodio no hubiese sucedido, que lamentable que tus acciones repercutieran de esa manera en tu récord escolar de forma tan impactante. Lastimosamente el tiempo no regresa y no se pueden corregir nuestras acciones. Me atrapó la gustó el contenido, Éxitos

Thank you for such kind words on my post, if only I could go back in time and prevent what happened it would have been better but we all know it's not possible. Thanks for your comment once again

It's true the time cannot be changed because we made mistakes because the time has never stopped moving and we can't stop it from moving.

Best wishes in the contest.

Thank you for stopping by on my post, time never stops and that is why we should make use of the time we have now before it becomes too late. Thanks once again for reading my post, I really appreciate

You're welcome

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