My 10 pics of my village /\25-2-2021
Hello friends how are you all?Hope you all well i am also well by the grace of almighty ALLAH.
English :An old man is plowing and sitting for a break and for me. They are incessant. They cultivate crops in the field with difficulty and that crop is imported and exported in the country and abroad and with it their family members go on. Meeting the needs of daily life.
Indonesia: Seorang lelaki tua sedang membajak dan duduk untuk istirahat dan untukku. Mereka tak henti-hentinya. Mereka membudidayakan tanaman di ladang dengan susah payah dan tanaman itu diimpor dan diekspor ke dalam negeri dan luar negeri dan dengan itu anggota keluarga mereka pergi. Pemenuhan kebutuhan hidup sehari-hari.
- Camera: Samsung Galaxy m31
- Village : Jogot pur
- Location :
English: Me and my uncle went to visit nursery where a girl come to buy a flower plant then i took a photo from there.
Indonesia : Saya and Paman Saya Bent Untuk Mengunjungi Pembibitan Ohre Seorang Gadis Datang Ke Bui Sebuah Tanaman Bunga Kemudian E Tuk Foto Dari Sana.
- Camera: Samsung Galaxy m31
- Village : Jogot pur
- Location :
A rural vegetable seller is selling vegetables in a van. In order to prevent people from going to the market with difficulty, some people do not reach the doorsteps of people in vans and people buy their daily necessities as per their needs.
Indonesia : Seorang penjual sayuran pedesaan menjual sayuran di dalam mobil van. Untuk mencegah orang susah ke pasar pergi ke pasar, beberapa orang tidak menjangkau pintu rumah penduduk dengan mobil van dan orang membeli kebutuhan sehari-hari sesuai dengan kebutuhannya.
- Camera: Samsung Galaxy m31
- Village : Jogot pur
- Location :
While visiting the village, I have visit a broccoli project of one of my cousin. He sells broccoli at bdt 60 to bdt 70 per piece. He is the first to cultivate broccoli in our Jagatpur village and he is a successful one farmer.
Indonesia : Saat mengunjungi desa, saya mengunjungi proyek brokoli dari salah satu sepupu saya. Dia menjual brokoli dengan harga bdt 60 sampai bdt 70 per potong. Dia adalah orang pertama yang membudidayakan brokoli di desa Jagatpur kami dan dia adalah salah satu petani yang sukses.
- Camera: Samsung Galaxy m31
- Village : Jogot pur
- Location :
English : When Jagatpur Maqbool wanted to have breakfast at Tak, I could see the sun rolling in the sky above so I took some photos and shared a photo from there.
Indonesia : Ketika Jagatpur Maqbool ingin sarapan di Tak, saya bisa melihat matahari bergulir di langit sehingga saya mengambil beberapa foto dan berbagi foto dari sana.
- Camera: Samsung Galaxy m31
- Village : Jogot pur
- Location :
When I tried to do macro photography while standing in a place in a village, the first thing that caught my eye was this flower and I tried to do macro photography with it.
Indonesia : Ketika saya mencoba melakukan fotografi makro sambil berdiri di suatu tempat di sebuah desa, hal pertama yang menarik perhatian saya adalah bunga ini dan saya mencoba melakukan fotografi makro dengannya.
- Camera: Samsung Galaxy m31
- Village : Jogot pur
- Location :
English: After Maqbool expired, I took a photo in front of the mouth of the river through which one of the other areas of Jagatpur village has passed. This river is curved and joins the Bay of Bengal and the largest sea in Bangladesh is the Bay of Bengal.
Indonashia: Setelah Maqbool habis masa berlakunya, saya berfoto di depan muara sungai yang dilalui salah satu wilayah desa Jagatpur. Sungai ini melengkung dan bergabung dengan Teluk Benggala dan laut terbesar di Bangladesh adalah Teluk Benggala.
- Camera: Samsung Galaxy m31
- Village : Jogot pur
- Location :
English :Coronavirus. Before the vaccine came out, there was a flurry of weddings all over the place. Now wherever I see weddings, I saw a few weddings together a few days ago. I went for a walk in our area today and saw a man getting married.
Indonashia: Virus corona. Sebelum vaksin keluar, ada banyak pesta pernikahan di mana-mana. Sekarang di mana pun saya melihat pernikahan, saya melihat beberapa pernikahan bersama beberapa hari yang lalu. Saya pergi berjalan-jalan di daerah kami hari ini dan melihat seorang pria menikah.
- Camera: Samsung Galaxy m31
- Village : Jogot pur
- Location :
Every day I used to see a person watering some trees. Today I suddenly entered his garden and saw that his tomato crop was very good so I took a little picture of his tomato tree.
Indonashia: Setiap hari saya biasa melihat seseorang menyiram beberapa pohon. Hari ini saya tiba-tiba memasuki kebunnya dan melihat bahwa tanaman tomatnya sangat bagus jadi saya mengambil sedikit gambar pohon tomatnya.
- Camera: Samsung Galaxy m31
- Village : Jogot pur
- Location :
English: Before the sunset photography i also took as many photo from there but i share only one, this place is located by jogotpur Nurar teck.
Indonesia: Sebelum fotografi sunset saya juga mengambil foto sebanyak-banyaknya dari sana tapi saya share hanya satu, tempat ini terletak di jogotpur Nurar teck.
- Camera: Samsung Galaxy m31
- Village : Jogot pur
- Location :
Thanks for reading my post
Your village is very beautiful. And it seems to be surrounded by natural beauty
thanks dear
Your Village Pictures is very good @nevlu123
thanks a lot dear @farul7869