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RE: Close people
Это зависит от курса. Если отправил 102 стима и тебя апнули, а курс упал, то будет небольшой минус, например, 4-6 стим. Я тоже не изучала подробно этот вопрос.
Если курс вырос хорошо и начали начислять сбд, то можно хорошо быть в плюсе. В общем, это тоже лотерея.
Но платите ли вы 102 Steem за 102 Steem-голоса? Или количество голосов выше? Какой смысл в голосовании «за» на эквивалентную сумму? Я не особо увлекаюсь азартными играми, но это звучит интересно. Я думаю, что Адельхосе или Джослуд писали, что делать это в одиночку бесполезно. Кто знает, может быть, когда-нибудь я это узнаю. Я никогда не делал всех этих расчетов и считаю, что это слишком много работы. То же самое касается и голосования за тех, кто приносит наибольшую прибыль, на чем тоже можно неплохо заработать, за исключением меня. РЖУ НЕ МОГУ.
Я иногда делаю расчеты по факту, чтобы понять, есть ли прибыль, и если да, то в каком размере. Знаю, что многое зависит от курса:)
Заработать можно на курации постов, если голосовать ДО крупных игроков. Тогда курирование приносит чуть больше прибыли:)
Let's make it simple and look at this table. cc @wakeupkitty.
At this curating effectivity, with 18,000 SP like wuk have, I should be able to make around 40 SP Curation Rewards a week. But that's with a flat calculation, because I think the higher the power, the more possibilities open up and the battery also recovers faster. So 40 SP per week is the minimum.
I would really love if someone can correct me. @moecki? @adeljose? Thanks in advance.
The observation is basically correct, although the amount of the rewards is of course also influenced by the type of voting (as wakeupkitty wrote).
In particular, however, the effectiveness of the rewards is also characterised by the reward curve. The blockchain uses a curve that ensures that initially increasing SP leads to an overlinear increase in rewards. Only with very high SP (although I can't tell you the exact amount) does the curve flatten out. If you want to know more about this, you should read this detailed explanation.
In any case, someone with 300 SP gets proportionally fewer rewards than someone with 18,000 SP, even with the same type of voting.
This is not true. Filling up the voting power always takes the same amount of time. No matter how much SP a user has. It is always ensured that everyone can vote 10 x 100% per day.
Complex, right?
Ah, thanks for correcting.
Without any doubt... if you are interested in STEEM economics I recommended my latest post :-)
I knew I asked the right persons. On my way, you will know when I am there. 😆
Greetings friend.
The amount of SP is important to generate rewards for curation, but another factor that we must consider is the effectiveness you have when giving votes, that is, we must ensure that the publications we support receive important votes after ours, while our vote is within the first minutes of the post being published, the greater the effectiveness and performance will be.
Thanks for the addition.
There's a huge difference between who you and I vote for. I vote mainly small fish and comments most unlikely it's not what you do or?
Next to that the more vote for a whale, and the later you join the "party" the smaller the piece of the pie is. I am not saying there's anything wrong by earning if you curate but it doesn mean that those who are good at it will mainly vote for those they will have most profit from
Вот в этом несправедливость данной системы, мне кажется. Если всем будет выгодно поддерживать новичков, тогда новички будут приходить сюда просто неиссякаемым потоком):
The question is if newcomers should arrive in big streams. I just read the main problem is that they only stay short, drain the platform and leave. Even the projects were they try to publish a book with stories written by steemians in certain communities tend to fail because those people leave. The intention is to pay them a part of the selling of the books. For that a certain consistence and present is needed, loyalty to Steemit if you like to call it that way. How to achieve that if those big streams only arrive temporary for a quick income? If this platform is about writers you need people who like to write even if it's only once or twice per week. If it's about investors it doesn't matter.
Personally, I find it kind of bitter to upvote newcomers who next never post again. As I came here I was on my own and I figured it out that way. Can it be one is more motivated if he has to find out alone how Steemit works? There's a lot of help, there is support but it's never said that you can make a living here and it's clearly not enough to give an upvote to stay.
Should I only support newcomers, those with low SP? I did that for many years and still give my Steem away. You like to know how many friends I made or better how many people like me for real or let's say ever think of me after all those years even if they are way higher on the ladder than I am? I believe you know the answer.
