in Project HOPE3 years ago

Imagen de portada realizada por @sidalim88, utilizando imagen de dominio público. Fuente:

Hola mis queridos lectores, desde aquí les extiendo un saludo cariñoso….!

Hello my dear readers, from here I extend my warmest greetings to you…!

La conciencia emocional consiste en ser sensible ante nuestras propias emociones y las de otras personas en particular, por lo que se hace necesario el despertar en cada persona ese hermoso sentimiento de aceptación y convivencia con todas aquellas personas que sufren algún tipo de trastorno o condición médica especial como lo son los autistas.

Emotional awareness consists of being sensitive to our own emotions and those of other people in particular, so it is necessary to awaken in each person that beautiful feeling of acceptance and coexistence with all those who suffer from some kind of disorder or special medical condition such as autistic people.

Hoy se celebra el día mundial del autismo, también conocido como (TEA) que significa trastorno del espectro autista y por ello es importante que nos culturicemos más sobre esta condición médica, ya que en ocasiones de forma errónea es considerada una enfermedad, básicamente se trata de un trastorno que afecta principalmente al sistema nervioso central, trayendo como consecuencia que presenten dificultades para poder expresarse, comunicarse y también les cuesta relacionarse e interactuar con las personas de su medio social.

Today is World Autism Day, also known as (ASD) which stands for Autism Spectrum Disorder and therefore it is important that we become more educated about this medical condition, as it is sometimes mistakenly considered a disease, basically it is a disorder that mainly affects the central nervous system, resulting in difficulties in expressing themselves, communicating and it is also difficult for them to relate and interact with people in their social environment.

Imagen de dominio público. Extraída de:

Por lo general se evidencia a partir de los 3 años de edad y es una condición que se conlleva toda la vida, debido a que en la actualidad no se ha encontrado una cura a este trastorno médico, pero si es descubierto a una edad temprana y se busca ayuda profesional se le puede mejorar la calidad de vida de la persona que la padece y de los miembros de su familia. Otro factor muy importante es que existen diferentes grados de dificultad de esta condición por lo que su tratamiento va a depender de esa cualidad en particular.

It is usually evident from the age of 3 years old and is a condition that is carried throughout life, because at present there is no cure for this medical disorder, but if it is discovered at an early age and professional help is sought, it can improve the quality of life of the person who suffers from it and the members of his family. Another very important factor is that there are different degrees of difficulty of this condition so its treatment will depend on that particular quality.

El objetivo de esta publicación es lograr que se tenga un mayor grado de aceptación, receptividad y comprensión a los casi 4 millones de ciudadanos que hasta la fecha presentan autismo a nivel mundial, debemos aprender a convivir con ellos y a entender su forma tan peculiar de ver el mundo pues esa es una de sus principales características, ellos observan y procesan las cosas de manera diferente a las nuestras.

The objective of this publication is to achieve a greater degree of acceptance, receptivity and understanding of the almost 4 million citizens who to date have autism worldwide. We must learn to live with them and to understand their peculiar way of seeing the world because that is one of their main characteristics, they observe and process things differently than we do.

Imagen de dominio público. Extraída de:

Una de las principales características y se podría indican que es la responsable de todas las demás es que las personas con TEA, presentan dificultades de comunicación verbal y corporal, por lo tanto tienen un grado nulo de socialización con su entorno, les gusta estar solos y no mantienen contacto visual con otras personas, pocas veces son empáticos (no sonríen), en algunas ocasiones presentan problema para dormir y convulsiones, son estrictamente rutinarios y no están abiertos al cambio en su entorno, no pueden entender ni comprender los sentimientos del prójimo, no les gusta los sonidos fuertes y suelen tener movimientos repetitivos.

One of the main characteristics and it could be said that it is responsible for all the others is that people with ASD have difficulties in verbal and body communication, therefore they have a zero degree of socialization with their environment, they like to be alone and do not maintain eye contact with other people, they are rarely empathetic (they do not smile), sometimes they have trouble sleeping and seizures, they are strictly routine and are not open to change in their environment, they cannot understand or comprehend the feelings of others, they do not like loud sounds and they tend to have repetitive movements.

Imagen de dominio público. Extraída de:

Aunque no se conoce con exactitud que puede provocar que un niño nazca con TEA, diferentes investigaciones le han adjudicado la responsabilidad a factores del medio ambiente, problemas genéticos y biológicos. Del mismo modo no existe actualmente algún examen médico o prueba biológica que nos permita diagnosticar a las personas que padecen este trastorno, solo se puede determinar estudiando la conducta del individuo por medio de profesionales de la salud y de presentar esta condición, se les recomienda que busque ayuda para tratar el problema de la comunicación e interacción con el entorno y de esta manera su desarrollo y estilo de vida puede mejorar.

Although it is not known exactly what can cause a child to be born with ASD, different investigations have attributed the responsibility to environmental factors, genetic and biological problems. Similarly, there is currently no medical test or biological test that allows us to diagnose people with this disorder, it can only be determined by studying the behavior of the individual through health professionals and if they present this condition, it is recommended that they seek help to treat the problem of communication and interaction with the environment and thus their development and lifestyle can improve.

Son tantas las personas que hoy en día son aisladas por ser TEA, que se hace necesario una educación y concientización referente a este tema, ya que en diferentes casos son simplemente discriminados por no tener conocimiento del tema, debido a que no sabemos cómo relacionarnos con ellos y mucho menos entender su mundo que aun cuando viven en el mismo planeta tierra, tienen la capacidad de ver y comprender el entorno de una forma distinta a la nuestra y es eso precisamente lo que los hace una persona especial, única y originales.

There are so many people today who are isolated for being ASD, that it is necessary to educate and raise awareness on this issue, since in different cases they are simply discriminated against for not having knowledge of the subject, because we do not know how to relate to them and much less understand their world that even when they live on the same planet earth, they have the ability to see and understand the environment in a different way than ours and that is precisely what makes them a special, unique and original person.

Imagen de dominio público. Extraída de:

De todo corazón espero que en un futuro no muy lejano todo podamos convivir de una forma natural y que la aceptación laboral y social de los TEA trascienda fronteras, ya que son seres humanos que tienen capacidades únicas y muy buenas que pocos son aprovechadas por la escasa aceptación en el campo laboral que se les ha permitido en la actualidad.

With all my heart I hope that in the not too distant future we can all live together in a natural way and that the labor and social acceptance of ASD transcends borders, since they are human beings who have unique and very good abilities that few are taken advantage of due to the scarce acceptance in the labor field that they have been allowed at present.

Hasta una próxima entrega, Feliz y bendecido fin de semana.

Until a future installment, Happy and blessed weekend.


Hi @sidalim88 wth proper support, the child with this developmental disorder can learn to communicate through verbal or visual systems and can also receive assistance for the development of many of the social skills necessary for daily life, that is why it is essential to raise awareness about this condition, for the whole society, very interesting publication greetings and success.

Hi friend @aplausos, you are very right as long as the person seeks the necessary help to amuse the weaknesses presented by the child, can improve significantly and in fact I can have a life as normal as possible.

Interesting generalization for information about autism and the call for autism awareness. I am autistic and I think the main problem with this condition is the labeling by society of those of us who suffer from it, as they mistakenly assume that we have abnormal behavior or that all autistic people are the same.

Hi @jose1956, I think you are a good example to follow to show that a person with autism can have a normal lifestyle and achieve their own goals. I wish everyone could break the existing stereotypes and overcome the barriers imposed on them.
Congratulations for your perseverance and keep it up

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