Blockchain and decentralization as the basis of Web3.0

in Project HOPE3 years ago

Have you ever wondered what will be the impulse that will take the web3.0 in these first months of the year 2022, it is important to remember that the generis of the Internet, was precisely through the scheme of open and decentralized protocol, unfortunately later the large corporations centralized this powerful technological tool.

After the centralization of the Internet, the exponential development of interesting technological applications began, which today are used by the modern ruling class.

Technological applications project a hyperconnected world subjugated by web connections, therefore, in the midst of technological modernity it is difficult to imagine that the internet needs to move towards Web3.0 with blockchain and decentralization as tutors.

Source: coinyuppie

For experts in the field, society is demanding a move away from Web 2.0 towards a much more intelligent technological development, where applications can be created that will make the Internet evolve into a semantic web, where, in addition to efficiency, more control over our data is offered.

For the creator of the Polkadot open source project, he believes it is necessary to reshape the Internet by creating a new architecture with a specific protocol so that services are decentralized.

In essence, the idea is that blockchain protocols decentralization, set up a new structure that allows the web3.0 is not controlled to a large extent by large corporations.


The cover image was designed by the author: @lupafilotaxia, incorporating image: Source: medium


Greetings friend @lupafilotaxia, this website has had greater momentum with the pandemic, and every day there are more people who are part of it, little by little more users come to this world and this will be the future of many, we just have to continue watching the development of it, but being inside it.

Greetings @lupafilotaxia, certainly to be able to decentralize internet protocols in WEB 3.0 would be very important because in this way large corporations will not be able to dominate this world that today is certainly very useful. But we must also be clear that much of these technological developments are thanks to these corporations that provide a lot of economic resources.

hello @lupafilotaxia,
I think it is all part of an evolution that is taking place. With the arrival of the pandemic the web needs to be faster and more secure, to achieve this a digital identity must be created that allows us to know who is accessing the data but that this information is not used by large companies for personal purposes.

Greetings @lupafilotaxia i think the world is ready for web 3.0 and those that not ready are those ones that want everything to remain thesame because they are greedy

Apparently, Web 3.0 is growing fast and it's widely embraced by millions of users this will open more room for decentralization.

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