The Spanish community is not very aware of the situation of Steem with Tron and the importance of the Witnesses...

in DCooperation5 years ago


One of the situations that has generated the coronavirus in my town is the closure of both shopping malls and schools and universities, and as you can tell I am a university student so my semester was suspended indefinitely, but that will lower my spirits to contribute in steem? of course not!

So I was in these days reviewing all the problem that there was with Tron last week, one of the issues that had escaped from my hands since my reopening to Steem. I went through several posts from many users and noticed something alarming:

Little participation of my community, the steemians of the Spanish community

At least in the issue of the hostile takeover of Tron to the steem chain few users of this language were actively involved to vote for the witnesses as there are few witnesses of this language or even consolidated projects that seek to be among the first 15 of the witnesses, with a community like the Spanish that is the second in terms of number of users, it is necessary to be able to address this type of users and let them know that voting witness and projects is extremely important in this community.

I think that this lack of enthusiasm comes from much earlier and is associated with another problem that has not been properly addressed: the lack of information or the delay in filtering the information that the witnesses give to the communities below the pyramid.

This is also enhanced by the problem of not having a clear witness at the top of the ranking, making the task of knowing what is happening + filtering that information to users much more complicated.

Now I would like to explain how to vote for a witness and the importance of one for the Spanish speaking community, and for that I need a witness from the Spanish community, in this case I will choose @cervantes because it is one of the only ones that actively participate in this table.

What's cervantes?

It is a project that was born almost in the beginning along with the blockchain of Steem, in an epoch in which the users of Spanish speech were scanty cervantes proposed the aim to do the community of this language prooving a project that was supporting voting and curing the posts in this language, with the support of all the persons who were entering in Steem the initiative could climb and turn into one of the most influential in the Spanish speech.

Cervantes has been at every Steem event since its inception and continues to be a pioneer of the Spanish language community as well as a tireless contributor to Steem's upper groups

Now, why is it important to support Cervantes as a Witness?

Let them explain what a witness is first:

A Witness is a Steemit user who, has paid to be able to rent or buy some computers of the latest technology (NODES) and has installed a software node called steemd, once that is done he has synchronized this node with the rest. This user Witness is responsible for maintaining the entire network, 24 / 7. That is why they call it Witness, because it is always watching and checking that the Steemit network is stable and that you can post, comment, vote, charge, etc.

Cervantes' witnesses also have the objective that all the information that is spoken in the highest positions of Steem can be passed to the user in their language, facilitating the integration of these users to the platform as well as their understanding and why not their enthusiasm when participating in the decision making process.

A clear example of how projects like Cervantes are harmed by the passivity of users when voting witness is the recent case of the hostile takeover between tron, in the Tron along with other crypto-currency exchanges conspired to

So we understand that there is a certain degree of responsibility when it comes to managing a project like this, but all that effort wouldn't be worth much if the users who make life in the Spanish community didn't vote for some witness to represent them.

So I would like to explain how you can vote for your witnesses in a simple and direct way, remember that using these votes is CRUCIAL to maintain the decentralization of the platform, give power to users and those who make life on the platform is one of the keys to keep Steem with its unique features.

Vote your Witnesses

Simply go to we registered with our accounts and we can start using our votes, we have 30 in total to choose from among the witnesses so I recommend if you don't know too much about the issue and you are from the Hispanic community vote for @cervantes which is in the 30th position.

I hope to see more projects like this in my native language just to give them a vote because just representing the Spanish speaking community helps a lot to understand everything that happens in Steem's ecosystem.

Thanks for reading and best regards!



Una todas las situaciones que ha generado el coronavirus en mi pueblo es el cierre tanto de centros comerciales como de escuelas y universidades, y como pueden deducir soy un universitario por lo que mi semestre se suspendio por tiempo indefinido, pero eso me bajara los animos de aportar en steem? claro que no!

Asi que estuve en estos dias revisando todo el problema que hubo con Tron la semana pasada, uno de los temas que se me habia escapado de las manos desde mi reapertura a Steem. pase por varios post de muchos usuarios y note algo alarmante:

Poca participacion de mi comunidad, los steemians de la comunidad española

Al menos en el tema de la toma hostil de Tron a la cadena de steem pocos usuarios de este idioma se involucraron activamente para votar a los witness asi como hay pocos witness de este idioma o siquiera proyectos consolidados que busquen estar entre los primeros 15 de los witness, con una comunidad como la española que es la segunda en cuanto a cantidades de usuarios, es necesario poder abordar a este tipo de usuarios y hacerles saber que votar witness y proyectos es sumamente importante en esta comunidad.

