Photography of Raj Duck in white color

There are many types of Duck in this world and there are some Duck that people nurture and there are some Duck that naturally grow from nature.There are some ducks that roam from one country to another and some of them are called guest birds.However, the guest birds have different names,And the ducks we call as guest birds are scattered all over the world and ducks of different colors and varieties.!!



And this big duck is known as the king duck in our country and this king duck has a few colors,And these king ducks are very big and can weigh 10 to 15 kg.And the biggest duckling in the world is laughing so they are named king ducks,Moreover, the size of this goose egg is much larger than all other ducks.And goose meat and eggs have a lot of vitamins and most of the people in our world love eating this king duck meat.!!



The main food of the king duck is small fish, small snail insects and gases and wheat husk and rice eat swan.Moreover, swan is grown in our country now and it is recognized as a profitable business in our country,Because the cost of rearing poultry is very low and the king poultry grows fast and the raj duck breeds rupees,Another adult raj duck is sold in our country for 1000 to 1500 rupees,And king ducks are immune to all other ducks and king ducks are easily infected.!!


Today I go to a king duck farm in the afternoon and there are many other ducks and other types of ducks and only ducks are raised in this palm tea but different ducks are more.And among the numerous ducks I love to see the white duck king ducks, and there is also a small group on the head of this duck.!!

So to this day, tomorrow I will bring you new photography and another new post.If you like my photography and my posts then of course you will upvote for me.!!


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