in Project HOPE2 years ago

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Greetings and welcome dear readers, the topic we are dealing with this time is directed to determine the action that our attitude entails according to the circumstances. In this sense, it would be no secret for anyone to recognize that as individuals we perceive or reap what we have sown.

So it is to be expected that if we act in a positive way without depending on people's needs, in a certain way we will receive the respective retribution based on behavior of the same type, so we can establish that our harvest is directly proportional to our sowing.

Therefore, if we apply these principles to a couple's relationship, we will realize that it is managed according to the attitudes of both spouses, where undoubtedly, during the first years of the relationship our attitude is based and founded on love and unconditional surrender, a scenario that is considered as the necessary fuel to keep the flame of marriage active.

So we can say that the relationship is in a blooming stage as it happens in the spring of our nature, where everything is very colorful and where our personal differences do not exert any action.

However, with the passing of the years this spring seems to be declining and enters a much more stationary process, where the differences begin to generate fractures such as occurs in plants when their leaves fall and dry indicating that we are entering the time of autumn.

The difficult thing about this situation is that as a couple, we are not able to identify the problems that are occurring, reaching a point where the relationship unquestionably reaches the winter and here is where there is a lack of effective communication, the negative aspects outweigh the positive ones and where the intimacy as a couple ends up breaking.

Undoubtedly at this point, the marriage or marital relationship is fractured and the details that at first kept them together and fostered the consolidation as a couple, now take a back seat and it is the arguments and quarrels that rule the relationship.

Therefore, if we are able to identify the stage in which our relationship is, we will be able to transform our attitudes according to those positive behaviors that would undoubtedly detonate in a reaction of the same type by our spouse. Therefore, I dare to state that as individuals we transmit what we perceive, hence the title of these lines of writings.

So if we can be proactive as individuals and despite the circumstances act assertively and positively, we will be able to change the mental constructs of our spouse and begin to perceive positive reactions that will make our marital relationship more lasting and efficient.

At this point, we realize that it is our behavior that delimits the duration of a relationship, be it a friendship or a marriage, and it is undoubtedly a principle that applies in any area where we as individuals move.

In this sense, true positive thoughts and actions generate better results in the most complicated situations, so maintaining a positive relationship and attitude allows us to perceive the world differently, enhancing principles such as:

1. Maintain our self-esteem in an optimal state that allows us to love ourselves and be able to share that love.

2. It allows us to focus on the fruitful aspects of our lives and above all on those we can control.

3. Through positive attitudes and behaviors we leave aside the bad influences and especially those that come to delay our walk.

4. It allows us to steer our course, so that we are able to pursue concrete objectives.

Consequently, positive attitudes allow us to stay active and be aware of our own well-being, as well as that of our partner, as the old adage puts it.

"With a positive attitude, problems become challenges, obstacles become teachings, and sorrows become part of life."


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The design of the portal was made by @madridbg, using public domain images

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Grateful with the community @project.hope and with all the management team of the same one that they motivate us to continue working in a mutual and balanced growth.

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Uploaded image of the Proyecto.hope community


hello @madridbg,
in people personal relationships are determined by the ability of individuals to stop thinking about themselves and act more for the benefit of all, we can see that in marriages in which each of the individuals are more focused on taking care of the relationship rather than just thinking about themselves. having a good relationship with either your children or your spouse will depend on how much you are willing to understand the other person.

Hello dear friend @madridbg, I think that the relationship of couples is based on respect and communication, as you well mention the marriage goes through several stages and you realize that you are a fundamental part next to your partner to get your children ahead.

See you later brother, have a great week.

greetings @madridbg
no doubt that the relationship is very difficult and rewarding at the same time, but effective communication and respect are essential for a secure future.

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