Use of the six hats technique in decision making

in Project HOPE3 years ago
Perhaps some of you have heard or applied this technique in solving a problem, however, I did not know it and I found it very interesting to share it with you in this post.

When we make a decision we do nothing more than selecting one option among several, in order to solve a problem, however it can be a complex process because those decisions will have a consequence in our lives, perhaps our present and future are largely a consequence of the decisions we make at some point. That is why the knowledge of these tools will be beneficial in the sense that it will help us to be more reflective, and more open to other approaches, we will make better decisions, improve our relationships and be more productive. Here I tell you a little bit


Where can the technique be applied?

It can be used in companies, in a work team, at an educational level, in classrooms or universities, since it is a communication tool, effective reasoning that can be useful to reach agreements in groups and make common decisions. It promotes teamwork and collaborative work.

What is the technique based on?

The six hats thinking technique was developed by the psychologist Edward de Bono, it is considered very creative and ingenious since it simulates in our mind what happens, using a hat that we can take off or put on as we prefer, adopting the posture that indicates the color of the hat that is used. Six hats of different colors are used, and with each one a different posture is fixed when the decision is made, allowing to see from different optics.

Here is a brief description of the meaning of each one of them

Image edited in power point with use of public domain image:

For example, the blue hat is the one that controls the rest of the hats, keeps control of time and intervention in the debate, takes the position of the moderator ensuring that the group remains focused on its task.

With the white hat one has a neutral and objective position, collects, organizes and exposes all the information on the topic.

The person wearing the red hat can express their emotions and feelings, approaching the topic from an emotional point of view, expressing what is really desired.

The black hat, shows the most rational and realistic view of the subject, is the one who has a critical thinking but without wanting to reach confrontations.

Contrary to the one wearing the black hat, the yellow hat shows the positive logical side, it is the one that presents valid arguments in favor but without becoming a blind optimist.

The green hat is the most creative, generating new thoughts. Many times it can be based on the thoughts of the black hat to find ways to overcome obstacles.

How is it applied?

The first to intervene is the blue hat, which establishes the rules of the debate and starts the discussion. Then the white hat, makes an extended talk showing in an objective and nourished way all the information related to the topic, so the rest of the participants will have a more complete vision of the topic to be discussed. Afterwards, each hat will be assigned a time to express their ideas, depending on the order established by the blue hat.

The only participation that will be a little more limited is that of the red hat, approximately 30 seconds, since its reaction is more instinctive than the expression of a judgment.

Finally, when the positions of the different hats are heard, the moderator can ask questions and when he considers that the objective has been achieved, he can end the session. However, in his role he must be very attentive that each one maintains the position of the assigned hat and that the roles are not confused, otherwise the purpose will not be achieved.

With this technique we can improve decision making, applying the different thoughts needed to assess different situations or problems from all perspectives and possible approaches, thus obtaining more accurate answers. We will be able to see the pros and cons when making a decision and take into account the opinions of all to achieve a common good.

In conclusion, this technique will allow us to represent six directions of thought in six imaginary hats, each of which will offer us a vision of the specific problem and by using all of them we will be better able to solve the situation.

Until next time, I hope you find the information useful.

Thanks for reading!


In the setting of a team, it is very important that every team member is paid attention to and basically through the idea of different people a clear point can be made.

Hello @elity-sitio!
Certainly that is the best way to seek or reach an agreement that benefits everyone, listening to the various opinions and respecting their points of view. Thanks for commenting, greetings!

Interesting article. I think we need to make use of the green hat to generate creative ideas and strategies which can aid our goals pursued achieved

Hello @mandate!
That is one of the principles of this technique to generate thoughts that allow to make decisions with more creativity and originality, thanks for your comment, greetings!

I am totally unaware of this technique, I like it. seeing it from the educational point of view I can apply it to socialize some problem with my students.

Hello @nahela!
It is really interesting and I also agree with you that it could be applied in the educational area and see how it favors decision making to solve a problem. Grreetings!

A very interesting method, I would like to know how many companies are applying it and what is the root or where this method comes from.Without a doubt, it is something that is very useful for the progress of companies and to improve and define the image of a brand.Excellent article I really liked.

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