Centralization often works better than decentralization

I have been thinking about lots of things recently. In fact, I think about all sorts of topics all the time, and it might be hard sometimes to connect with me, simply because I am busy thinking. So, my mind is busy. And yes, I have been thinking a lot about COVID-19, that is, the coronavirus, but I have also been thinking about what to stream on Netflix, and about whether I should blog on Hive or Steemit (or both). But, one of the arguments frequently used is that Steemit now is a centralized platform, and it stinks. Well, I don't necessarily agree at all! Let me share!

Faster in one direction with centralization - Illustration from Pixabay

Centralization doesn't have to stink at all!

My favorite crypto-project is Vechain. Do you know why? It is a brilliant project, it brings help to real-life problem (like making sure that the wine you have bought comes from a vineyard in Italy, and not some fake with an Italian logo), and so much more. They have partners all across the world, and it is used a lot already (and so much more in the future). And do you know what, it is centralized! It has a leadership who controls it, and based on their leadership, they are able to quickly move around, make changes, and go in one direction. It is definitely needed for a company like that.

One of the things I strongly dislike in the world is bureaucracy. That is, when you want to get something done, and everyone sends you in the direction of some other person. What should have taken 5 minutes, takes days, weeks, and months instead. Why? Because it is decentralized, and badly organized.

I believe centralization often will help greatly with efficiency and to get things done. And, if we think of the COVID-19 crisis... have you noticed how many countries have "stopped" decentralization, and given the politicians and the government greater power than before. This is done, in hope that they will quickly be able to make decisions, to faster stop the dangers of the virus. Once again, they "disrupted" the democracy for a while, and gave "greater" power to the people actually leading the country.

Centralization on a blogging platform

I am not so bugged about the centralization vs decentralization. I do get the point about a decentralized blogging platform, but I believe some of the shouts we hear about "censorship" is simply needed somehow to keep Steemit alive. Can you imagine a company, a church, or a community that splits in two... but, the people who created a new company/church keeps on shouting and screaming in the building of the former church? It would be impossible to get anything done in the original building. Yes, it might sound terrible with censorship, and there are for sure people censored that shouldn't have been, but I also understand the need for some sort of startup help here. I know, many people might hate me for writing this, but I get it.

But, as a blogger with experience, I do understand some stuff about censorship. I have written articles online about how to unblock TV channels and watch TV shows unlike. Yesterday, I published this article on Steemit telling how to watch BBC abroad for dummies. Do you know what? If I had published that article on Medium or Reddit, it would have been silenced. Do you know why? The platform is censored, and they do not want such content on their platform. Well, luckily, you don't have to fear such censorship here on Steemit. The censorship introduced on the platform here isn't about censoring really, but it is about surviving and helping the people on the platform enjoy it.

100 days of Steem - easier with centralization

One of the interesting projects here on Steem right now is the 100 days of Steem. Here they will come with daily updates, challenges, giveaways, and other projects... bringing more life and cool stuff to the platform. Such stuff is much easier when it is centralized, and I believe it might help bringing new content and creativity to the platform.

Whether or not you like Justin Sun, Tron, and the Steemit crew is entirely up to you. But, it might be that Steem is about to become a way more efficient platform with great changes coming up and lots of creativity arising!

love you all.jpg
Love you all - be polite and write with a nice language if you decide to write a comment to this post.

I love you all...

So people, I love all of you. Please, skip all hate-comments in the comment field. Of course, I would love to hear your polite thoughts on the topic, if you have some! But, if you don't trust in the leadership of the Steem platform, sell your tokens, and move somewhere else. But, leave those remaining on the platform alone! :)

Have a wonderful day, and lets blog on everyone!


Hi @unbiasedwriter

This is a difficult argument that you bring some very valid points on. Personally, I could argue it either way as I feel there are pros and cons on both sides of the argument.

The whole point of having a blogging platform where every post and transition is recorded onto the blockchain is that makes an immutable transaction that no one can later deny. No one can say I didn't make that post. So to that extent, filtering out content does go against the essence of what we are trying to create.

However, I do buy your idea that where people are being deliberately malicious then there needs to be a mechanism to deal with it. The same argument could be used if someone wrote a spam bot that just attacked Steem with so many rubbish posts that you couldn't find the genuine ones. The situation would have to be health with.

I am not sure though if the argument of centralisation vs. decentralisation makes a difference though in that regard. As a decentralised governing body that works effectively and efficiently could also choose to promote such fixes to deal with any issue. At least in the decentralised world, it would be with the majority vote of users.

One of the things I strongly dislike in the world is bureaucracy. That is, when you want to get something done, and everyone sends you in the direction of some other person. What should have taken 5 minutes, takes days, weeks, and months instead. Why? Because it is decentralized, and badly organized.

I do some projects with central government. Each decision takes ages because of the bureaucracy they have in place. The result is that the work I do for central government takes 3-4 times longer than what I would normally expect in the private sector. The central government are not inefficient because they are decentralised - actually, it is the opposite. I think therefore either a decentralised or centralised system can be inefficient, ineffective and also either can be unjust.

The biggest problem, in my opinion, therefore that we face with Steem and the new forked H community, is not one of centralisation or decentralisation. It is that both have acted with some dubious behaviour that has damaged our community.

Finally, the forked H community have a problem that even though they claim to be decentralised, the power is in reality held with a small set of powerful users. They rule the roost and by doing so, they also destroy the myth of decentralisation that they claim to defend.

What we need, is a platform that supports the people who are really using the platform for what they intended. That is a great blogging platform that encourages the building of great communities.

I love you all...

Love is so powerful. Lets spread the love to everyone making this a brilliant community and all those who want to join us.

