Conditioning Your Mind For Success

in Project HOPE2 years ago

The human mind has an almost limitless power over what happens in the body. As a matter of fact, what happens to anyone can be traced remotely to how the person has conditioned their mind. Your actions can also be a direct function of what the thoughts of your mind have been, particularly your most dominant thought. More often than not, what ultimately becomes of you, your attitude, and your character begins from what you have sown as a seed into your mind.


Image from Pixabay

To see success in what you do, the first step is to begin to think success. This is because if you think success, it will influence your actions to fall in line with your thoughts and you will put in your best towards the actualization of success. Most times, when you see people that will stop at nothing to achieve success, they are only acting in line with their thought. Once they have zeroed their mind to achieve success, they will keep at it until it is achieved. However, if you see people that do not think that they can achieve success, any slightest disappointment can sway them off their feet and they will give up trying because they do not think that they can succeed in the first place.

What you sow as thoughts in your mind is what you will reap as actions with your hands. The process to this is simple: your thought, when it becomes dominant, will determine what you will see yourself doing (that is your actions). Then when the actions are repeated over time, they will become dominant and will be what will determine your attitude. Of course, your attitude is the bedrock upon which your character will be built. Then your character will become what will either make or break your future. If you observe the pattern, you will notice that the journey actually starts from the mind.

The kind of actions that you do not want to see yourself doing and the kind of life that you do not want to live, it will be pointless to think about it. This is because, when thoughts are planted in the mind, they tend to manifest as actions and the process would have begun. It is worthy to note that it is easier to prevent an action from happening in the first place than stopping it after it has started to happen. So you have to condition your mind to prevent yourself from thinking negatively and focus on positivity instead. Your thoughts should not be determined by what is happening around you, it should not also be influenced by what you are passing through nor your immediate environment, but it should be your tool to proffer solutions to the present challenges. That is, your thoughts should be aligned positively and not negatively inclined.

You will agree with me that success does not just fall from the sky on people, there are conditions necessary to be fulfilled before success can happen, and one of them is to think the kind of success that you want. Trust me, you cannot continue to think negative things or think about failure and expect to have success. What you think should be in line with what you want to see. It will be counterproductive to think one thing and expect to see another thing. More so, success is basically conceived in the mind and then the process will be complemented with right actions at the right time. Having the conducive mind for positive thoughts has already made your journey to success easier.


Image from Pixabay

When you understand that the mind has the power to control other parts of the body, you will know what to feed the mind with. What you give to the mind (thoughts, information, knowledge) will determine what the mind will give back to you. So you have to learn to feed positive things into the mind: Acquire positive knowledge, think positively, and your whole body will naturally be tilted towards positivity.

Thanks for reading

Peace on y'all


Hi @samminator

Good point, certainly there are people who do not believe that they can achieve success, no doubt, it is a biased behavior of themselves, which does not allow them to move forward in life.

Best regards, be well.

Well said. To achieve success physically, one has to achieve it in their mind first.

Thanks buddy

Greetings @samminador.
The path to success must be anchored to your thoughts hence your goal can be achieved according to your life purpose through the tangible actions of intentional ideas and embody them with great perseverance.


That's right. Success must first have its anchor in the mind.

Thanks buddy

You are right on this. For we to seek success we first of all needs to think success. Nice post bro

Yes bro, success should begin in the mind.

Just as we always hear, our mind is always a power factor in determining what we achieve wether success or failure

That's right. Our mind has the propensity to determine the outcome of our lives.

Thanks buddy

Greetings @samminador no doubt our mind the capacity of thoughts is the main weapon or tool that we can have to develop and evolve I believe that if most people at least use more than 50% of our brain we would be living in a totally different world where we all identify ourselves based on the success achieved and we would leave aside those mechanisms that only generate us destruction as an individual and society.

greetings @samminator
You have to think and act to achieve it, and feeling successful is the first step to reach success.
Thank you very much for sharing your publication.

Hi friend
So I guess it is a case of mind over matter I guess :)
We must train our mind for better coordination of body , enhanced coordination and focus to become more successful.

You're so correct. It's the way people condition their minds that leads to the results they see in life. If you only see success, you'll start to tailor yourself for it. Thanks for posting.

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