Rural busyness has started
The place I live in is a very rural environment and the biggest thing is that everything here is governed by rural rules and regulations, it is a very rural area.The first source of livelihood of the people here is agriculture. They have already linked their livelihood with agriculture and their main livelihood is determined through agriculture.
If I said these words very easily, but it is not easy at all, think once in a while, in that very vacant land, it is well suited for agriculture to grow crops there and take care of those crops for a long time and cut them again when the grains are ripe It is a long process to bring them home, make them well and market them again.
Although we had work at home last night and during the day, I couldn't see them because I was in the office all day, but when I came to the office this morning, I saw people in other houses in the village cutting crops painful and even if it hurts, they are doing it in a festive way because it will bring them money.All in all, the people of the village are very busy at this time.

@shuvo35 এই মানুষগুলোর কষ্ট আমরা হয়ত বুঝতেও পারিনা। তবুও এঁদের জন্যই আমরা নিশ্চিত ভাবে খাবার পাই। ভালো থাকুক এই মানুষগুলো।ছবিগুলো খুব সুন্দর তুলেছেন।
yah you are absolutely right. thanks for your compliment.
Beautiful Photography