Introduction to the scientific method: "Gnoseological Positions" Part 2 | #club100 | ph-fund 35%

in Project HOPE2 years ago


Cover, Gnoseological Positions - Image designed with canva.

Good morning friends, I have returned today to share with you some material on gnoseological stances that I was to research to make a video. The topic was for a university evaluation. The topic is a bit heavy, so I have divided it into two parts. This is the second part, you can find the first one here.

This time we will talk about skepticism and its different types, as well as criticism.



Skepticism, types of skepticism - Image designed with canva.

Escepticismo radical

El escepticismo es una postura contraria al dogmatismo, puesto que en vez de aceptar ingenuamente los objeto, las percepciones y los pensamientos, tal y como se presentan, el escepticismo desconfía de todo, y considera que no se puede aprehender el objeto e incluso, si hay algún objeto que pueda aprehenderse, el hombre no puede hacerlo y si pudiera, no podrá comunicarlo. La base del escepticismo es la duda, la duda sobre todo y el enfoque en el sujeto y los pensamientos de este.

El objeto sale completamente fuera de la ecuación para los escépticos porque se haya inalcanzable. Para que el escepticismo pueda darse, no debe haber ningún tipo de juicio o reflexión, pues no se considera que exista una verdad alcanzable.

Es así, como el filósofo Pirrón decía que: no negaba ni aceptaba nada, solo opinaba. Según Johannes Hessen para los escépticos radicales, como no hay conocimiento ni juicio verdadero, se recomienda la abstención de todo juicio, conocido también como epojé.

Escepticismo atenuado

Luego del escepticismo establecido por el filósofo Pirrón, se encuentra el escepticismo medio o académico fundado por los filósofos Arcilesao y Carneades, quienes concordaban con la postura de Pirrón hasta cierto punto. La diferencia critica se hallaba en que el sujeto no podía considerar ningún juicio como verdad o conocimiento, sin embargo, daba espacio para realizar la afirmación de “parece probable” dando así lugar a una posibilidad que se acerca al conocimiento verdadero.

Otra forma de escepticismo atenuado, es el escepticismo mitigado de David Hume, quien dice que hay dos tipos de escepticismo, uno previo todo estudio filosófico y otro posterior al estudio filosófico, el primero atiende a una postura más cercana al escepticismo de Pirrón, y el otro segundo, hace referencia al escepticismo académico, negando todo juicio o verdad, pero permitiendo afirmar la existencia de una probabilidad. El escepticismo mitigado de David Hume, también se ve más influenciado por el sentido, y las percepciones, antes que la razón y la objetividad, esto resulta así por su naturaleza empirista.

Radical skepticism

Skepticism is a position contrary to dogmatism, since instead of naively accepting objects, perceptions and thoughts, as they are presented, skepticism distrusts everything, and considers that the object cannot be apprehended and even, if there is any object that can be apprehended, man cannot do it and if he could, he will not be able to communicate it. The basis of skepticism is doubt, doubt about everything and the focus on the subject and the subject's thoughts.

The object is completely out of the equation for skeptics because it is unattainable. In order for skepticism to occur, there must be no judgment or reflection of any kind, for there is no such thing as an attainable truth.

Thus, the philosopher Pyrrhon said that he neither denied nor accepted anything, he only gave his opinion. According to Johannes Hessen, for radical skeptics, since there is no true knowledge or judgment, abstention from all judgment is recommended, also known as epojé.

Attenuated skepticism

After the skepticism established by the philosopher Pyrrhon, we find the middle or academic skepticism founded by the philosophers Arcilesao and Carneades, who agreed with Pyrrhon's position to a certain extent. The critical difference was that the subject could not consider any judgment as truth or knowledge, however, it gave room to make the statement "it seems probable" thus giving rise to a possibility that approaches true knowledge.

Another form of attenuated skepticism is the mitigated skepticism of David Hume, who says that there are two types of skepticism, one prior to any philosophical study and the other after philosophical study, the first one is closer to Pyrrhon's skepticism, and the second one refers to academic skepticism, denying any judgment or truth, but allowing to affirm the existence of a probability. The mitigated skepticism of David Hume is also more influenced by sense and perceptions, rather than reason and objectivity, due to its empiricist nature.


