The Appreciation That Counts

in Project HOPE3 months ago

It does not stop at doing something but there is always a "how to" do it so that it will count. Even if what you want to do is right, but you still need to do it rightly in order for it to be meaningful. Here, we shall take a look at how to show appreciation and gratitude so that it will count. Remember that appreciation is part of life because of the many inputs of others in your life. You will agree with me that people have helped you in many ways in life and they have come through for you, so it is expected that you should learn how to appreciate.


Image from Pexels

One of the things you need to understand is that appreciation is necessary when someone does something for you whether they demand for it or not. In fact, even when people tell you "don't mention," when you thank them, it does not mean you should not thank them, rather it is a literally way of saying "you're welcome." You will be surprised how people will be moved to do more for you when you are a person that is quick to show appreciation. Not showing appreciation is a subtle way of exhibiting pride, because it shows entitlement mentality. Even if you are entitled to what you receive, it does not mean you should not show gratitude for it, after all you could have been denied.

You also need to understand that you will appear better in the eyes of others and will secure future assistance by your act of appreciation today. However, for appreciation to be effective and for gratitude to count, it has to be done promptly. Trust me, each time an appreciation is delayed, it loses its relevance and can even be seen as being ungrateful. It does not cost anything from you to show gratitude, so why will you not be extravaganza with it? What you know you will still do, it makes no sense delaying it and end up making it lose relevance.

I remember sometimes ago, I did something for someone. In fact, for it to be done, I had to sacrifice both my time and resources and after that, she took it as her entitlement or at least it appeared so. In fact, I did not hear from her again for the whole week. It was not like I was expecting the appreciation but at least it was worth doing. After about 2 weeks, I got a call from her and she said "thanks for the help." I smiled and said "you're welcome," while still thinking of why she was thanking me at that time, then she immediately requested for another favour. It was actually the favour which she needed that brought her back, not that she really wanted to show appreciation. How human.

If you know what you will stand to gain by prompt appreciation, you will not need any motivation to do it. It does not matter what is being done for you, nor the person that does it, it does not stop you from showing appreciation. Even in your place of work, as a boss, if your subordinate does something for you, nothing stops you from thanking them. It makes you more human. After all, no one is interested to see how inhumane you are, but they will be interested to see and admire how human you are. That you thanked someone does not mean that you have lost your respect, rather you earn more respect.


Image from Pexels

In addition to prompt appreciation, also let it be sincere from the heart, and it can be complemented with a smile. Know that you are not appreciating them because you just want to fulfil all righteous nor to just show off, but because it is worth it and because your are appreciative in deed. When you add a smile to a "thank you," it makes it adorable and the person can feel your heart. It is worth noting that there is nothing that is too small or too inconsequential to be grateful for. You may not know what the person had to sacrifice to do what you perceive as little, so be appreciative of them.

Thanks for reading

Peace on y'all

 3 months ago 

Hi @samminator

Finaly I managed to get a chance to read up on some previously bookmarked posts. Nice read.

Appreciation is a ticky subject. My impression is that in general most man do know how to show appreciation to each other. However, modern woman seem to avoid showing any sort of appreciation to anyone around them.

It seem to me that this is the world we are living in today. Which is sad, because appreciating things may easily improve quality of our own life. Its so much easier to live while knowing how to appreciate life around us.

I wonder if you have similar experience

Cheers, Piotr

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