Why tipping is healthy for a business

in Project HOPE4 years ago

As the CEO of your business you should bear it on your mind that whatsoever happens along the line to your business all the blames will be channelled to you. Nobody will one day channels the complain to those working under you. This is why as a CEO of your business you should be careful of the decisions you are to take. Any little mistake can cause you your business. This is why before you make any decisions, you should posses the character of seeking advice from your employees and your customers first. When you begin to engage in such a way, your business will begin to boom.



As a CEO you should posses the habit of loving your customers and employees squarely. Don't see one as being special than the other. If you have such trait you should learn to do it hiddenly or never shows it off. If you keep showing such act openly you will see your employees developing hatred for each other. And when such act happens you should bear it on your mind that it will affect your business negatively. This is why as a CEO you should learn not to take side and also learn not to love one of your customers or employees better than the other.

Apart from trying to love your employees and customers squarely you should love to get them happy too. You should love to surprise them at all time, when you do this, you will see the love in your business being felt. All your workers will love to open their heart to support your company in all ways. You will see them putting up their best performance to ensure that they give your business the best. This is the more reason it is good and advisable that you tip your employees all the time. There is nothing wrong with you doing that.


When it comes to running of business, you should learn to encourage your workers. Always take note of their performance or put somebody in charge of that to give you feedback of how your employees are contributing to your business. If any one is performing below average you should not hate him or her, you should try your possible best to know the issues he/she is facing then try to see if you can help. Always bear it on your mind that there is every reason why they might be possessing some certain characters. As the CEO of your business you should learn to use your initiative to see if you can come in and help out.

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Don't allow any body to talk you into not showing appreciation to your employees in various kind. This is where the word tipping came into been. Permit me to tell you what tipping is. This is base on my own definition.

Tipping can be seen or defined as the process of showing gratidute to any body for the kind gesture or help he/she has rendered to you or your business. If there is no help rendered to you, it definitely means that there is no need for you to tip him/she. In a nutshell, without help there is no reason to tip. Tipping is mostly found in a working evironment. The CEO decided to show appreciation to workers who have supported his business brand in one way or the other. The CEO is to specify how he/she wants to run it. It is either he does it daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly or yearly.

While doing this, you will see the other workers doing their best in other for them to get tip someday too. This is one beautiful thing about tipping. It brings about competition to your business. They all will want to put in their best and this will in return helps your business to get to a promising height. Before I round up this post I will advice all CEO to practice this act and never in any way be partial. Don't tip somebody who you knows doesn't deserves it. I have seen a CEO tipping a female worker because he is trying to sleep with her. Everybody knows the lady doesn't deserve the tip and at the end of everything, the rest workers dropped their resignation letters and this is where the business ended. He lost all his good workers just because he wanted to have his or her way with the lady. At the end of everything, the lady went to another company too. This story teaches us that we should tip people that deserves it if we wants to see our business doing well in the nearest future.


As a good CEO don't in any way favour some workers and leave some in the dark, if you possess such characters it will affect your business in the long run. Open mind to all of them, advise them on where you think they are lacking or lagging behind. Finally if you see them doing their best to support your company, you should learn to give them surprising reward in return.

Surprising your workers can come weekly, monthly or yearly, it all depends on how you wants it. Remember as the CEO of your business, the final decision should always comes from your own angle.

I will end the post  
 here, I hope you  
  enjoyed the  
  message it is       
    passing. God day  
  and enjoy your day.

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I agree with you @tfame from time to time apart from the monthly salary we give to our employees we have to learn to also appreciate them by giving them little tips from time to time.

Paying attention to your employees will go a long way in helping your business reputation because they are the face of your company.

I strongly corroborate with your point here and I know of some employers who engage in such act too.

Thanks for sharing this great post with love from @hardaeborla and I hope you have a great day ahead 💓❤️♥️💓

Praising employees and making them feel special through tips will efficiently make them perform very well at their given post.

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