Do What You Have Never Done
In life, if you want to have the kind of result that you have never had before, then you must be willing to do what you have never done. In fact, if you continue to do the normal things in the normal way that you have been doing them, then the results you will get will be usual and normal. In life, if you desire something extraordinary or something that is beyond the normal, then you have to move out from your comfort zone, takes risks, do something that you have not done before, or at least, even if you want to do what you have done, then do it in an extraordinary way. It is the difference in approach that leads to difference in result.
A lot of people have dreams of something really good and they even have aspirations of great things, but one thing to know is that having dreams alone is not all that is required to make it come to pass. One of my friends once humorously said that "if you lie down too long with your dream without rising up to take actions, at the end, people will call you a liar." Sticking to your old and normal routines, attitude, formats and processes will only lead you to the same old result. Change is, oftentimes a product of acting differently. In every area of human endeavour, if you want something new, then you must move away from the old ways.
Before now, when you enter offices, what you will see as document processing equipment might just be the manual typewriter. Of course, with the manual typewriter, the user will be limited to just certain functions. But over the years and in this present time, we have seen amazing advancements and a lot of computational devices have been built to make document processing easy, better, and faster. Imagine if people had been stuck with the old typewriter in this era, a lot of things would have gone wrong. In order to embrace the change that will trigger new things, then you have to let go of the old things.
There are things that you need to know when doing the things that you have never done before. The first one is that they can be risky, but you still need to take the risks. If you are scared to take risks maybe because of fear of failure, or fear of the unknown, or what people may say, then you are not ready for a change. The truth is that it takes risks to take a step that you have not done before. The risks may even demand sacrifices to be done, but they will be worth it at the end. Just to let you know; the risk may not carry a 100% guaranteed success rate, but at least it is a step in the right direction because it can also teach lessons.
Another thing to also know is that you need to be ready for adaptation, dynamism and flexibility. If you must get something new, then you have to learn to adapt to trends and to changes, then be flexible at all times - do not hold on to a particular pattern or to a format in a straitjacket way. You have to know that the world is constantly and continuously changing, and so also you should learn to adapt and change with it. In your business for example, there are some advances that you will adapt to and you will experience ease. Like you can even employ automated inventory management system to take care of your stock inventory as against the manual inventory which is prone to errors and may also take time. Adaptability might just be what is standing between you and your breakthrough.
In all these, you have to know that knowledge is of paramount importance. Taking a step with adequate knowledge will give you an edge and will also give the required confidence to go through the steps. You will agree with me that when you gather extensive knowledge about what you want to do, it will become easier to do it. Do not just take a risk blindly, but take it with knowledge. There is no knowledge that you gain that is utterly wasted. This is because even if you have no need for it today, the need might come up tomorrow.
Thanks for reading