Drawing Inspiration From The World Around You

in Project HOPElast year

As each new days comes, it delivers countless opportunities, and one of them is the ability to find inspiration and motivation from our immediate environment and the world around us. There are very small things that a lot of people may overlook, but if you look closely and attentively at them, you will discover that they hold some very good inspirations for you. You will be surprised to know that inspirations can comes from anywhere and everywhere, including places that are least expected. Take this instance; a little smile from you to someone you meet can inspire them to achieve something great for the day. That is the nature of inspiration.


Image from Pexels

Have you ever observed that there are times that you may lack inspiration in doing a particular thing, but as you come in contact with nature or with some people, you will find the inspiration and continue with the task ahead? I remember a time when I was in school, I knew I had some academic tasks to complete, but the inspiration to do so was not forthcoming. For days, I left the work undone and I was not bothered about it until a friend called me and during the course of our discussion, he announced to me that inspectors will come the next week for that particular task. Right on the spot, the inspiration and zeal sprang up in me and in hours, I completed the same task that I was not able to do in days.

When you wake up each morning and as you step out of your house, always reassure yourself that the day will be inspiring for you. More often than not, you can only draw inspiration from something when your mind is connected and aligned to that thing. Some people may see something as a challenge, but to the inspired, they will see it as an opportunity. Take this instance; in a field of flowers, the uninspired will be quick to point out a weed that is growing in the midst of the flowers, but will give little or no attention to the awesome flowers. On the other hand, in a field of weeds, the inspired will pick out a flower growing in the midst of it. This is why I also believe that inspiration is a function of the mind.

In nature and all around us, a lot of things abound that can inspire us to greatness. I remember a documentary I once saw about a particular Chinese Monk and martial art master, who has, over the years, perfected his own style of martial art by simply drawing inspiration from a praying mantis. I mean, who would have thought that an insect as seemingly unimportant as a praying mantis could hold so much importance to him? So much that he could draw inspiration from them. Not just that, his entire martial art skills were centered around the fighting pattern of the insect. This goes to prove that inspiration can come from places that others may not find one.

Apart from nature and creatures, people can also draw inspiration by their interaction, relationship, and communication with other people. You will agree with me that there are some people that you will come in contact with and they will motivate you towards excellence. If you relate with the wise people, it will be normal and natural to pick up their kind of wisdom because you will see yourself doing what they do and undertaking like actions with them. When you meet people, try to learn a thing or two from them. Obviously, everyone you meet can be a potential source of inspiration for you. As a matter of fact, there is something to gain from the people you meet; it might be lessons, experiences, motivation, etc.


Image from Pexels

Note: You also need to make out time to take an in-depth reflection of yourself for self-discovery. The truth is, you need to first discover yourself before you will be inspired by others. Sometimes, the inspiration you seek outside rests within. You need to discover what you are passionate about, your aspirations, your strong desires, dreams, goals, etc. All these can be great sources of inspiration for you. When you focus on what you are passionate about, the thought alone can provide you with the required zeal and oomph to go after it.

However, in all these, it is worthy to note that your actions and choices are also of great importance. Of course, it is pointless seeking for motivation or inspiration and end up not taking any action with it. This is why I believe that one of the proofs of motivation is action. Yes, your choices, your inspirations and your motivations are all substantiated by the kind of actions you take. So take prompt and right actions towards what you find inspiring and see how beautiful life can be.

Thanks for reading

Peace on y'all


Thanks for sharing this amazing and fantastic post. We all knows that it is not that easy getting inspired, just like what I said, it is never an easy thing. We all knows that inspiration is very vital in all we do, it is what keeps the fire burning for us.

Thanks for the nice comment bro.

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