The power of assertive communication
Being able to have an assertive communication can end up being the key to be able to have healthy relationships, since in this way we can find the balance between what we feel and what others feel as a result of communication where we express what we feel and listen properly to respect the opinions of others.
The good thing about assertive communication is that once understood based on its importance, we can have a perspective of application where it can end up converging as that communication tool that can be a philosophy of life that can allow us a relationship with other people in a spontaneous, honest, empathetic and respectful way.
It is not the simple fact of saying that we have an assertive communication in practice, but it is important to understand the meaning of being assertive, because when we are assertive we must be expressive, it is not worth keeping things to ourselves, we must say our ideas, being able to express our emotions and our own needs in a clear way, apart from making us assertive, allows us not to fall into extreme situations that can be negative for the establishment of our relationships.