Creo que esta falta de entuasiasmo viene desde mucho antes y se asocia con otro problema que no se ha afrontado debidamente: la falta de informacion o la tardanza de filtrar la informacion que los witness dan hacia las comunidades debajo de la piramide.

Esto tambien se ve potenciado por la problematica de no tener un witness claro en los primeros puestos del ranking, haciendo la tarea de saber que esta ocurriendo + filtrar ese informacion a los usuarios sea mucho mas complicada.

Ahora bien quisiera explicar como votar por un witness y la importancia de uno para la comunidad de habla hispana, y para ello necesito un witness de la comunidad española, en este caso voy a elegir a @cervantes porque es uno de los unicos que participan activamente en esta tabla.


Que es cervantes?

Es un proyecto que nacio casi en los inicios junto con la blockchain de Steem, en una epoca en donde los usuarios de habla hispana eran escasos cervantes se propuso el objetivo de hacer la comunidad de este idioma prooviendo un proyecto que apoyara votando y curando los post en este idioma, con el apoyo de todas las personas que seguian entrando en Steem la iniciativa pudo escalar y convertirse en una de las mas influyentes en el habla castellano.

Cervantes ha estado en todos los eventos que ha vivido Steem desde sus inicios y continua siendo una comunidad pionera del lenguaje español asi como un colaborador incansable en los grupos altos de Steem

Ahora bien, por que es importante apoyar a Cervantes como Witness?

Dejemos que ellos mismos expliquen lo que es un witness primero:

Un Witness es un usuario del Steemit que, ha pagado para poder alquilar o comprar unas computadores de última tecnología (NODOS) y les ha instalado un software nodo denominado steemd, una vez hecho eso ha sincronizado éste nodo con el resto. Este usuario Witness se encarga de mantener en funcionamiento toda la red, 24 / 7. Por ello le dicen Testigo, porque siempre está presenciando y chequeando que la red del Steemit se mantenga estable y que puedas postear, comentar, votar, cobrar, etc.

Los witness de Cervantes tambien tienen como objetivo que todas las informaciones que se hablen en los puestos mas altos de Steem puedan ser pasadas al usuario en su idioma facilitando asi la integracion de esos usuarios a la plataforma asi como su entendimiento y por que no su entuasiasmo a la hora de participar en la toma de decisiones

Un claro ejemplo de como los proyectos como Cervantes son perjudicados por la pasividad de los usuarios a la hora de votar witness es el reciente caso de la toma hostil entre tron, en la Tron junto con otros exchanges de criptomonedas conspiraron para poder


Asi que entendemos que hay un cierto grado de responsabilidad a la hora de administrar un proyecto como este, pero todo ese esfuerzo no valdria demasiado si los usuarios que hacen vida en la comunidad española no votan por algun witness que los represente.

Por lo que quisiera explicarte como puedes votar por tus witness de una manera simple y directa, recuerda que usar estos votos es CRUCIAL para mantener la descentralizacion de la plataforma, darle poder a los usuarios y a los que hacen vida en la plataforma es una de las claves para mantener a Steem con sus caracteristicas unicas.

Votar tus Witness


Simplemente vamos a nos registramos con nuestras cuentas y ya podemos empezar a utilizar nuestros votos, tenemos 30 en total para escoger entre los witness porlo que recomiendo si no conoces demasiado del asunto y eres de la comunidad hispana votes por @cervantes que esta en el puesto 30.

Espero ver mas proyectos como este en mi idioma natal tan solo para darles un voto ya que con solo representar a la comunidad de habla española ayuda mucho a esta a entender todo lo que pasa en el ecosistema de Steem.

Gracias por leer y un saludo!


Gracias por el
Post! En nuestro server informamos de las ultimas noticias y como se va desarrollando la situacion!

Hey, maybe @anomadsoul or @blocktrades you take a look at this post and support it for visibility to let Spanish community vote on our witnesses ? I mean Spanish community is really big and they can help us in this all.

Sure! I'm trying to promote the post on every promotional channel I see on discord so that more people can be aware of the situation ;D

Thanks a lot. Keep it up. I informed as well @theycallmedan , maybe he will support this as well. I see him supporting the Spanish community @votovzla and I tagged them in twitter as well !

re tweeted for
you, and up voted, great idea and hope it works for all of steem. Keep up the great work !!

I've translated several key blog posts regarding the situation, most were ignored (in a passive agressive style) some other users did translate too and with the same fate (resteemed any such type of posts).

Upvotes are a way to gain visibility, if they don't get upvotes (from the powers that be), it means something (like saying "hey come to our discord groups and you will know about what's going on)...

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