Menopause is normal but difficult



Amalia sat at the edge of her pool, sunbathing and drinking a juice as she did every morning, listening to the music sent to her by her daughters who were already married and living in the outskirts of the city, all of them with their prosperous and healthy jobs, which according to Amalia was the first thing of all.

Amalia was retired, she had a great career as a professional and was a professor at the university to which she dedicated the last part of her working life and left many fruits, she was in good health and lived those years of relaxation and enjoying the peace of her home.

Already 50 years old and in the fullness of her life she was planning trips with her husband for a few months, and she was closing her eyes making a mental trip of the airports she would visit, when suddenly her chest jumped taking Amalia out of that trip where she was and repeating herself over and over again, Amalia remembered that she was alone and sat down, she took several deep breaths and the rhythm stabilized, reminding her of the process she had been going through for some years now, the process that reminded her that soon she would be one more of the so-called menopausal women.

For about 8 years she had been suffering and fighting against these symptoms and signs, but in the last year they had become even stronger. Now calmer, she went inside and drank water knowing that at any moment it would happen again and her anxiety began to rise, and her head began to repeat to herself that everything that was happening to her was normal and that she should just wait for it all to end, but... When?

So it is mysterious and normal this process, everyone tells you that it is normal (because it is) but no one knows how it ends, because each of us is different and only statistics show a percentage that ends in a few months, but others have no idea when.

The idea of this post is not to talk about the symptoms, or the signs, there is enough or we can talk about it later, but to understand that within this "natural" process for everyone, it is a difficult process that we women live and we must understand that we have it day by day in our own flesh and that a "that's normal" does not often help, Do not laugh or make fun of those who suffer these moments, because they are not pleasant, show empathy, show understanding and solidarity is the best way to help in this crisis that is "normal" but often comes to destabilize the life of any woman.

Not all bodies are the same, so all processes are experienced differently, let us help to understand that we have to feel them and overcome them and hope that everything passes in the best way, always hand in hand with the doctors who are necessary at that time.

Change of lifestyle, food, exercise, relaxation, therapies, vitamins and everything we can carry it in the best way knowing that the beginning of a wonderful stage that will begin to live.

See you next time


I loved your publication @mariu.espinoza, my sincere congratulations, using a story, a character (real or not) so that we can not only understand but even feel the anxiety, fear or discomfort that this stage of life generates in women .

I am a man, therefore it is impossible for me to accurately measure the magnitude of the discomforts experienced by women upon reaching menopause, but thanks to your writing, it is much easier for me to understand them and sympathize with the female gender.

Thank you very much for your valuable contribution.

Hello @mariu.espinoza!
Interesting topic, the truth is that it is a stage that many women fear, perhaps because of everything we have heard and the changes that can be experienced. But I think we should live it and be grateful for reaching that stage and understand that it is part of life, and as you say take it in the best way, inform ourselves and seek help. Thanks for sharing, greetings!

claro que hay que agradecer, pero no por eso debemos callar lo que se siente, por esto muchas mucjeres (desconocimiento) llegan a pasarla muy mal , gracias

Well done friend i like the point built up in your publication. What i known is that menopause marks the end of the menstrual cycle, which for many women is a cause for celebration in itself. It means no more fussing with tampons or pads, no more worry about leakage, and no more menstrual cramping.

Asi es, me alegra te aportara un poco

I feel like this write up should not come to an end. Some things are natural and we should assist people going through it in love and care this is not the time to criticize them because it is not there fault and it is a stage some of us will still pass through in the future.

Obvio que hay que aceptarlo pero tampoco podemos tapar con un dedo y dejar en desconocimiento lo que se vive de ahi las depresiones que sufren muchas mujeres por no saber que es lo que pasar, gracias

Menopause is one of the many stages that human beings go through, in this case women (in men it is andropause), which represents a challenge for the same woman, it is a change to face but it can be easy to go through when it is assumed as such. One stage dies and a new one begins.

By @hojaraskita

Asi es, es esa transformacion maravillosa que nos toca vivir, gracias

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