Criticism - Image designed with canva.


El criticismo es la postura que se haya en el punto intermedio entre el dogmatismo y el escepticismo, los cuales resultan ser completamente opuestos. El criticismo toma en cuenta el valor de la razón humana para considerar como cierto algún conocimiento, pero no cae en la ingenuidad del dogmatismo, no afirma nada como una verdad absoluta. Por el contrario, a pesar de creer en la capacidad cognoscitiva del ser humano, se pregunta el porqué del objeto, busca los motivos y las fuentes necesarias para probar la veracidad de algo.

Esta característica del criticismo hace alusión al escepticismo, sin embargo, al combinar las virtudes de ambas posturas se puede obtener un medio más acertado para aprehender el conocimiento, en el cual no se acepta nada fácilmente, pero tampoco se rechaza rotundamente cualquier juicio al punto de suspender todo juicio. Su fundador es el filósofo llamado Kant, pero también es posible ver algo del criticismo en Locke, Hume, Platón, Aristóteles, Descartes y Leibniz.

Según Johannes Hessen el criticismo es "aquel método de filosofar que consiste en investigar las fuentes de las propias afirmaciones y objeciones y las razones en que las mismas descansan, método que da la esperanza de llegar a la certeza".


Criticism is the position that lies in the middle ground between dogmatism and skepticism, which happen to be complete opposites. Criticism takes into account the value of human reason to consider as true some knowledge, but it does not fall into the naivety of dogmatism, it does not affirm anything as an absolute truth. On the contrary, in spite of believing in the cognitive capacity of the human being, it questions the reason for the object, it looks for the reasons and sources necessary to prove the veracity of something.

This characteristic of criticism alludes to skepticism, however, by combining the virtues of both positions, a more accurate means of apprehending knowledge can be obtained, in which nothing is easily accepted, but neither is any judgment rejected outright to the point of suspending all judgment. Its founder is the philosopher Kant, but it is also possible to see something of criticism in Locke, Hume, Plato, Aristotle, Descartes and Leibniz.

According to Johannes Hessen, criticism is "that method of philosophizing which consists in investigating the sources of one's assertions and objections and the reasons on which they rest, a method which gives hope of arriving at certainty."



The Gnoseological postures established by the philosophers of antiquity, allowed to perceive the surrounding phenomena in a certain way. Such perceptions could be subject to error, given their radical nature and little openness to claims. They did not allow significant progress, however, criticism emerges as a position that allowed a more mature and precise vision to perceive and interpret the knowledge of the world.

Referencias bibliográficas - References

HESSEN, JOHANNESS. "Teoría del conocimiento", Recuperado el 30/05/22. Traducción: GAOS, JOSÉ. ILCA. (Obra original publicada en 1980)

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Other publications:

Introducción a la psicología - Introduction to Psychology [ENG/ESP] | ph-fund 35% | #club75

Introduction to Psychology: "A little bit of science, part 1". [ENG/ESP] | ph-fund 35% | #club75

Introduction to Psychology: "A little bit of science, part 2". [ENG/ESP] | ph-fund 35% | #club75

Psychology: "Psychological Methods, Part 1". [ENG/ESP] | ph-fund 35% | #club75

Introduction to the scientific method: "Gnoseological Positions" Part 1 | #club100 | ph-fund 35%

This publication is set to deliver 35% of the rewards obtained to the community account @ ph-fund.

And of course, I also thank the rest of the curators, moderators and administrators who strive every day so that there is not a single publication without attention.

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Un punto que a menudo se suele dejar de lado, es que, para tener un adecuado escepticismo es necesario tener un amplio cuerpo de conocimiento.

Si una persona no sabe de un tema, no tiene de dónde agarrar el nuevo conocimiento, y puede creer cualquier cosa. Ergo: un fallado escepticismo.

I hope my Spanish is understandable.

Thank you very much for commenting, I thought that most did not like these topics. As for Spanish, it is perfectly understood.

Blessings to you.

#affable #venezuela

Idk about "most", but I do like them.
Tú hiciste un buen trabajo!

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Good morning, thank you very much for the support. I will continue to share valuable content that can be useful for learning.

Happy day.

#affable #venezuela

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