How much do you know about non-commercial open science?

in Project HOPE3 years ago


We tend to think that science is not open, but commercial, i.e., it is taken for granted that scientific groups or niches are in the hands of state elites and private corporations that benefit from scientific results.

The less dominant social classes do not have access to scientific advances in the same way that the wealthy or institutional power classes do, and this reality has been dragging on for decades, to the point of creating conditions of marginality and academic ignorance.

Source / Author: NASA-Imagery, 2010

However, this marginality and academic ignorance in recent years has been giving a great turn in favor of the less dominant or impoverished social classes, and this can be answered if we consider the growing number of open science movements.

Open science is understood as scientific groups or niches that defend sustainability and inclusion as vital flags for projects or social problems to promote shared strategies aimed at generating collective solutions.

In other words, this way of doing science supports social infrastructures by assuming an increasingly relevant role not only within traditional research practices, but also within society as a whole.

Source / Author: Pixabay, 2017

In this regard, the scientific community has been asserting that, in order to meet the challenges of the next century, from pandemics to climate change and technological automation, science must be open and non-commercial and cover all social strata.

These scientific positions end up being positive, if we consider that in the current adverse circumstances, it will be necessary to guarantee that the benefits of science are shared between academia and society in general without restrictions of any kind.


UNESCO Open Science for a Global Transformation. Link


The cover image was designed by the author: @lupafilotaxia, incorporating the public domain image background: Source / Author: Parker_West, 2021


Greetings Professor Luis @lupafilotaxia, this sentence simplifies the great content you share with us,

"To meet the challenges of the next century, from pandemics to climate change to technological automation, science must be open and non-commercial and embrace all social strata"

I believe that as academics who move in the scientific world we realize how parcelled this type of knowledge is, where economic rentierism marks the pause on the direction that science should have, which should have as fundamental objective to bring benefits to the whole society and not to a small group of people. Thank you for your contribution

Hello friend @madridbg

Correct, the scientific community cohabits in elite circles that respond to economic interests, this situation over time increased the real problems suffered by the human species, in other words science is largely responsible for social problems.

Best regards, be well.

Greetings my friend @lupafilotaxia

A really interesting topic, it is a reality that social exclusion exists in all areas, from the economic, to the studies of science who want to give their best to develop scientific advances that help humanity, but currently the reality is changing, as we live in the century where inclusion is part of it, in the same way the world has needed to include all possible scientists regardless of whether it is from a neighborhood or the elite, in search of being able to eradicate an evil that stalks us all as is the COVID-19, excellent article friend Luis.

Hello friend @chucho27

I also believe that the gap that separates scientific communication with society is changing, and an example of this are these portals that allow in some way or another to socialize academic information, without the need to go to peer-reviewed and indexed journals.

Best regards, be well.

A hug to Fatima.

The classification and the elitist classifications will always be to blame for many situations, but the classes that make up the lower strata will be the ones negatively affected in all advances.
thanks for sharing

Greetings friend @lupafilotaxia, certainly the advances that are made in all areas of humanity must be open to all society without distinction of economic position, because we are all human beings and we have the same rights as anyone else. Excellent theme friend.

Hello @carlir

That's right, there is a lot of work ahead to counteract the profitable business of prestigious and indexed scientific journals, which in the end end up hijacking the results of scientific advances.

Best regards, be well.

This words are true "The less dominant social classes do not have access to scientific advances in the same way that the wealthy or institutional power classes do, and this reality has been dragging on for decades, to the point of creating conditions of marginality and academic ignorance" @lupafilotaxia. This subject really new and am going to read more about it, thanks for this mind opening post lol.

Hello @cryptocheta

Unfortunately this is true, look when you or I have access to scientific information, that information is practically obsolete, this because, when an article of a scientific advance is published is not open to the public, and to access you must pay between $ 150 and $ 500 for that content that is usually uploaded in prestigious scientific journals and indexed, therefore the information that comes to our reach has already entered into obsolescence (scientific results that have already met a validity or time). This is what I mean when I say that science should be open and not commercial.

Best regards, be well.

You are indeed a professor @lupafilotaxia your explanation is clear and true. I agree with you that science should be open and not commercial

Wow friend @cryptocheta, I am light years away from being a professor, but still thanks for the consideration, scientific information to be fair must reach more people in the world without commercial limitations. Greetings, blessings to you and yours.

Thanks and please stay safe

It's a great post, my friend. We both agree: science is not a field that is only open to certain people and communities.

In all societies, everyone has an authority to learn about science, and everyone has the right to search for and create new inventions.

In my opinion, knowledge belongs to everyone, and there are many places to learn and acquire knowledge!

Hello @lennyblogs

Exactly, knowledge belongs to everyone, but nevertheless, large corporations hijack knowledge, and reduce it to power niches, to the point that any new research to be known to the people, they must pay to access those journals where scientific content is uploaded.

Best regards, be well.

Saludos profesor @lupafilotaxia, interesante articulo para analizar; sobre la comercialización de la información, a solo una parte de la sociedad la cual tenga capacidad de pago.
Por su parte el trabajo que realizan personar como usted, en plataformas como Steemit; permiten que los conocimientos que derivan de los estudios lleguen a mas personas, ¡sin importar el tamaño de las billeteras!
Con su trabajo se demuestra que se pueden generar procesos de inclusión a través de la información y la formación, obteniendo cambios positivo en las personas que tienen acceso ha estas publicaciones.
Gracias profesor por su valorada gestión en la comunidad.

Saludos amigo @tramelibre, esa es la gran ventaja que tienen estas plataformas, recuerdo que en algún momento el amigo @lemouth de #StemSocial en aquel entonces #SteemSTEM propuso acceder a los centros de investigación y laboratorios en la búsqueda de ofrecer estrategias para facilitar la divulgación científica, lastimosamente esto no ha cobrado fuerza, y a la fecha nada formal existe que le de seriedad a la socialización de contenido académico en estos ecosistemas sociales. Saludos cordiales, que estés bien.

Thank you for this information

*In this sense, the scientific community has been asserting that, to meet the challenges of the next century, from pandemics to climate change and technological automation, science must be open and non-commercial, and embrace all strata of society.

Humanity has generated advances that are beneficial to itself. And these require investment, which will not make them accessible to all, and generates a kind of selection between those who can access them and those who cannot. A real awareness, not a commercial one, could make a change... let's hope it will be heard.

This good

Hello @lynnmargullys

Good point you share with us, I ask you, a real awareness, isn't it the use of this kind of platforms, platforms like STEEM can easily serve as a link between the most important research centers and the society, an element that can serve as a pointer for the information to reach more people in the world.

Best regards, be well.

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