Life is really unpredictable

in Project HOPE4 years ago

Hello guys. Hope you guys are doing absolutely fine. I'm fine too.

Today is really a bad day for us and for our neighborhood. And a loss to the country as well. Life is a struggle and we all are fighting to be in 1st position. And we do whatever we are capable to do. We work day and night, forget about our health , and in that process we are forgetting what life is really about. Life is unpredictable and such incident happened in my village.


Sanjay Dahal, A friend of mine got his way into Indian Naval Service in the year 2013. It's almost been 7 years to his service and he was the most fit man in our village. Recently he took a leave and returned to his hometown from Andaman & Nicobar Island.

He reached his home on 7th August and spent 10 days as home quarantine. He finished the Quarantine time A day before yesterday. And yesterday he met his parents, his friend, cousins. He talked to his mother for an hour before going to sleep.

I don't know what disaster took place after that. When his mother tried to wake him up in the next morning , he didn't responded at all. Scared mother immediately called her husband and sons for help. And they took him and left for nearby hospital. I heard the news on 7:30 a.m. that he is no more. I felt my feet leaving away from me.

I went in hurry towords his house and saw his elder brother standing in the road. I quickly went there and asked if it's false. I cant forget his facial expressions that told me everything. And he is no more.

Life is so unpredictable. Whatever can happen in a short fragment of time. There is nothing we get in return if we start hating each other. The main achievement in the world is to love everyone. Be kind to everyone. Life is short live it to your fullest.

Thank you for visiting


The sad tragedy of the life we live is that one day sooner or later we are all going to pass to the world beyond and know one can say for sure when it will ever happen, may his soul rest in peace.

Yeah so life should be lived happily

Hello friend, what sad news, the truth is that life is sometimes absurd, but so is she and as you say we must learn to live to the fullest, we never know how much or how little we have left to live.

Yes that's absolutely true

a song says "life is short even when it is long" life is something fleeting that is and the next day it is no longer our nature and it is something that sooner or later will happen to us that should drive us to be better every day of our lives.

Yes life is a beautiful lie

 4 years ago 

Dear @punkblogs

Finally I've found some time to catch up and read few previously bookmarked posts.

We work day and night, forget about our health , and in that process we are forgetting what life is really about.

True. Sometimes we all manage to slow down and realize that. But most of the time we're focusing on working, earning, spending, consuming. For many - this is the only life they know.

ps. I'm sorry to hear about your friend. Such a sad tragedy to learn about death of someone we know and we care about ....

Yes my friend. Yeah today in this world everyone is busy doing their work, earning etc which is also necessary but we should not always do the same thing. Sometimes it's good to take rest and do what you want.

Thanks for your comment my friend

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