in Project HOPE3 years ago

Cover image by @sidalim88, using public domain image. Source:

Greetings dear members of this platform @ProjectHOPE, on this occasion I want to share with you my thoughts about youth, since a few days ago this date was celebrated here in Venezuela.

Every February 12 is commemorated the day of youth in my native country Venezuela and perhaps many adults do not celebrate it, because they tend to think that they have nothing to motivate them, since they are at an age above that which is considered young, perhaps there we are erring, I am one of the people who believe that age is not a symbol of old age, since a person can be 40, 50 or even 60 years old and be very active, have a pleasant life and with much more desire to live than a young man of 20 years.

Public domain image. Extracted from:

Starting from this premise I want to remind you that although with the passing of the years our body begins to age, our soul or inner spirit should feel eager to live and want to eat the world with our actions, the old age that comes little by little to the body of the human being is a result of nature and as such we can not do anything to stop the aging process, but the opposite happens with our interior, only we have the power over it to leave it or not to reach that time of fatigue and exhaustion.

Public domain image. Extracted from:

Enjoy the good moments that everyday life brings you, talk with your friends and family, relive those moments of gratitude that have left an indelible mark on your path, visit new and different places, this of course as long as your economy allows it, otherwise do not stay with your arms crossed you can continue visiting the beautiful places near your environment.

Public domain image. Extracted from:

If you were lucky enough to have a family and the beautiful blessing of having children and they in turn have already become independent, do not stay in the solitude of your home, on the contrary, plan activities of achievements you want to achieve and organize yourself to start executing them, do not let the light of your dreams go out, on the contrary, fan the fire and always keep your youthful spirit awake, because if you let it decay you have to work twice as hard to raise it again and remain young.

Public domain image. Extracted from:

Finally dear readers do not let your spirit grow old, that is an arduous task in which you must work continuously, otherwise you will fall into the season of physical and spiritual aging and you will miss the eternal youth where you spend your best moments to the fullest and you are always with joy in your heart. Until a future installment. HAPPY AND BLESSED DAY TO ALL THE YOUNG PEOPLE OF THE DIFFERENT COMMUNITIES.


García, Pagola. (2015). Tu cuerpo envejece sin permiso; tu espíritu, solo si se lo permites. Source:


Hello @sidalim88!
Feeling young or old does not depend on age, perhaps many people are carried away by it, however I think it is more related to how you see life and the mood you have, as long as this lasts and the good attitude the person will always be young.

Hello @sidalim88, I have always thought that youth goes beyond appearance and age, it is a question that is more related to how do you feel about yourself? And how much enthusiasm do you put into the life you lead? Personally, I think I will be eternally young as long as I continue to do what I love to do and as long as I continue to feel young from the soul.

Age does not make someone a youth, neither does it make someone old. Your body only becomes old when your spirit has accepted it. So if you are still high-spirited, then age is just a number.

Nice piece dear friend

Greetings @ sidalim88
Since many time ago it is already known that age is not synonymous with youth , there are people of 20 years with 45 years old attitude and their actions are incompatible with their age as many cases contarios , The important thing is to live
Thank you very much for sharing

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