How has Steem impacted my life ? My Story of Steem journey...

Hello everybody !

"The Steem Journey" the journey that I was probably not expecting to turn out this much effective in my life. By far it is one of the best incident that happened to me ! Countless activities, many forsaken circumstances came to the Steem journey of mine but as of this moment I am glad, I came over those situations and now I can easily say, Steem has become one of the most important part of my daily life activities.
This post is an answer to the question asked by @theycallmedan in this Post

What was the impact of Steem in your life ever since you became part of the Steem family and why you would recommend it over a similar project?

How I got to know about Steem ?

The way that I got to know about steem was one of a coincidence that I will cherish my lifetime. The very platform where I wasted my vast time on, gave me the salvation that I was looking for a very long time.

Back in 2016, I was seriously scouring the internet to find a solution, to get away from the addiction of FB (Yeah yeah Facebook, you got it correct, the waste of time that I was talking about above), fortunately after so many failed attempts finally, I was introduced to Crypto. I got into those faucets, where you can earn small portions of BTC (satoshi) or other coins by doing some small multi tasks. It was going no where but yet this was a start. I joined various groups and up until one day, a member of a random group was talking about Steemit in a group in 2017. I used to check almost all the posts back then to see if I see something useful for me. I somehow got interested in the post and knocked the person who posted it. A team of few were selected and we started working !

I literally had no idea what I was doing, despite posting and using my Voting-Power everyday (I had no idea what VP was at that point ) . There were some specific rules of the group that I was working with and I believe for those rules, I somehow got serious working in here. One day an upvote from @blocktrades on one of my post's changed everything for me. From that day onward, I started to give more time and the thought really came into my mind that "This could be the place, which I was looking for this long". I guess I was not wrong at all.

To this day I am grateful to the person who introduced me to this platform but with a broken heart, I must say that person is no longer active in here (he and the other members of the group quit a long time back)

Why I choose Steem ?

Honestly speaking I was not even sure why I was attracted towards Steem to this extent. I still remember when my day job shift was over but yet I was at my office and searching through steemit posting, commenting and making friends. I was into steemit this much I still can not believe how time really flies when you enjoy doing something. To this day I have commented 23612 (according to Steemitboard) on Steem posts. I somehow believed that, Steem can really change the way of interacting and the world of monetization to that extent, where people would see the actual value of their time which are being wasted on different social media platforms for close to nothing.

On another note, I was not even sure the Steem/SBD that I was getting whether or not I will be be able to cash them out ! But the willpower that I had within myself of about Steem have kept me going and I am glad that I never gave up even when others who started with me gave up.

Some people do not want to Change !

There comes time when you have to see things differently. I have gone through some hard times in the past and literally devastating times, those memories will always be with me. Back in 2017 I saw the hard truth of life where many believes that "money is everything". I am glad that I did not turned out to be one of those even after going through hard times.

Would you believe, my last status on Facebook is on 2018 lol. Yeah, I am into Steem Blockchain this much that finally I can say I was able to get out from the addiction of fb totally. Now once in a while, I visit fb just to see how my friends and others are upto with their life. As they are giving out all the information to FB without even thinking otherwise.

I tried to bring out many of my friends to Steem but some really did not cared, on the other hand those who were serious they got in here, tried for few months and ultimately left. I guess some people are meant to see things in their perspective. I hope they will realize the potential of the opportunities that they were given but until they realizes it I believe that would be little too late for them !

If I have to Compare !

There are plenty of platforms where people are showing their talents to the world and in return they are getting likes,shares,comment and frankly speaking most of those attributes of liking's, sharing's, comments are fake which at the end of the day does not really holds any sort of value.

By being on Steem Blockchain, I realized what I can do with my time and I can use that, wisely to make proper use of them. Not only that, I was able to see what talents I held within myself, how much effective I can be with my talents and most importantly I must say I got some people who were there for me even though I was unknown to them. They showed me, guided me to become whoever I am now. I am grateful to each and every one of them. I doubt these sort of people will ever be found on other platforms apart from Steem.

Changes happened due to Steem!

I have been here almost 2 and half years now. What I have done till now, may not be as expected but the man who had no idea about Blockchain, no idea of about creating blogs/vlogs have come this far is an achievement itself.

