Can AI take care of your mental health?
I asked myself this question based on the advances we are having today in artificial intelligence, and also on the fact that there are many people in the world that could be served with artificial intelligence, let's see some reasons that explain whether this may or may not be possible today.
AI companion robots already identify our feelings and dare to attend to them.
This means that great strides are being made to make this possible, most mental illnesses derive from feelings and emotions in humans, so analyzing the fact that a robot with AI knows how to understand human emotions gives rise to the fact that some mental illnesses can be detected.
What I believe is that we should not confuse the fact that a robot with artificial intelligence can understand a certain human behavior with the fact that at the same time the robot can feel it, to understand it and feel it is completely different, suddenly with AI and machine learning the robot can understand a behavior determined by some emotion.
Regardless of the good results that this may bring, I think the debate will continue on whether it is good for robots and artificial intelligence to get into the human mind exploring emotions and feelings?
More than the controversy that this may bring, I believe that to know if it can be bad or good we will have to wait for the first results obtained and thus project the feasibility in the long term.