Achieve More By Doing The Hardest Task First - Part 2

in Project HOPE2 years ago

Hello everyone, hope you all are doing good? I'm back with the Part 2 of this amazing series, Achieve More By Doing The Hardest Task First. If you haven't read the Part 1, I strongly suggest you do that by clicking here. In today's article, we would be looking at 2 more reasons why doing the hardest task first is more rewarding than doing the easiest task first.


Photo by Jefferson Santos on Unsplash

Positive Long-Term Effects

I do know that doing the hardest task first, is quite difficult and not so pleasing, but it's long term effect in your life will be very positive, as it will affect your character as a person for the better. If you like doing easiest tasks first, there's a high tendency that you will postpone the hardest task till the next day. When the next day arrives, you will start again with the easiest task for the day, hence, postponing the yesterday hardest task and today's hardest task, because you may already be too tired to start such a hard task later in the day as your energy level might already be low. By so doing, you are compiling lots and lots of difficult tasks, which will have a negative long-term effects. If you truly want to achieve success in your field of work, always try to make it a habit to start with the hardest task of the day first.


Photo by Luis Villasmil on Unsplash

Enjoy The Rest Of Your Day

When you start with the hardest task of the day first, you most times, have a high spirit, energy and motivation to complete the rest of the day's work quite quickly, and the remaining hours of the day will be free for you to enjoy yourself with whatever pleases you, such as watching movies, having good quality time with your partner or family members and so on. But whenever you start with easiest task first, you will feel less motivated to complete the rest of the day's work easily and quickly, because it will scare you to start. You won't be able to feel free because you know you have some uncompleted tasks. That's why you noticed some people saying that they are choked with too many tasks, and they bring it home to complete some. Most times, such people failed to do the hardest task first, and it will affect the rest of their day negatively. It is always best to start with the hardest task of the day first, in order to have a free and peaceful day ahead, with no worries of doing any task later on or worries of postponing a task till the next day.


Photo by freestocks on Unsplash


Thanks For Reading

Part 3, Coming Tomorrow!!!


This is the same formula that we call it the shop first and easiest things letter with same applies on the thought you shared here. Nice post

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