The boy who was camera shy is now a daily Vlogger ;) can you imagine that ! The boy who is now almost traveling for the purpose of exploring and sharing them with all you that was once a dream for him. He is creating contents everyday blog/vlog. Now the biggest change is Now Steem is financially helping me to survive ! Not only that, but the laptop that I am working on and writing this post from, is a gift of Steem and the phone that I am using is, as well a gift from Steem. Well, I am not there yet, to live by Steem itself but I believe I will be there someday and it will be very soon !

In addition to the changes I should say, I was not into gaming at all. But thanks to Steem, now I am a player of @splinterlands . Not only that but I am investing money in this game and gradually moving upwards. As of now, I am earning from this game and as well, I am enjoying the time that I am giving into this game. Not like many out there who are wasting the time playing some unwanted games which is not really giving anything in return for the time that they are contributing.

So, the very platform (Steem) , where I had never really thought I would depend on this much, is giving me a reason to keep on surviving both physically and mentally.


As of now to the current place that I am in, I can literally help people (in terms of upvotes, steem/tokens) maybe the amount is small but I am being part of many people's steem journey. That alone changes a lot of perspectives for me being on Steem Blockchain. I always wanted to give back to the community and it took me some time to reach at that point to share the love with others but I am glad I just entered to that place where my givings are making a difference. Though it is just the beginning and I have a long way to go !

Now in my everyday routine, Steem is a very important part which is making differences for myself and countless others who are here along with us.

How exactly was the Journey of @rehan12 ?

In a simple sentence "it was not easy at all". I still remember when the price of Steem & SBD reached it's all time high. Those were some golden days for those who were present at that period. I saw how quickly the situation changes for people. If only they take the right decision at the right moment.

I was told by many, that the crypto world will somehow loose it's value some day. I guess many people are afraid of changes. But one who knows how to act accordingly depending on the situation and in the right time, I suppose they are the real gainer at all times.

The skills that I have acquired due to Steem, it will be always there with me, even if I leave Steem (I doubt that will ever happen)and those will help me forge something new. Along with that, I m realizing I got even more curious from the past. Now whenever I see something new is taking place in Steem Blockchain I tend to poke my nose there to see, whether or not I can learn something from that new project. This is something that I can really cherish for the rest of my steem journey.

Different communities and members were one of the key reasons that I was able to come this far and not only that I made some good friends, who are cherishing the Steem journey like me.

I just want to say, there will probably come a time for you in Steem, where you will feel like to QUIT and everything will work against you thus you will be cornered to get off from this platform. Fight that negativity, turn it into a positive energy and see what awaits for you beyond that wall of negative ideas. I did that, countless others have done that as well. Now you are seeing their posts, in trending/hot section in Steemit Platform.

How will I act in 2020 ?

I am not yet sure how this year will go for me but I am certain of it, I will enjoy this year to the fullest. In addition to that I will reach out to more people this year in different social media's and as well the closed ones of mine. Let's see what really awaits for me this year.

Finally, will I recommend Steem to others and why ?

I believe, I have stated my reasons above wisely and even those were from my perspective about Steem and if anyone holds similar or even close to what I thought/thinking then Steem is for you. Not only that but we have room for content creators, investors, developers and whoever is ambitious and hard working to see what you can do with your talents, you are more then welcome to be here with us . You will just have to be here and do things in the right way, to see what you can achieve !

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Thanks for Dropping By !

Best regards

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I find this place really incomparable with fb but if you are going to pour time into one, this one sure is the better choice!

May 2020 be a great year for us! I’m sure it will be

Yeah, I do agree with you besides let's enjoy in here and get to see where we eventually go to.
Cheers !!

Excellent post @rehan12!
I really enjoyed reading it and it sort of motivated me to write my story as well.
Most of us have gone through shit but I really value the people who fight the situations and come on top.

I remember we talked a few months ago and you helped with some stuff. Thank you for that.
I just hope you keep creating content and be the inspiration for the people of your community and others as well.

PS : My vp was very low but I voted from my friends account (@snowboy).
Have a nice day.

Can't wait to check out your story buddy 🙂
Thanks for the kind words . I appreciate it . Tbh I am excited as well to get to know about other users steem experience as well.
Have a nice day ahead bro.

Finally posted mine.
Hope you will like it

Thank you very much! your story have helped me to don't give up on steemit an follow trying again and again and again until I can reach a good level in this platform!

All the best
See you at the top : )

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