Kirby and the Return of the Nightmares (GBA) | Gamer adventures #3
Hello friends, Kirby needs my help to defeat the most fearsome bosses in dream land and I will do my best to put an end to them in the most effective way possible.
First we have the tree, the most classic of all the bosses and he will only have to use his apples against him, that way he will not be a problem
Then we have the painter, be careful that when he is low on life he will go faster after finishing painting, a good strategy to defeat this boss and the next ones is to absorb the electric cloud and have the spark, so you will defeat him in record time.
Sol y Luna, great reference to Mario and Link, if you have the power to spark you can do them in a second, but if you don't you will have to spend a long time to defeat them.
The bitchy cloud (if that's the name I have affection for it), you immediately take off the power you have and put on the hi-Jump power, just go up without giving you any obstacle when you get to the top the true battle use your power to defeat him.
The excavator, very easy if you have the hi-jump, you never take it off, it turns out to be the winner of the game, you only hurt it until you defeat it.
Meta knight GOD, so I leave it to you, grab the sword and may God want you to survive, good luck.
King dedede, the best fight of all, if you don't use powers of course, but if you stayed with the hi-jump up to this point just continue until you win this fight.
The little ball of nightmares flies off to escape from kirby, if you are to play ship games then this will be a piece of cake, at the end grab the star and we will reach the space of the moon.
Nightmares the last boss of the game, just use the star rod to win this fight that decides the fate of dream land,
And in the end enjoy the record you got, in my case it took me a few minutes but I don't care. Until the next post and may his gamer soul never leave you, goodbye