Artificial intelligence and objective legal defense

in Project HOPE3 years ago


In my daily reading routine, I am usually interested in reading information about technology, today in particular I came across an article entitled: Would you let a robot lawyer defend you, the implicit question caught my attention, and I decided to investigate about it, and here I am reporting what I found about this interesting topic.

In previous installments, I have recounted how close we are to reaching new levels within artificial intelligence, and with this robot acting as a lawyer, I believe the context signals that artificial intelligence continues to advance consistently across all sectors.

The article I read commands this question, Could your next lawyer be a robot, and the following emphasizes that, as far-fetched as it sounds, artificial intelligence software systems and computer programs that can update themselves and "think" on their own are increasingly being used in the legal environment.

Source / Author: Geralt, 2018

According to entrepreneur Joshua Browder and owner of the DoNotPay app labeled as the world's first robot lawyer, he explains that people who make use of this app, can type their version of a dispute in their own words, and the software has a machine learning model that squares out the legal way to phrase it.

In Joshua Browder's own words, in his late teens in Hendon, north London, he was a lousy driver," recounting that he received a number of costly parking tickets that, as he was still in high school, he could not afford to pay.

After much research, Browder says he found the best way to challenge these fines, because according to him, "if you know what to say, you can save a lot of time and money, so instead of copying and pasting the same documents over and over again, he says he thought it was "the perfect job for a software", so using artificial intelligence he decided to create the DoNotPay application.

This type of initiative may serve as a more expeditious means to achieve more objective legal defenses, given the millions of cases that are presented in this area on a global scale, which often do not cause objectivity due to human bias.


Padraig B Would you let a robot lawyer defend you?. Link


The cover image was designed by the author: @lupafilotaxia, incorporating the public domain image background: Source / Author: Geralt, 2021


hello @lupafilotaxia,
I am not sure it would be best to let an AI defend us in court, the reason being that AIs use logical reasoning whereas humans often act based on emotions, an example of this would be a person who murders another person because they have terrorised them, I doubt that an AI could understand how difficult it is for a person to deal with mental or moral harm, that is why in these types of cases I do not think it is a good idea to let AIs be responsible for dispensing justice.

The use of AI in the defense of a case I think is very useful, precisely because part of the defense is to analyze previous cases and review strategies, and certainly if you can argue well as the facts are consequences of various factors beyond the client's control can save a lot of money in court, plus an impartial defender could also determine whether our defense is not applicable and it is better to face the consequences, since often the lawyer precisely what he wants to achieve is to eliminate the guilt of his client.

Hello @emiliomoron

I also find it useful, as it will be a good way to decrease the bias of human appreciations, may be this kind of things are the ones that will end up consolidating the advances in artificial intelligence.

Best regards, be well.

Saludos profesor @lupafilotaxia, excelente información; es posible que con la inteligencia artificial no solamente consigamos una buena defensa jurídica, también será posible mejorar los estándares de procesos a tal punto que no se cometa infracciones con lo cual la necesidad de defensa jurídica sea casi nula. Estaremos atentos a su próxima publicación!

Saludos estimado amigo @tramelibre, también lo veo de esa manera, ya que se disminuiría el sesgo que genera las apreciaciones humanas. Saludos cordiales, que estés bien.

Hi @lupafilotaxia
This shows us how far you can go with AI, excellent reading.
Have a great a day!

Greetings dear professor @janettyanez

Certainly, this scope of AI as I mentioned before seems very useful to me, as it is a good way to decrease the bias of human appreciations.

Be well.

Hello @lupafilotaxia!

It would be a great step forward to the humanity of AI is embedded in the law. It may analyze whatever case it gets and based on the information that it receives, it may help in decision making especially at crucial moments.

Sometimes the human feelings take place in courts which might change the whole situation, it might not be famous but there is a chance for it to happen because we are humans so there is always a chance to make such mistakes, either decision making or in defending.

Nice read, thanks for sharing!

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