in Project HOPE2 years ago

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Author: @madridbg, via Power Point 2010, using public domain images. Sasin Tipchai

Greetings and welcome, dear readers, to this prestigious platform, especially to all those users who make life in the @projecthope community. The issue that concerns us on this occasion is aimed at recognizing the importance of the ability that human beings have been developing and that makes mention of listening and speaking intelligently.

In this sense, we will focus our attention on the ability to listen carefully or empathetically, which is determined by different aspects of our behavior, hence, it will be difficult for us to visualize a group of animals around a campfire accompanied by some good beers or, failing that, a good drink of alcohol, while they share their experiences, regardless of whether they have been positive or negative.

therefore, that ability to speak and listen are considered gifts that God has given us, so that those who believe in divinity or in its defect is an adaptive evolution that has been generated product of transformational acts, for those who believe in scientific theory.

Fig. 2. source: Pixabay. Author: Patricio González

In one scenario or the other, it is necessary to highlight that listening and speaking with empathy is a gift that not all of us have learned to develop and at the moment in which we acquire it we can put aside different limitations and problems that are presented to us in our daily life.

In such a way that throughout our interpersonal relationships we exhibit this ability to converse and speak empathetically and I even dare to establish that the fundamental basis of a good interpersonal relationship is associated with a adequate and fluid conversation, which allows us to understand the positive and negative aspects of the other person.

Undoubtedly, the process of speaking and listening seems to be something everyday and simple, but it is surprising to know that in couple relationships, breaks can be generated by something as basic as the lack of communication and this information is determined with property and scientific bases, since they are variables that have been objects of study at a psychological level.

So that breakups do not occur due to lack of love or attraction, what affects marital or interpersonal relationships is the lack of effective communication that occurs in these relationships, which ends up generating their fractures or ruptures.

Fig. 3. Source: Pixabay. Author: Michelle Raponi

Hence, we must be aware that communication occurs in two directions, in the first instance the one who starts communicating and at the same time in the other direction is the other person who must be able to listen and understand the information that is being received. transmitting and if we learn to execute this bidirectional process we can obtain better results throughout our existence.

Now, how can we develop this ability to listen empathically? I speak of only listening because from now on we will focus exclusively on this variable and to answer the previous question, let us note that on different occasions, I have used the word empathy, but what is its meaning? If we extrapolate it to the world of learning to listen empathetically, we refer to the ability we have to enter the world of the other person or of the person who exposes their ideas, so that we have to learn to walk in their shoes and see the circumstance in depending on your ideas or perspective.

In other words, we must learn to listen and identify the feelings of the other person, as well as the tastes that they want, it is not an easy task and in order to acquire these capacities we must learn to develop a set of qualities that we will describe below.

1. Learn to listen with an attitude of understanding and not judgment.

2. Learn to share words of approval, even if at first our ideas do not agree with the other.

3. Generate our own opinions, only when we feel that the other person feels understood.

Fig. 4. Source: Pixabay. Author: alda2

These are apparently very simple steps, but since we take this conceptual approach to the behavior that a person who listens with empathy must assume, let's analyze the following section.


In this section, we will describe several actions that we can execute to listen empathetically, among these are:

1. We must learn to listen with our eyes, for this we must put aside any distraction mechanism, be it the telephone, television, among others, so that it is essential to focus all our concentration and attention in the ideas that are shaping us.

2. Learn to listen with your mouth, for this we must give the other person time to present their ideas and only when they have finished, we can express our opinions, regardless of whether they agree According to yours, the important thing is that we must learn to give enough space and time for the other person to convey their opinions.

Fig. 5. Source: Pixabay. Author: pasja1000

3. Learn to listen with your neck, for this we must assist with your head, in the form of signals of agreement or disagreement based on the ideas that are being transmitted to us.

4. Learn to listen with your feet, for this we must learn not to leave the place, even if we do not agree with what they are communicating to us, therefore and as a sign of respect we stay , we receive the information and then we decide whether to stay and pass on our opinions about it or just leave.

5. While listening, we must learn to visualize the circumstance from the other person's perspective, learning to visualize their feelings and, if necessary, analyze each of their emotions.

Last but not least, we must learn to ask permission to be able to transmit our opinions in order to generate the healthiest possible climate so that the flow of information is executed in the best way. In this sense, these simple steps can allow us to improve our interpersonal relationships and we would adopt the mechanism to listen empathetically.


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The design of the portal was made by @madridbg, using public domain images

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Grateful with the community @project.hope and with all the management team of the same one that they motivate us to continue working in a mutual and balanced growth.

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Uploaded image of the Proyecto.hope community


hello @madridbg
Learning to develop a good conversation and listen carefully to the person who is speaking will be a source of much satisfaction because if we are empathetic we will be able to establish any relationship, be it work or sentimental, in an easier way.

Greetings friend, no doubt we should learn these aspects about the art of listening with empathy and it will give us the opportunity to put ourselves in the shoes of others. Greetings

Hello dear @madridbg, I found your article excellent, you tackled many aritas to achieve an effective cooperation between people and above all with the partner. Being empathetic in a conversation allows the sender to feel heard and even if they do not share the same opinion, harmony will be maintained.

So long, have a great week.

Greetings colleague, you hit the point, listening with empathy allows us to stay in harmony and makes the relationship flow in the best way. Regards

I will be taking the empathic listening pointers you gave me. i believe it will aid me to become a better listener.

Greetings, I hope you do very well applying these steps, I am aware of how useful and functional they are.


I will. Thank you


Hello, greetings very interesting points that you highlight to maintain good communication. I was struck by your post and what you say is totally true if we talk or listen with empathy we will get positive results.

Greetings Gary, thank you for your valuable comment, so that empathy will always be a very important weapon that will allow us to win relational conflicts.


Empathy is an essential tool for effective communication. Often undervalued or not properly understood it can help both heal relationships and make the world a much better space for all of us.
Nice post buddy

Thank you my friend, it is great to know that you found these lines of writing important and above all that we can put into practice the aspects that we socialize here.


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