Your comment would have deserved an article on its own! Why don't you do that? So many good thoughts and arguments here, and I agree with you all.

I might just do that thanks.

 4 years ago 

Excellent comment @awah

As a decentralised governing body that works effectively and efficiently could also choose to promote such fixes to deal with any issue. At least in the decentralised world, it would be with the majority vote of users.

The problem is that so far I've never experiences such a thing as "efficient decentralized governing body". It's always very unefficient.

Decentralization = lack of leadership, lack of one vision and plan, lack of anyone responsible for failures. And it means slow decision making process.

Finally, the forked H community have a problem that even though they claim to be decentralised, the power is in reality held with a small set of powerful users
You nailed it.


Decentralization = lack of leadership, lack of one vision and plan, lack of anyone responsible for failures. And it means slow decision making process.

I agree with this as many good ideas do not come to fruition because they haven't got people at the helm to drive through adoption. As soon as you start rewarding those who contribute you are back to power in a few hands. So in a political sense, decentralisation is difficult to achieve. It is a utopian idea.

whether I should blog on Hive or Steemit (or both).

First, a lot of people have crossed the bridge and have decided to give both a trial.

Concerning centralization, the steem blockchain isn't centralized action taken on the blockchain requires a concensus. The steemit platform which run on the blockchain is being controlled by a company steemit.inc. Steemit.Inc can make changes without asking anyone on the platform, but requires a concensus to make any fork or perform any action on the blockchain.

Yeah - so, not entirely centralized, but still - as you explained, Steemit Inc can do quite a lot all by themselves, making it way more centralized than many people like, but I just wanted to show, that I don't really find that kind of centralization to be negative (at least, it doesn't have to be)!

If you will let me add. Except Bitcoin, most cryptocurrency blockchain project have a team which make the company centralized but not the blockchain

Nice post. I will be willing to see where the two project head to. I love steemit and still see hive as same home just in a different location because everything still looks the same there.

I really do not see the need for someone to burn down a place he calls use to call home just because he has moved out of there, it usually gets me angry whenever I see people who claim to hate steem drop bad comments on the platform, it really doesn't sit well with me.
I believe the two platforms can exist without issues or pulling down each other, but it reminds me of the politics in my country (really annoying).

Hehe, well, it reminds me of the politics in the country in which I live as well! :)

I guess we are on the same page then.

Hello friend @unbiasedwriter well said! Hahaha I loved this in the end, I love you all, I love you all.


I must say that you are very right in what you wrote, people are trying to sell centralization like the devil, when in reality it has its benefits and you explained it very well.

Can you imagine a whole community trying to agree to make a decision? They will tell me: that's what the witnesses representing the community are for! ... Then they must agree with me that this system is still the same and a single group ends up making decisions that prevails over the rest.

On the other hand, if you really dislike a place, you just pack up and leave, it is disrespectful that you are in someone else's house shouting so many insults in their face and this person does not take measures to correct that ... Well, they call it later censorship.

Let's be respectful of each other, even if we know our mistakes let's be respectful.

Glad to read your thoughts and your comment... I agree with you as well!

Can you imagine a whole community trying to agree to make a decision? They will tell me: that's what the witnesses representing the community are for! ... Then they must agree with me that this system is still the same and a single group ends up making decisions that prevails over the rest.

You are right, because the power is still in the hands of a few. It is no better than being centralised.

Let's be respectful of each other, even if we know our mistakes let's be respectful.

We all make mistakes, we are all human. So, we need to forgive and respect. Let's always move forward rather than dwell on the past.

That's OK , steemians give me more appreciation to my articles than hivers. Hivers will be like whaleshares that decentralized among the whales in their group. I have been in whaleshares but the fact when there is a new man with power some elites will oppose by downvoting and I think old steem is like that. And most steem elites with downvotes actions are moving to hive.

Guess it will not happen overnight, but we might see a core that will stay in Steem and be active on this platform... and you just have to find your active community here (like Project Hope) that makes it worth staying and remaining here!

I also believe we should have a wider perspective on this issue; as I wrote in The HIVE Coup: A Deep State's Dream Come True:

Centralization and decentralization are an ebb and flow. When centralization concentrates too much power in the hands of a few to the disadvantage of the many, the force of decentralization steps in to tear the system down. And when decentralization creates too much chaos and stagnates growth, the force of centralization steps in, restores order and reignites growth. This is the nature of a Universe always seeking Balance; which, itself, is also not a fixed state.

That's a very good point you're making here, it really is. A light and respectful way to raise your point of view in relation to this that has happened these weeks, and still does not stop.

If they go, they go, it can not be that they are halfway and automated only to fuck, and excuse me the word. Everyone should have the possibility to decide if they want to be here, there or in both places and even in neither.

Centralization, faster, usually yes, but nevertheless it tends to get very bureaucratic and that is a serious problem, really.

Very good post @unbiasedwriter

Well I will say both centralisation and decentralization has its own perks but the new and evolved world we'd be heading into will need decentralization the irrespective of the perks

 4 years ago 

hi @unbiasedwriter

Finally some topic that is not related to C-19 or justin or hive :) Tadam! :) Something more refreshing

I think about all sorts of topics all the time,
It sounds like you're an AI :)

Steemit now is a centralized platform, and it stinks. Well, I don't necessarily agree at all! Let me share!
You got my attention. I'm definetly not sure why so many intelligent people think that decentralization is "solution to all problems". In many cases centralization is more efficient and simply BETTER. Current hype around decentralization is a bit strange to me.

Decentralization = lack of leadership, lack of one vision and plan, lack of anyone responsible for failures. And it means slow decision making process.

Very good point about people screeming in old church.

ps. allow me to recommend post by @fucho80:

Have a great weekend ahead,
Yours, Piotr

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