Adjusting Your Attitude Positively

in Project HOPE3 years ago

One of the major challenges people face in their interactions with others is directly linked to attitude. Having attitude problem will create other problems that can wreck someone. The truth truth is, there is always a difference between being real and being rude, and both of them should not be confused. Many people hide under the facade of being real to be plainly rude to others.


Image from Pixabay

You may be saying the truth but the way you say it matters and may even influence the ultimate result. Communication does not only involve opening one's mouth and using words as they come. It also involves attitude, knowing how to say what you want to say in order to pass the meaning across. The world is already ladened with so much roughness that people will not want to add someone else's nasty and rude attitude to it.

You may have the right points to make, but there is a way you will say it, you will end up not making the point and what you thought was right may appear to be wrong. After all, sometimes, communication focuses more on the emotions and attitudes than the context of what is said. Even your tone when you speak can greatly alter the perceived meaning of the words you speak. A right word accompanied by a wrong tone will ultimately be counterproductive.

A few weeks back, a friend of mine did something uncool but the way he was corrected by another of his friend created further vexation that the offence was overridden by the correction and the person that corrected him ended up angering everyone and the correction was futile. One of the signs of maturity is to be able to keep one's emotions in check, so that it will not weaken their attitude.

It is the attitude you put up over the time that will be consolidated upon to build your character. The person that has a good character did not receive it as a gift, he worked on his attitude and built it positively and consciously. Every human has the inherent tendency of either positive attitude or negative attitude, the side you build on is what will determine what your character will become and of course, this will give birth to the kind of future you want.

Even when people do something wrong to you, your reaction should be a reflection of who you are and not what the person did nor who the person is. This is why you need to be selective of your actions, your reactions, and your inactions. You will agree with me that when you act, people may not be interested to know what prompted the action, they will only see the action itself.


Image from Pixabay

Before you act or even speak, try to give a little thought over it and know if you must say or act in that manner. If you have okayed it in your mind, then you can go ahead. Note this: every word you use and every action you take will definitely come with results and consequences. I have heard of people missing opportunities because of some careless rude comments, so do not be careless with attitudes, because even emotions do speak.

Thanks for reading

Peace on y'all


Hi @samminator

I have always considered that our attitude is the key to reach our goals, bad tempered people, excessively negative, far from God, keep a negative attitude that detracts them effectiveness when trying to reach their goals. What you say in your article "You may be telling the truth, but the way you say it is important and can even influence the final result", is very true, the word has power and everything we express is the beginning of what will come to us.

Best regards, be well.

Excellently said! Our attitude is a key determining factor to reach our goals. This is why we should keep off from people with negative attitude.

Thanks for coming around buddy

Our attitude will determine who will stay or go in our lives you might be able to attract them at first will your good looks, intelligent or what so ever but bet it with me nobody loves anyone with a bad attitude.

That's right. People may be attracted to others for many reasons, but it is the attitude that will either retain or repel them.

Thanks for coming around Jenny

We are all human and we all make mistakes. However, except for a few megalomaniacs we don't deliberately do things wrong. Quite often we just don't think things through proper or see things from the perspective of others. We should all give each a bit of a break.

Nicely said here. Even though we are not perfect yet, we should not dwell on mistakes. Thanks for the comment buddy

Hello friend, as always with an interesting topic. It is true that we should not fall into the same attitude as someone else, we must be ourselves and know how to control our emotions. This way we can teach that person that he/she should be more intelligent and that it doesn't have to affect us. Greetings!

Greetings dear friend. Yes, our attitude is what makes us uniquely different from others and we have to know how to build it positively.
Thanks for coming around. Cheers

 3 years ago 

Certainly the positive aspect must always be kept alive, it is very important in your life.
I was struck by the example of how your friend was corrected by another friend. And it came to my mind that it is fine to correct another person, but what is important is how you say the right words to correct him.

It is not what you say, but how you say it.

That's right. How someone corrects another person is more important than the context of the correction itself.
Thanks for this amazing and insightful comment buddy

Well said Sammie. No matter the circumstances, we need to portray a good attitude at all times. My Bible teaches me that a soft answer turns away wrath. In other words before we act or react, we need to pause, take a deep breath and think on what we are about to say. No one wants to identify with a person with a bad attitude. Thanks Sammie! 👌

Thanks for the biblical reference you used to buttress the post. Yes, soft answer always turns away anger.
Thanks Rose. Bless you

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