Little Foxes To Avoid In Relationship [Part 2/3]

in Project HOPElast year

In our first part, we took at look at some seemingly little things that a lot of people do not pay much attention to, but they have the propensity to spoil relationships. We looked at disrespect and unforgiveness. You will be surprised how these little things, when overlooked, can grow into something monstrous and wreck havoc in relationships. Always know that in order for your relationship to work, both you and your partner have obvious responsibility and a part to play to make it work. Here, we shall be taking a look at some of these little "foxes" which should be avoided.


Image from Pixabay

1. Pride

A lot of people see themselves as doing the other party a favour by being in the relationship with them. When one's ego is overinflated and blown out of proportion, then it becomes pride. A friend once shared with me his relationship experience. During his internship program with one of the banks in the country, he met a particular girl. The girl looked likeable and appeared classy too. She was a customer that she helped to resolve her transaction issues. They got talking and that was how my friend walked into a relationship with her, if I will call it a relationship.

At any slightest opportunity, she will remind him of her background. Her father is a well-known oil distributor and owns filling stations across the state. This entered the lady's head and inflated her ego to the point that she thinks she was better than everyone else. Even when my friend would try to overlook her attitude, she would unlock other nasty attitudes. If she calls him on phone, she would expect to be answered immediately, if not, my friend will spend the whole day to apologise because she will not talk to him. But if my friend calls, she can choose to answer or not, or simply give the excuse that she was busy, and that was it. Her pride was out of this world.

Her attitude became too unwelcoming and too nasty for him to cope with, so he had to advise himself to call it a quit. What she refused to understand is that even if she is from a wealthy family, humility is still an asset that should be coveted. No matter how classy or beautiful one may look, pride can spoil it. In a relationship, if you constantly make your partner to feel that they are not up to your par, or that they are inferior, then it can equate to pride. Why did you enter into the relationship with them in the first place if you feel they are not up to your standards? Trust me, you are not better than everyone else - you also have your areas of deficiency.

2. Lack of appreciation/ Ingratitude

That you are in a relationship is not a right to whatever you get from your partner, so learn to appreciate their efforts. Not only will it make them to do more, but it will make you more attractive to them. Trust me, you will be more drawn to the person that is appreciative of your act of kindness than the person that sees it as a right. In life, many things that people regard as rights are only privileges and should be appreciated for. You will be surprised how powerful a small "thank you" is, and can go a long way to strengthen your relationship.


Image from Pixabay

My friend got his girlfriend a gift for her birthday, but because it was not up to what she expected, she was not grateful for it. What she did not know what that my friend had a little challenge in his business at that moment and was low on cash, and he actually borrowed to buy the gift. Instead of being grateful, she responded with "just this for my birthday?" He felt so bad about it. Now tell me how he would have the mind to get other gifts for her when things get better. Humorously enough, she had not even gotten him any birthday gift before.

In relationship, and in life generally, appreciation is very necessary and it makes one a better person. If you understand that what you have and what you receive are all privileges, you will learn to appreciate them. Telling someone "thank you" may seem little but it can open bigger doors for you. In the same way, lack of appreciation can close the already opened doors against someone, so take note. I will conclude with this quote that a mentor once made:

Appreciation for little is an application for more.

Thanks for reading

Peace on y'all


Hi @samminator

Certainly within those little things that we don't pay much attention to, pride enters the scene, and it hurts us more than we think it can even lead us to make irreparable mistakes.

Best regards, be well.

Well said. This is the reason we should try to stop every manifestation of pride.

Thanks for coming around buddy @lupafilotaxia

Hello @samminator!
In a relationship it is important to keep aside these foxes that you mention because pride does not let you move forward, or seek solutions to the problems that may arise by not giving the arm to twist and ingratitude is lack of love and give the value to the other person. Thank you for sharing

Excellently said. Thanks a lot for your wonderful comment buddy @yusvelasquez

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