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RE: SEC-S16/W3 - Who has the strongest influence on children? Father, mother, teacher, siblings, or friends?

in Hindwhale Community4 months ago

A boy raised by a father who respects females is more likely to grow up to respect them than a boy whose father never did.

In my opinion, this rings true from my experience growing up. My dad always treated my mom with respect, and it definitely influenced how I view and treat women today. His example taught me the importance of equality and kindness towards everyone. Moroever, I also treat my wife with great affection and respect. I belive the attitude of society towards women is changing positively. Isn't it?

Children get to learn more about chores and keeping the family together from their mother.

From what I've seen, mothers play a huge role in teaching kids about responsibility and family values through daily chores. I remember how my mom patiently taught me how to help out around the house, and those lessons have stuck with me throughout my life.

The influence of friends on children becomes more apparent as they grow older.

As a health professional, I've noticed how peer influence can really shape a child's behavior, especially as they enter their teenage years. I've seen firsthand how a child's choice of friends can either encourage positive behaviors or lead them down a negative path.

All the best


Thanks for your valuable comments @drqamu. I couldn't agree less with your submissions.

Importantly like you said, the society's attitude towards women is getting better.


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