Analysis of the unconscious mind

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The fact that our thoughts and actions occur unconsciously does not mean that we should not pay due attention to them and give them the importance that corresponds to the manifestation of what the unconscious mind does.

No matter how unconscious our mind acts, in its capacity of unconsciousness it will always be able to define what we really are.

What positive aspects can our unconscious mind store?

In our unconscious mind automatic abilities are stored, this means that we can act unconsciously with acts that are favorable and that benefit us in spite of their unconscious origin.

The learnings obtained from day to day can be stored in our mind, and be used unconsciously when our mind believes that it is convenient to use. The other thing that in particular can be stored are our memories, and that the best of the case is that they are memories that can be recalled at any time and to our benefit, since they really point us to our origins, to who we are and how far we can go.

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