Tips On Financial Freedom

in Project HOPE2 years ago

A lot of people have found themselves in one form of financial challenge or the other. Now one may ask, do financial freedom really exist? Well, even though the answer to this may be relative to persons, but the truth is that it is not impossible to achieve financial freedom, but only if you are committed to follow the process. The good news is that it does not matter how deep you are in your financial challenges, there is still a way out of it. Here, we shall look at a few points that one can get handy with to lead them to financial freedom.


Image from Pixabay

1. Know your current financial state

The first point is for you to understand your current financial state. Obviously, if you do not know where you are or where you are coming from, you may not know where you are going to. More so, the knowledge of your financial ability will help you to know how to "cut your coat according to your size." There are things that you may not be able to afford at the moment but you will not know until you know where you are financially. More so, knowing your financial strength will help to guide the way you spend in order to avoid putting yourself into financial strain.

In knowing your current financial state, you have to also take note of your debts if you have any, your mortgage, your loans, your credits, etc. The summation of all these will give you an insight about your financial state. Then when you compare it with your income, you will know the progress you are making so far. You should also know that whatever financial plans that you are making, it should put into consideration of your income and the money at hand, not on the money you are hoping to get. Just like it is said; "know your size and live by it."

2. Spend your resources wisely

In most cases, what normally puts people under financial stress is not their income per se, but how they spend it. That is, a lot of people do not have problem with income but with expenditure. If you spend more than your financial capacity, then you are already predisposing yourself to financial strain. In order to maintain your financial sanity and to walk towards enjoying financial freedom, you have to learn how to spend - spend wisely. You do not just buy anything you like because you want it, but because you need it and you can afford it.


Image from Pixabay

When spending, it is important to first favour your needs, then after you have taken care of your needs and there are funds left, you may want to consider your wants. Always remember that your spendings should not be used as a way to impress people or to show off, otherwise you may end up putting yourself into financial pressure. Of course, to be able to do this effectively, you should be able to have a financial plan and budget. This leads us to the third point.

3. Have a working financial plan and budget

You cannot effectively manage your income and expenditure if you have not planned well for it. It takes financial responsibility to attain financial freedom, and this financial responsibility includes making a financial plan to guide your financial activities. You will be surprised how much excesses you will be able to curtail if you will be able to plan your budget well.

When making budgets, you have to know that it should be done logically and wisely. Obviously, setting impossible budget will lead to discouragement and you may end up not following it. Imagine someone that earns a weekly salary of $100 making a financial budget of $1000 per week, from where does the person hope to get the balance of $900 from to even up the budget? It is worthy to note that your budget is not meant to put you under financial stress or strain, but to make you to be free from it. Having a good financial budget and following it well will set you on the pathway of financial freedom.

Thanks for reading

Peace on y'all


spending is the big issue expensiveness is increasing day by day and breaking all the records so I think this very difficult to maintain but not impossible. If we can controll this thing then we would be very close to financial freedom.

Well said. If we can control the way we spend, we can take control of our finances.
Thanks buddy

Hello @samminator!
Something that I consider important as you present it is the financial responsibility to achieve financial freedom, which implies working with a plan and following it and that may be a little difficult to do, however, it is possible to keep the accounts in order and manage in the best way. Thank you for sharing

That's right, we should take responsibility for our financial activities.
Thanks friend

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