The importance of loving yourself

Hello friends

There are many motivational and reflective phrases that we can read daily and that may be quite well known, however, there are few that we apply in life so the days go by without seeing changes, without improving in some aspects which sometimes does not allow us to enjoy the road and be happy.

In recent days I had the opportunity to reflect when reading about self-love and how it should be taken care of, loving oneself first in order to give love to those around us. Sometimes people can become more focused on the needs of others leaving aside their own, or it can happen that by some circumstance of life the lesson is learned.

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Certainly loving oneself implies being aware of one's physical appearance, reading motivational phrases or books, looking for activities to make oneself feel better and also includes valuing oneself and what one does.

Every day of life is an opportunity to improve and value what you have, so it is important to make small changes to get the results you want.

You can start by dedicating some time to reflect on how we see ourselves, this will help to identify if it is necessary to change the way we express ourselves, how we treat ourselves, listen to us, treat us with love and value us in this way to establish that internal dialogue where you get the answers that comes from the heart and so you can identify the weak points, strengthen them and love ourselves more so that other people will not be allowed to express themselves in a negative way, prevent our own well-being, being important to identify them and remove them from the environment although sometimes it may be difficult or painful, we must seek to surround ourselves with people who show their affection, love and want the welfare of the other person.

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It is necessary to set goals and purposes, enjoy and value the achievements obtained by all the effort and dedication that implies to reach them.

On the other hand, nowadays it is very important to take care not only of the physical health but also of the mental health, to live in peace, for what it is necessary to dedicate time and to realize activities that contribute to it, such as to rest, to sleep well, to realize exercise, to share in family among others.

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All of the above indicates then, that we must cultivate the inner part, self-love, the value of people to be able to love and take care of others to transmit positive energies, in this way establish and strengthen healthy relationships as a couple, or otherwise, leaving aside the limits that prevent us from being more open to our own feelings and needs, to accept ourselves as we are, recognizing our weaknesses and strengths and being a priority, which will allow us to live better and be happier.

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Well friends, for the moment I say goodbye, thanks for reading!


Hi @yusvelasquez

I agree with you, we should seek to surround ourselves with people who show their affection, love and desire the well being of the other person.

Best regards, be well.

Hi @lupafilotaxia!
Thank you for your comment, certainly we must be aware of those around us, we must be with the people who want to be by our side, those who seek our welfare, those who transmit energy and positive thoughts to keep growing, live healthy and happy. Greetings

There is no feeling as great as loving yourself, it gives you the confidence to push yourself through every hurdle of life no matter how risky it looks. Self-love helps you overcome your weakness and your struggle as you shut down the negativism from the world and embrace the complete positivism of yourself.

Hello @bimbo45!
Your words are very motivating, my friend. Self-love is the inner strength that moves us, and as you say it gives you the confidence to fight for what you want every day. Thank you for your comment

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