What macroeconomic factors have driven the recent price rally?steemCreated with Sketch.

In recent days we have witnessed a good run upward in the price action within the cryptocurrency market, an element that leads to the necessary and vital question; What macroeconomic factors have driven the recent price rebound?.

In this sense and to answer this question, and according to the article by Brian Nibley columnist of the Cointelegraph portal, there are several macroeconomic factors that are getting Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies ready to continue rising as the stock market seeks to extend its recent gains.

It has come to light that "Michael Burry, a hedge fund manager, stated in January that the US could enter a recession by the end of 2023, with CPI lower and the Fed cutting rates (note that today's CPI was much lower than expected, further fueling the recent rally). In their view, this would trigger another pickup in inflation."

It has also indicated "that the U.S. economy is likely to enter stagnation speed or experience a mild recession while experiencing some level of persistent inflation. This could mean that markets will continue to trend higher until an official recession occurs."

On the other hand, "Despite the Fed's fight against inflation and market participants' expectations of an inevitable recession, the first half of 2023 has been quite bullish for equities, with the rally extending into July."

Likewise. "While bonds have sold off again, pushing yields to near 2022 highs, risk assets such as tech stocks have soared." So I would like to know your appreciation on the current behavior of cryptocurrency price action.


Cointelegraph. Bitcoin and crypto brace for further upside as equities look to extend their recent gains. Link


The cover image was designed by the author: @lupafilotaxia, incorporating image: Cointelegraph


Certainly the U.S. market is an important marker in terms of growth or rebound in cryptocurrency gains, as we are facing a stagnation of its economy and a decline in its CPI we are facing a bull market for investments, however, there are factors such as war, the production of crude oil and its derivatives, the collapse of food production and migration that can be considered within the elements that influence the particular economies of nations and globally on the world scene.

Hello @tomaspalomo

There are variables that lead us to think that, as you say, we are at the beginning of a bull market for investments, but nevertheless, the intensity of regulatory acts imposed by states can affect the price rebound within the cryptocurrency market.

Best regards, be well.

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