Game Review #04 | Minecraft: Story Mode

in Gaming Souls3 years ago (edited)

Ahoy matey! I'm @afnanmugdho, and I've came up with yet another game review. Hope you'll like it 😁.


Minecraft: Story Mode is an adventure game set in the ever-expanding Minecraft universe that tells a unique story. It was unintentionally influenced by the blocky world-building craze. Minecraft: Story Mode is a witty journey that features famous comedians' voices in a story that takes you from the overworld to the Nether and everything in between. Players may expect to construct anything in this game because it is inspired by Minecraft, but instead of shelters, castles, and monuments in honor of cartoon characters, you will build tales.


Your decisions in the game affect the story, allowing players to build their own experience over the whole season of Story Mode episodes.


Jesse, the player character, is in charge of your party and can be played by
either male or female, depending on your preference. Jesse and his companions, devoted meathead Axel and clever, self-assured Olivia, as well as Jesse's pet pig, Reuben, are a gifted team of builders seeking to dethrone the defending champions at the EnderCon Minecraft convention.


However, a sequence of bad events during EnderCon release a Wither, a frightening creature that threatens to swallow everything. Jesse and his companions understand they'll need the Order of the Stone's assistance, a group of four legendary heroes. As a result, the gang embarks on a search for the legendary adventurers.


The narrative is somewhat obvious due to the influences of Minecraft: Story Mode and its family-friendly nature. Rather than the unexpected turns. The plot twists in this story are frequently predicted or explicitly telegraphed by conversation and visual cues.


The genre didn't bother me because there were enough story developments to keep me engaged. Even though "The Order of the Stone" is just two hours long, I spent enough time with my pals as Jesse to get to know them. Because I had formed ties with those characters, I began to care about them.

So, here is the rating out of 5 (⭐) stars in my point of view:

Story: ⭐ ⭐⭐ ⭐ ⭐

Blocky Graphics: ⭐ ⭐⭐ ⭐⭐

Adventure: ⭐ ⭐⭐ ⭐

Voice Acting: ⭐ ⭐⭐ ⭐ ⭐

The characters, the story, the adventure and the out standing voice acting will let you experience the blocky world of Minecraft 😁.

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