Using Challenges As Building Blocks For Success
In the journey of life, you will be met with "twist and turns" but these challenges are part of the success story. I have come to understand that the scars that you experience in life are what make stars out of you. This means that, more often than not, the moment that defines you is not just the smooth part of the journey, but the rough parts as well. A lot of people do not like challenges, but what they fail to understand is that they can become stepping stones and building blocks to achieve their desired success. In fact, without facing and conquering the challenges, then you are not ready for success.

Each time you are faced with a challenge on your way to success, do not be too quick to conclude it as a problem or as a stumbling block, rather see it in the positive light and then see that it can actually provide you with the lessons and the boost to achieve greatness. It is the toughness of what you pass through that shapes and moulds you, and gets you prepared for the future. Soldiers are not made from the comfort of their parlour but by training extensively for it. As a matter of fact, no one achieves success by just wishing for it but by taking some very daring and challenging steps towards their dream in order to achieve it.
When I was in junior secondary school, in one of the "art and craft" classes we normally held as extramural lessons. We did something on clay modelling - we moulded some clay vessels. When we were done, the instructor came in and told us that we have to fire the clay vessels. I was confused as to why we had to pass the clay vessels through the fire, so I stood up and asked the instructor why. She calmly answered that we need to pass it through fire so that it will become durable, hard, and resistant to water. It made sense to me. After we passed the clay through intense fire, it came out good and became so strong. So the fire was not actually meant to consume the pottery but to make it stronger and better.
Just as the fire makes the clay stronger and better, the challenges of life is supposed to make you come out stronger and better, not to break you under pressure. If you have ever been to where gold or other metals are refined, you will observe that they are passed through insane temperatures. The purpose of this is to separate it from the impurities and then make it to appear better and more adorable. In the same way in life, when you are met with challenges on the path of the fulfillment of your dream, just know that it is needed for you to become better and to teach you some very vital lessons in life which will give you the boost to achieve your dreams.

In order to turn your challenges to building blocks for success, there are things you need to know. Firstly, you need to build up yourself to be able to welcome the challenges. This also includes building up your mentality to always think growth and positivity. Remember the scenario of the clay and fire that I cited earlier. The clay was able to withstand the fire because of the material it is made off. Imagine wood trying to pass through the same fire, it will simply turn to ash. This is why you have to build up yourself to face whatever is coming your way. As part of building your mentality, also try to acquire knowledge and learn more, then get some relevant skills.
You should also make resilience your ally. Resilience simply talks about your ability to adapt and thrive well even when things do not seem to go according to how you had predicted them. When being strong is the only option you have left, you will be surprised at the kind of strength that you are able to exhibit. The challenges you face can become a source of strength because it creates the platform for you to express yourself and to exhibit what lies on your inside.
Thanks for reading
This particular sentence says a lot and I am 100% agree with this. there is no success without challenges and if the challenge is big then your success will be more effective for you.
Well said. Success is birthed from challenges.
Thanks buddy