A relationship just like growth should come from both sides. Can newcomers fulfil all the rules set, will they not use AI to write the "good" content asked?
Well, yes, there are many nuances. It seems to me that it would be correct to close the possibility of withdrawing funds until the force is large enough to feel the income from curation.
For example, until the user accumulates 10,000 sp, he will not be able to withdraw funds, because they will be blocked in the wallet. I understand that this is difficult to do, but it would be nice. Then it would be possible to openly talk about what you can earn here.
I believe 10K is too much. To many it takes ages before they reach the 500 SP because there are way more accounts than we notice or can find. Well, we could if we have more time and we can stimulate others and help them to power up since that is what I did the entire 2024. I found people hidden somewhere not sure what to do and I can honestly say that of those I know they all are active and in the picture today and they found their way on Steemit (and forget about me LOL)
I also vote comments I find I need to vote for, I never see whether it is small fish or bigger one, when I like the comment, I vote for it, when I think it deserver the SC vote (since I am currently one) I will put it in the list. And you can take a look at the vote I been giving, to draw you a little picture of the accounts I set the auto-vote for (but not all of them are auto-voted). Not all of them are big fishes, some of them even so small. I do the auto vote to make the power I have more useful, only a little decision I made to myself. Haha.
Thanks for explaining, still I believe you vote wiser than I do since I do vote daily and my curating rewards were never high. Too much voting for the same?
Wil je met upvoten verdienen heb je auto-voet nodig. Dan nog ben je altijd te laat want de groeten stemmen eerst en de rest mag pas na 5 minuten en dan nog als jij nummer 200 bent...
Daarbij vote ik voor kleine accounts en comments en daar valt dus niets te halen. Moet ik daar mee stoppen? Misschien is dat beter?
Gaan de grootverdieners die wij in teen ding zien dan al die kleine account stemmen?
@aneukpineung78 lacht mij uit omdat ik weinig verdien maar dat betekent dus dat als ik alleen auto-vote op SLC leraren en curators en dikke walvissen er niets overblijft voor de rest. Mijn VP is ook een keer op.
No, it doesn't. Look at it like this: You have so much power, and then your battery is very high (above 80%). I think you can use it more and get more benefits. Not necessarily using automatic voting, but if you want to save time, this is something to consider. I have much lower SP than you, but I can accumulate up to 25 SP per week by keeping my battery at at least 70%, and that includes the votes I manually cast on articles and comments.
I mean, you can profit more, what's wrong? Is it against any Steem-Law? Or you can delegate some to me (let's say 5000 SP), at least it will be more use (to me), and the chances for me to make 20,000 Own SP before this year ends would raise. Haha.
Aaah, here we go! We all are advised not to vote lower than 80%, is this another trick to make the big group stop voting? There was months ago a huge fight because @patjewell (and so did I) was scolded by a moderator of a community and did not receive an upvote (and that after all the hard work) because her VP was too low.
That is how it works here and how people are instructed to vote (and makes me consider if I should vote at all that many people). Indeed it does take an awevull lot of time.
Nope, I will not delgate to you, I already offered that and you refused! More use of it? I vote every single day even if this means I have to stay away two more hours and sacrifice my nights.
How about you sharing your tricks and the names that make you earn?
Я тоже стараюсь не голосовать ниже 80%, чтобы батарейка успевала восстановиться. И чем ниже батарейка, тем ниже лайк мы ставим.
Я знаю, что когда я начинал, 70% было нормой и не ниже. Я некоторое время пользовался xpilar botto.steem, и здесь голосование было установлено на 70%, как и в старой системе, но в 2024 году везде они установили его на 80%, а не ниже. Конечно, лучше не опускаться ниже, потому что если я дал вам 100% голоса с VP 100%, вы получите больше, чем когда мой VP будет 70%. То же самое и с голосованием с помощью учетной записи steemcurator. Лучше остановиться около 90%, а затем подождать, пока он снова не станет выше, и проголосовать во втором туре. Таким образом, те, кто будет вознагражден, получат больше, чем когда мы продолжим голосовать до 80% или ниже.
И опять же, главное условие - это наличие силы. Если ты богат, сделать состояние намного проще:)
Да, я так считаю.